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DaD - Now what?
I meant to close the vote already but I fell asleep first. Oh well.

I have to admit, I was surprised at the way the votes went.

Thanks to: etherkye, Red Mage Dragon, senjuro, Tiger_I, Anonmon, Lemonmaster0, mowgly, Blackout12, Chibi Renamon, and Wisemon for voting. A grand total of 10 votes. If anybody needs to question votes, then you can take that up with them, and they can take that up with you if they wish to do so. The candidates were Da WOLFE (yours truly), Kous_u, and Zephyr of Darkness.

Well, say hello to your new updater/administrator...


I was surprised that I won the thing, really. I expected some votes, but hey, this is cool! No, I did not cheat.

I really appreciate those who voted for me! I'm going to make sure I do my part well.

Well, are there any objections to the results of the vote?

We can take up that last question as we go along. This makes it a good time to get started. The funding part is being sorted out right now, much thanks to senjuro. Once that and this new updater/admin job is sorted out, then we can take care of this board.
etherkye, I know that Personal PayPals are hit with fewer charges than business ones, but Business accounts can receive debit and creidt card payments, where a Personal account cannot.

If it turns out that no payments are made via these methods, I'll close the current account and start up a "personal" account (which I'll still make accessable to the public). Why pay for a feature if it's not going to be used?

Incidentaly, I believe the account can be set up so that anyone can look at it, but only I or a (few) chosen administrator(s) can actually make things happen with the funds.

Finally, if you are intent on donating, please do so as soon as you can. Depending on where you are donating from, it may take as many as 10 days for your payment to clear. Paypal will automatically exhange your money into USD (which is what the account is set up for), so no worries about figuring out yourself and sending me random amounts of CAD, Euros, British Pounds, Yen, or currencies from other countries. In short, please send your money as USD.

Once again, that e-mail is

Donate away!
Quote:So once we have two updaters, there is a risk of accidentally overwriting changes made by the other updater unless both always update their offline copies. The only other option would be not to keep an offline copy at all (so that you'd have to download all pages you would like to change, edit them and then re-upload them).
Just noting, there are such things as revision control systems. One of these could be used to make sure each and every updater saw the others' changes. For example, CVS won't let you commit your own changes to the central repository until your local copy is absolutely up-to-date with the repository, and so everyone has to have the most recent version of the site (or whatever your writing) in order to update.
Or you make each person in charge of an area.

Da Wolf, you said you wanted to get the boards sorted, you after IPb or vB. I know how to set boards up and i've had experance managing them.
Interesting results. Wish ya the best, Wolfey! :D

Anonmon Wrote:Just noting, there are such things as revision control systems. One of these could be used to make sure each and every updater saw the others' changes. For example, CVS won't let you commit your own changes to the central repository until your local copy is absolutely up-to-date with the repository, and so everyone has to have the most recent version of the site (or whatever your writing) in order to update.
Yes, I am well aware that there are Current-Version Systems and mutual exclusion protocols and what-else not.

However, I was talking about the current setup. And the current setup is basic FTP. If the new team feels like setting up an entire CVS, they can of course do that.

But in my eyes it's overkill.
Well, it looks like we're not done after all. Sorry for not reading your e-mail thoroughly enough, Chibi. We need somebody to sort and format comments. You know, the ones people leave authors and artists about them and their work. THIS PERSON CANNOT SLACK OFF! The comments must be done! Any volunteers? Kous_u, I believe you said you had extra time on your hands once. Would you be willing to do this job?
Congrats on your position, Wolfey! We're counting on you to lead the way!

I could help sort and format, but you'll have to give me the basic instructions. I can do it on a daily basis, though I doubt we get bundles of comments daily. Always worth a try...
Well, here's the basic thing:

The comment sorter will receive comments in e-mail. He or she will format them into HTML and then send the formatted comments to me so that I can make them part of the update.
You want a new forum? prossible IPB or vB?

You know, the knows tha are harder to hack and look a whole lot cooler.
That would be a good idea, but it's the least of our concerns for now. We can take care of the board once the main site is up and running.