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Blythe / Ada RPG
A small groan left the vixen's muzzle, but she returned to deep slumber, unaware that he was leaving, her breathing peaceful once more.

(Outside Forest Perimeter)

"Boss, I really don't think this is a good idea...I mean we sent a dozen of our greatest warriors...if they didn't come back then..."

The behemoth's speech was cut off by the squad leader, his great war axe held in front of his minion. "Cowardice is for the quit whimpering and go, we'll have a little surprise for that witch this time," declared the commander before moving forwards into the woods.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Blythe took one last look at the vixen sleeping before heading out the door leaving her to sleep peacefully "..I just..don't want to get too attatched.." he said to himself before starting to walk away from the house "..I dont want anybody getting hurt or killed because I was with them..." as he walked by he sliced sideways with his scyth cutting down a tree taking out his frustration upon it.
"Ahhh, what was that!" cried the young behemoth again, clutching his war hammer in his mitts.

"Too big to be a damn chipmunk, our target and that witch are near," declared the war chief, his war axe reflecting the morning sun brilliantly.

"And that's a good thing?!" he gasped, the foot soldier wondering if his superior was just brave or being stupid. Oh, its got to be the second one.

"Quit whimpering, grunt. We'll be fine with this little toy our shaman made."

More rustling filled the forest area as they approached closer to Blythe and the house he was leaving behind.

(Ada's Home)

Finally being prompted by the strong shine of daylight, Ada's eyes finally began to open, their emerald hue showing the purest of greens under that fine morning. She felt her surroundings for a moment, her body feeling a bit more tired than usual, her memories a tad fuzzy until she recalled last night. "Blythe?" Upon seeing she was alone, the black mage immediately retrieved her clothes magically and prepared to look for him, sensing he wasn't too far. Why is he leaving, and without at least some sort of farewell... Perhaps misfortune shall be my only companion...
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Blythe continued his trot through the forest obviously pretty pissed off at himself for having feelings for someone yet again. The last person that he got close to was killed because he was staying with her and the beasts that was chasing him assumed she was his accompliss so they killed her. From that day he vowed to never get close to someone ever again which he had broken "Damn it all to hell...why does god poor more shit onto my plate...does he hate me so or does he want me to wander the either in eternal loneliness?" The gray wolf growled deeply "I hope Ada fines somone safer to be with..."
She walked outside into the fresh morning, a small breeze brushing against the trees encompassing her quaint abode. Ada took a brief sniff of the air, her canine senses noticing that he hadn't left too long ago. That accursed Feral Potion...I must find him and at least apologize...wait a moment, is that... Upon realizing that it was the scent of more behemoths, the vixen began to pursue Blythe as best she could in her dark robes.


A small band of behemoths cleared through another thick brush before finding themselves face to face with the grey wolf, a wide grin upon the war chief's muzzle. "Well, I can smell that you took care of that last group we scent, but you won't be escaping this time, wolf." A small glimmer came from his chest, a glow illuminating from his chest plate.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Blythe growled upon seeing the behemoth Warchief and his lackies around him "If you want more of your soldiers to die then come at me but if you want to see another sunrise you better get out of my way."
"Good...I was hoping you'd resist, it means I can try this out," he declared before the red glow in his chest plate grew stronger before his armor burned with a strong inferno along with his weapon. The flames did not seem to lap at his purplish fur though they did not halt in eating away at the grass around him. "I normally don't like using magic, but I'll make an exception in this case!" With that he lunged forwards, making a brave swing with his war hammer, striking the wolf's torso with his hulking weapon of fire.

Ada continued following the scent Blythe had left behind before she came upon the clearing where the War Chief was attacking Blythe, a squadron of Behemoths behind him eagerly watching. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the leader strike the gray wolf, a gasp leaving her muzzle as she went to prepare a spell for a sneak attack.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Caught slightly off guard Blythe couldnt summon any magic on instinct he tried to block the warhammer with his scythe which stopped it momentarily trying to hold it back but as it held the wood of his scythe started to crack "..Shit..!" The behemoth's warhammer broke the wolf's scyth which sent him flying into a tree hard and fell to the ground.
Concerned for Blythe more so than anything else that moment, Ada let off a quick Paralyze spell on the War Chief to stun his actions for a few moments. She then rushed over to where Blythe had been flung, only a bit to her right as she looked down to the grey wolf on the ground. The vixen groaned as she regretted not focusing more so on healing spells back when she was studying at the Arcane University. Her paws glowed with a dim white light as she attempted to heal Blythe the best she could, asking him after the spell, "Blythe...are you injured?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
The healing spell did half of its job the blood that trickled from Blythe's nose had stopped but the pain was still there "I' fine.." he glanced up at Ada groaning as he slowly got up "..why did you help he'll just come after you too..." The wolf looked at the paralyzed Warchief and growled deeply before taking a vial from his vest which he through at the feet of the behemoth Warchief. Right when the glass broak all of the moisture that was on the ground was gathered forming into a gray cloud which hovered over the behemoth and his horde which started to rain making them completely wet.