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Furry Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry
Darky cocked his head to the side, pondering the question.
Alita blinked, looking down at him. "He.. really thinks that.. but why would he.." she thought, one hand slowly reaching for the veil covering his face. She snatched her hand back roughly, climbing up into her own bed before she could try to do anything else she wouldn't want to do. "I will be patient... he will tell me eventually.. but what did he mean that some of us arent blessed in that way.. He is so nice... why would it matter if he isn't good looking.. that's no reason to hide his face..."

She curled up in the bed, and tried to go to sleep, but a cold breeze blew in through the window, cutting through the thin blanket and her fur. She shivered there for several minutes, hoping that te wind would stop, but it didn't. She did the one thing she could think of doing at that point. She took her blanket off of the bed, and climbed down again.

"I hope he doesn't mind... but there is no way I am going to be able to sleep in here.. alone..." she thought as she slipped in underneath his blanket, and draped her's over both of them, carefully putting her arms around Darky from behind as she lay down.

The gentle warmth of their bodies beneath the two blankets was enough to make her sleepy again as she closed her eyes, her breathing deepening, and growing more steady as she drifted off to sleep.
OOC: Seeing as neither of us can control the time at the moment, I think we need something to occupy ourselves until everyone is ready to move to the next day.


Darky squirmed in his sleep at Alita's touch, letting out a small whimper. Her embrace, while meaning no harm, had awakened a hidden part of his memory. He began squirming lively, as though trying to escape an invisible prison that was binding his body.

"No...don't, Father...leave me alone!" he whimpered, his eyes twitching under his lids, signalling that he was dreaming. He shot his arms out, waving them through the air in an attempt to fight off an invisible attacker that only he could see.
As Darky began squirming about, Alita instinctively pulled him in closer, his body rubbing against hers as she slept on, her dreams were troubling to her on other ways than his, not because they were unpleasant, but because she didn't understand them.

"mmm... that's good..." she murmured quietly, a faint rumbling coming from deep within her chest as she began to purr quietly. Though no one could see it, she blushed a deep crimson color as she found herself embarrassed at the content of her dream.
OOC: What the hell? The new software just completely lost my post!


Jade jumped "What? Oh... yeah... can't sleep..." She sighed to herself, lazing in the chair, her lizard-like tongue flicking in unconcious irritation "... can't stop thinking that I'm in the wrong place either..."
"you got picked for slytherin right? then yeah, you're in the right place."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Snow sighed softly then made a great big yawn then stretched her arms and legs shaking her head "Bedtime boys see you in the morning." she slowly headed towards the girl's bunk house "I dont care I"m not bunking with the boys." she huffed as she entered the girl's bedroom. She got into her pajamas and slipped into her bed slowly falling asleep.
"Yeah, right..." Jade sank further into the chair "If I'm in the right place, why won't anyone so much as talk to me? And no one from the other houses want anything to do with me because of this stupid rivalry thing."
"hey, i'm talking to you, right?." ereth said, grinning some. "yeah i know...noone from the other tables would even say anything to me. they just shook thier heads, or somthing, and turned back around."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan