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Blythe / Ada RPG
The Warchief roared as he noticed the fire coming from his amulet was losing power from the rain, though the magical flames still continued to linger amongst his armor and warhammer. "So the witch comes out of hiding now...good, I'll get both of you..."

"You should have left when you had the chance...all you should find here is death." Ada focused another spell in her paw as the behemoth morph rushed towards them. A cool sapphire glow illuminated her fur before she let loose and ice spell on the Warchief, his left arm coated in thick sheet of ice, some blood drizzling down the side. His advance never wavered however.

"Fire and ice, earth and wind, I'll take anything you have and still come at you!" he roared before swinging at the ground with his heavy hammer despite the pain and numbing in his other appendage. A good sized quake shook the ground and effectively knocking everything in front of him over sans the trees.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Fool.." Blythe warped away from the ground ontop of one of the fallen trees from the quake "..lemme ask you something dumb shit.." he brought his paws together lightning starts to gather within them "why they hell did you think I made it rain...not just to douse your armor, you can't win with just one element alone!" the lightning in his paws started to grow "If you really want an effective attack...combine the elements!!" The gray mage wolf then unleashed a Chained Lightning attack on the soaked Warchief aswell as his lackies standing ear by as the water enhanced the effectiveness of the lightning attack.
Several of the behemoths that had been under the small raincloud were instantly killed, the harsh bolt frying their insides completely while they fell to the ground in a near simultaneous thud. The few remaining grunts fled for their lives, lest they meet the fate of the others and the first squad. However, a chuckling remained as the Warchief slowly arose, some smoke leaving his scarred but otherwise healthy body. "I have to hand it to you, you ain't some weakling, I see why they want you so bad. But it doesn't matter that you broke my little toy, there's still have plenty of fight in me..." he declared as a few pieces of ruby fell from his chest plate, his fire amulet cracked from the spell as the fires left his being. Regardless, he continued his assault renewed yet alone.

Ada had used the same idea as Blythe, teleporting to avoid the earlier quake as she watched the beast man approach the grey wolf. Her magic formed a temporary telepathic link with him as she told him, Blythe, try to hold him off and I'll strike from behind, alright? Her paws prepared another spell, a green shine gracing her hands for a few moments as she prepared to attack.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
As soon as he got the message he quickly acted leaping down from the tree onto the forest ground where the Warchief was "Come on beasty." Blythe's paw rose and with it a chunk of earth rose up and as it did he jumped up to kick it send the piece of earth flying at the behemoth to keep his attention on him.
The chunk of terra hit the behemoth with a thud, an annoyed growl leaving his maw while he made another charge, swinging his warhammer towards the wolf's head.

"Inferno Flare..." muttered Ada once her spell had fully formed, swiftly launching from her paw down towards the chief. The fireball drenched the beastman in searing flames once more, though this time they brought nothing but pain for him as he lost focus for a moment.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Witnessing the Behemoth ungulf in flames Blythe smirked "Nice..time to show this moron the the nether world." Centering his paws the gray wolf starts to gather oxygen around him he starts circling his paws forming a sphere of oxygen trapped inside concentrating to keep its form. "Aero bomb!" the mage wolf through the oxygen bomb at the Warchief. Upon contact the flames explodes in a huge torrent of flames that only increased in heat. Blythe stood there watching the flames not moving an inch though beads of sweat trickled down his brow.
"Excellent combination, Blythe," remarked the spellcasting vixen while she observed the behemoth falling to the forest floor dead. Most of his flesh and armor had burned away before the magical fires died out, the beast man now nothing but a treat for the scavengers. "I suppose that ends it for now...thank you..." With that, Ada started leaving the battleground, uttering to the gray wolf, "Well, I won't stop you, go ahead and leave if that's what you wish...I had just hoped, forget it. Farewell." She did not look back at him while she kept a rather indifferent expression on her muzzle. Her green eyes however started to look a little watery while she slowly left.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Blythe continued to stare at the Behemoth's corpse that was just a blackened singed version of itself. This was the very reason why he decided he could never get close to him...for some reason trouble had always followed him wherever he goes. If he was even becomming friends with somebody they would be caught right in the middle which usually end in massive deaths, but looking at the corpse he started to think. Perhaps....perhaps with Ada even if trouble would find him he could fend it off with her. The gray wolf looked over his shoulder seeing her leave "Perhaps...this will be different.." Blythe thought to himself then he faded out then appeared infront of Ada then extended his finger to her nose to gently stop her "Thats the second time you've saved my tail ya know.."
"I hardly did it alone..." she answered, a small blush under her fur from that comment. Her eyes meanwhile had begun to dry up a little upon seeing him before her again. " fact, if it weren't for your help my house would probably be little more than firewood..." Curiosity and a tad bit of relief swept over her system before she asked, "So why did you come back...did you forget something...or is there some other reason?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"..and without your help I'd be that Warchief would probably had killed me for sure. The reason I was going to leave is because I don't want to be responsible fore anyone else's death. A few years ago I started to get close to some people in a village one day I came back from hunting for the villagers and then before my eyes ogres were tearing up the town and devouring the people. When I ran into help thier Ogre Lord knew I was their and they had some sort of revenge they had against me saying I had slain one of their brothers. After killing the ogres I swoar to myself I would never get close to anybody ever again to prevent mass murders in cause of me."

Blythe looked up at Ada straight into her green eyes beads of sweat still trickled down his face from the intense heat of the battle. "Though we've fended off two encounters and you weren't harmed at all"