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Say Goodbye to Gas Guzzlers?
UnknownH Wrote:
Ghost_Op Wrote:PESOS? Where the hell are you from?
Possibly from a spanish speaking country.
The most useful site ever...
Especally for people who don't know a lot or don't try looking things up.
To me, cars have only one purpose: To be chased! Chasing cars is a great mode of excercise, plus its fun!
UnknownH Wrote:Especally for people who don't know a lot or don't try looking things up.

Thank you for the unneccesary and incorrect hostility, seeing as I use the site all the time, and simply didn't think of it then.
Quote:A German man has created a desiel fuel compatable with all desiel cars from dead cats and other rotting goods
I heard about this one. I even wrote a poem about it.

Tongue Got Your Cat

[color=black]Dr. Christian Koch of Kleinhartmannsdorf
Has invented a fuel made of cat cadavers.
One hundred and five thousand miles traveled,
With twenty cats required for each full tank of gas.

The soy-sucking activists would probably object,
But it makes me contemplate the business potential.
In theory, I could save cats from the cruelty of shelters,
And breed them for mass euthanasia in blenders,

Or invent the world
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Ghost_Op Wrote:Thank you for the unneccesary and incorrect hostility, seeing as I use the site all the time, and simply didn't think of it then.
Well then, thank you for the explaination. I'm sorry then.

That's pretty disturbing wise.
Quote:A German man has created a desiel fuel compatable with all desiel cars from dead cats and other rotting goods
I heard about this one. I even wrote a poem about it.

Tongue Got Your Cat

[color=black]Dr. Christian Koch of Kleinhartmannsdorf
Has invented a fuel made of cat cadavers.
One hundred and five thousand miles traveled,
With twenty cats required for each full tank of gas.

The soy-sucking activists would probably object,
But it makes me contemplate the business potential.
In theory, I could save cats from the cruelty of shelters,
And breed them for mass euthanasia in blenders,

Or invent the world
UnknownH Wrote:
Ghost_Op Wrote:Thank you for the unneccesary and incorrect hostility, seeing as I use the site all the time, and simply didn't think of it then.
Well then, thank you for the explaination. I'm sorry then.

That's pretty disturbing wise.

Thank you for the apology.

Back on topic, that poem was AWESOME.
That was a fantastic poem.
Um, some environment friendly energy (excuse my lack of technical English):
Solar: Overwhelming in many places of the planet. Just imagine if those Iraq people would deal in solar energy instead of oil.
Water: Overwhelming in many places of the planet as well. All islands could be supplied with that.
Wind: Endless in many places. It is said that if someone would cover the Patagonia with windmills all South America would have enough energy supply.

None of them contaminate, none of them leaves ashes or toxic gases, none of them are expensive, they are all naturally abundant depending on the area.

And pesos is the Argentine currency!!!! Sheesh!! Both DMX and me are Argentine! The world doesn't end in US and Europe!!!!

Oh yeah, that's the most technical poem I've read, Wise. It's kind of a poem that somebody who lived in a high tech place would make (think the other side of the sea in Breath of Fire 3).
(And as usual, pretty...disturbing. But I know it's your intention).