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Marrying the Enemy take two (private for shadowknight)
Casey just nuzzled Lupe's neck as she tried to tell him something before she nearly broke down into tears again. "It is okay... you did nothing wrong,' he said softly to her to reassure the werewolfess that she did nothing wrong. When Katt spoke up about Lupe imprinting on him he just stared wide eye at the girl that as the same age as him. "Why didn't you tell me with the empathy bond we share it is so similar to your imprint...?" he asked as he rubbed her back. "I mean any male or female could have been married off pretty much.... it didn't have to be me...," he sighed as he trailed off. Then he looked over at Katt and decided to tell her more about the empathy bonding. "Empathy bonding is very similar to imprinting... except this bond takes time to form and different degrees. The one that is forming between you and me is just like the one me and Lupe she can always tell what I am feeling when we are close... and it makes lying a very hard thing to pull off for most...," he stated blushing all the more.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"I, I was going to, but then, you started talking about the plan to marry into their family," Lupe whiped away at her cheeks, her fur matted down with her tears, "I didn't want to risk ruining all that your family had sacrificed, so I didn't say anything, and I hid it. It wasn't easy, but I somehow managed to keep you from experiencing my truest feelings."

Katt just stared in awe as she listened, "Incredible, I've never known about that. That's pretty neat, to be able to experience your partners feelings like that. It's probably a good thing it develops slowly, it sounds like it'd be weird to suddenly be experiencing that as soon as you were wed," She smiled a bit as she wrapped an arm around Casey's neck, and another around Lupe's, "Well, guess now that empathy bond will have to work three ways won't it?" she winked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey nodded glad that Lupe didn't try stop the marriage his father had arranged for him actually his uncle and finished it; but yes it was his father idea. "At least I got two lovely girls now," roared happily. "Everyone in the family just about shares one with another," he stated about the empathy bond, "Yes it will work three way relationship. Also most likely if me and your parents hit it off they won't be able to to me easily in a year or two," he stuck out his tongue playfully. "I know you and me Lupe might be ready to go further but till Katt is ready lets hold off?" he asked as he rubbed their backs as it seemed like he started to purr.

Soon the other couple came into the living room baring trays of pizza bites, some raw steak and a bottle of wine and some cola for Katt. "Here you go guys and some wine for you and Lupe and some cola for and snack trays for you all," Johnathon said with a smile as he sat down the tray of wine and glasses. Jessica had pizza bites in one hand and in the other she had the raw meet. While Bridget carried a fondo pot and burner to cook the meat with and setup on the thick wooden table.

"Um thanks for the wine; but I think I speak for all three of us when I say we don't want it," he said with a smile hoping he was right and not stepping at least on Lupe's toes, since he couldn't remember what age Katt was.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"That's fine with me," Lupe growled softly as she nuzzled against Casey's muzzle, "I'm just so happy to be with you, thank you so much Katt, thank you both for letting me into your marriage." she smiled happily, leaning over and licking Katt's cheek as well.

"Happy to have you Lupe, I'm sure this'll work out even better, it'll be nice having someone so close that I can talk to who's another girl." Katt giggled a bit. She licked her lips as she smelt the food coming, a bit before it actually arrived. She quickly reached out for the bottle of wine, smiling a bit, "Speak for yourself, nothing makes a night fun like a bit of drinking." she chuckled, she was always a bit of a drinker, though she at least knew how to hold her drinks so the odds of her getting drunk weren't very high as she popped off the cork, pouring herself a glass, "Come on, a toast to our new life." she suggested.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey nodded and licked Lube cheek as she licked Katt's. When Katt said it would work out better he just chuckle as he kissed her cheek. 'No I rather you wouldn't tonight...," he trailed off and blushed. "Yes I know me and Lupe does like to drink and can easily hold our liquor; because of the faster than normal metabolism. But still I rather not till we all are ready to move the relationship forward," he said blushing deeply feeling embarrassed. He was a happy horny drunk and when ever he got drunk he would curl with the nearest female and either cuddle or even try to hump the leg like a dog, as he giggled. "We can still toast even if we don't drink Katt," he said as he continue to blush deeply.

"Oh I know why you don't want to drink Casey," Bridget giggled some as she give the newlywed a devious grin. "He just doesn't want to end up doing the do before any of you are ready; because he is a horny drunk," she said quickly before giggling as she ran to get away if he tried to catch her. The other two werelions just stood there flabbergasted by what Bridget just had done.

Casey just waited to crawl into a whole and die from embarrassment. "Yeah... I am so rather not...," he said meakly as he trailed off. "Um... uh.. one time I nearly stuck it to granny...because she also a horny drunk as well," he admitted sheepishly he was trying to turn this embarrassing moment into that was comedic or something better than it was.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt chuckled a bit, "Alright, no drinking tonight then," she laughed, knowing she could get a bit frisky herself if she drank too much, "We'll just use something non-alchoholic." she suggested as she set the wine down and grabbed a soda, "I hope you don't have any problems with caffeine." she smiled.

"Ewww, Casey don't tell that story," Lupe chuckled a bit as she pushed Casey teasingly, nearly pushing herself backwards as she did due to his larger and more muscular frame, "I think it's a were thing, seems to happen to alot of them. Then again might just be his family." Lupe grinned.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey nods to to when Katt said they would need to drink something with caffeine. When Lupe acted like she was grossed out and pushed herself away, he was glad he had his arm around her and chuckles softly. "I got worse stories than that...," he trailed off nervously. "Yes the family is close because of the empathy bond you can tell what kind of love there is between each other," he admitted. They because of the empathy bond sometimes were much closer than they should be as a family, it was an accepted practice as long impregnated their mates only.

After moment he spoke up again, "Um how about we watch a movie or something?" he asked as he started to become around some his cock poking out of his slit since he was a natural born weredragon. He let out a low needy whine like growl, while he reached around both girls and cupped their breasts softly sub coming to his desires and instincts. He caressed their breasts as he shook his head and let out a growl of anger as he realized what he is doing. He couldn't let himself succumb to his desires like this. After moment let go of their breasts as he lowered his hands to the bellies then finally removed his arms. "Sorry guys... maybe we should sit apart for a bit?" he suggested.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Yeah, a movie sounds nice. How about a, mmm," Katt blushed suddenly as Casey cupped her breast, fidgeting a bit as she let out a soft purr, almost followed by a whimper as the hand was suddenly removed. She place a hand over onto Casey's as she felt it on her stomache, smiling a bit at him before he moved away from her again, "Uhm, yeah, if you want to," she said, blushing a bit.

Next to her Lupe mimiced her, albeit clearly enjoying it quite more than Katt had thanks to her own instincts as she began cuddling even closer to Casey, as she growled softly with pleasure. She grabbed onto Casey's hand and brought it back to her stomache almost as soon as he pulled it away, "No, don't go, come on we'll put on a nice comedy or action movie. That'll help get your mind off... well you know." she grinned a bit, able to sense Casey's arousal.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey was still very tempted to move his paw back up to there chests as Lupe moved his paw back to her belly. "Sure sounds good to me," he stated with a smile as he removed his paw again. "Be right back got to go to the bathroom," he half lied. Yes it was true he needed to take a leak it wasn't that bad, what he really was going to do was take care of his ranging boner. He pushed both girls off onto the sofa. As he walked keeping his firm butt in front of them to avoid them from seeing his raging boner.

Soon he stood at his old bedroom door as he opened it up. Last time he was in his room he was a free man and it was Christmas Break last year. The young weredragon sniffed his room and enjoyed the scents since it smelled like him still even though it was somewhat dusty. He removed his shorts quickly as he got up on the bed and curled up. He had no problem sucking himself off since he done it for the past four years, other than the creak in the neck he got every now and then. Soon he put his snout around his length and began to suckle himself as his tongue ran up and down the four of eight inches that was in his mouth. He then slowly reached and grabbed his testicles gently as he rolled them around. He moaned softly around his cock as he bucked his hips.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt and Lupe waited till he had left the room before glancing at eachother, both girls grinning a bit, "You see it?" Katt chuckled. Despite Casey's attempt both girls had not only guessed at what he was really leaving for, but also had spotted his enlarged dragonhood, "How big do you think it was? I couldn't tell thanks to him turning so fast, looked like a good eight or nine inches."

"Wanna go see?" Lupe smiled mischievously, as she turned towards the direction Casey had gone, "His old bedrooms that way, bet you a steak that's where he went to, 'relieve' himself." she couldn't help but laugh a bit at the thought. She saw Katt fidget slightly, "Don't worry, it won't necesarilly lead to anything serious. But that doesn't mean we can't have a little bit of fun right?" She winked as she grabbed Katt's arm, dragging the reluctant feline behind her as she barged into Casey's room, catching him in the middle of sucking himself off, "You know, you've got two wives who could be doing that for you now." Lupe smiled as Katt blushed furiously, even as she found herself staring at his massive cock.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad