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What do you hate to see in a lemon?
Quote:You know that probally only happens to you.
(lack of concentration maybe?)
On cold days, I have the "frightened turtle" thing (Seinfeld), and if I don't pull back the skin, the piss goes everywhere. With even more skin, I'd be screwed.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
OK sure, you know this is probally the only conversation about this I've ever had.
Just to get back on topic now...

More stuff I hate to see in lemons:
Great sex scenes attached to well-thought out plots, except that only the sex is written with any style.
Twisting characters to make them gay or lesbian only for no good reason.
I don't understand what you mean by the first one but the second is bad but I think it's done with guy characters mostly.
For the second, yes, but it's annoying (possibly since I'm normal old heterosexual) when the writers of the series gave NO indication to anybody's sexual preferences outside of the Adventure epilogue, which says they all married and therefore are hetero. For the other two seasons, it's safe to assume they're hetero since gayness isn't exactly children's television material yet.

Hence, it is completely uncanon to say a given guy from Digimon is completely gay.

About the first one, the best two examples I can think of are Sonimon (DHZ) and Zakuyoe (DaD, this one also does the gayness thing, but to a lesser degree since his series is uncanon in the first place).
just about anything can go exept self insertion ... I truly hate any form of self insertion its like reading some realy bad fantasy x.X it usualy makes the story quite illogical aswell .... asside from that most lemons are fine : )
I really don't see you investigating, Unknown.
Quote:Male circumcision tends not to kill us, AND we can still experience sexual pleasure afterwards. Or so I'm told about that second part.
I've been told that they do hinder sexual pleasure, that's why they say that Jews are good lovers cuz they need more time to get turned on. I also heard that that's not only cuz they lose sensitivity, they lose the lubrication the glans provides.
Now that I think about it.....I always wanted to know how a guy pees. Can any of you kind guys tell me how?

You stand over a toilet, you unzip, you whip it out, aim, and then piss.
*raises an eyebrow* Of course, I was talking about being more specifical.
Like, what is that thing of 'pulling back the skin' for peeing, and that turtle thing? And how do you hold it while peeing?
The turtle thing just describes how it looks if cold but really that's all it is to it, I take it out keep it over the toilet and go, it's not that hard to understand.

Quote:I've been told that they do hinder sexual pleasure, that's why they say that Jews are good lovers cuz they need more time to get turned on.

Hey Wise good news! lol