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"We are human, after all" - Daft Punk
UnknownH Wrote:We do have soap and smarter doctors now
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Oh and shotgun by the way" - Griff

"Shotgun FUCK" Simmons - RVB


"This sword is a key!" - Tucker

"You can still stab people with it" - Church

"Or maybe it's always a key and when you put it in people, it unlocks their death!" - Caboose - RVB
"How did Mary Die?"
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"A recession is when your neighbor is unemployed, a depression is when you're unemployed, and a recovery is when Obama is unemployed."

"A depression is a recession the government fixed."

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”

Groucho Marx American Philosopher

"You seek escape from pain. We seek the achievement of happiness. You exist for the sake of avoiding punishment. We exist for the sake of earning rewards. Threats will not make us function; fear is not our incentive. It is not death that we wish to avoid, but life that we wish to live."

"Money demands that you sell, not your weakness to men's stupidity, but your talent to their reason."

"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it."

"Through centuries of scourges and disasters, brought about by your code of morality, you have cried that your code had been broken, that the scourges were punishment for breaking it, that men were too weak and too selfish to spill all the blood it required. You damned men, you damned existence, you damned this earth, but never dared to question your code. Your victims took the blame and struggled on, with your curses as reward for their martyrdom - while you went on crying that your code was noble, but human nature was not good enough to practice it. And no one rose to ask the question: Good? - by what standard?"

"America's abundance was created not by public sacrifices to the common good, but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes. They did not starve the people to pay for America's industrialization. They gave the people better jobs, higher wages, and cheaper goods with every new machine they invented, with every scientific discovery or technological advance- and thus the whole country was moving forward and profiting, not suffering, every step of the way."

"Economic power is exercised by means of a positive, by offering men a reward, an incentive, a payment, a value; political power is exercised by means of a negative, by the threat of punishment, injury, imprisonment, destruction. The businessman's tool is values; the bureaucrat's tool is fear."

"Every movement that seeks to enslave a country, every dictatorship or potential dictatorship, needs some minority group as a scapegoat which it can blame for the nation's troubles and use as a justification of its own demands for dictatorial powers. In Soviet Russia, the scapegoat was the bourgeoisie; in Nazi Germany, it was the Jewish people; in America, it is the businessmen."

"The right to vote is a consequence, not a primary cause, of a free social system—and its value depends on the constitutional structure implementing and strictly delimiting the voters' power; unlimited majority rule is an instance of the principle of tyranny."

Ayn Rand

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

Ben Franklin
"The only difference between Obama and Osama was the BS"
"Sex is called love making because there was no love to begin with"
"Money can buy you happiness, take prostitutes for instance"
"Why the fuck do you mess with me so much!?" "Because people like you say things like that"
"Nymph is just another word for a woman who knows how to make a man happy!"
"FUCK ME HARDER!" "Miss... I'm just giving you your order from eBay..." "Yes but wait 'till you see what that order is."
"We're looking for supporters. We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."

Obama supporter

I'm looking forward to it.
"In Soviet Russia, you do not ride horse. Horse rides you!"
"The true face of communism! [Image: 268px-Paper_Stalin.png]"
"Death is just another word for salvation."
"I'm a mod, time to abuse!" ~Me
--=Only In America=--
"Hey new immigrant!" "Hello." "Black people are the kings here, therefore you refer to them as 'Niggers'." "Thanks for the heads up kind sir! Hello Nigger!" "Boy! What did you call me!?" "Oh, I'm sorry, hello MISTER Nigger!" *3 Pieces of hot lead and 2 gang rapes later* "Bitch!"
"Everybody has asked the question ... 'What shall we do with the Negro?' I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are wormeaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! I am not for tying or fastening them on the tree in any way, except by nature's plan, and if they will not stay there, let them fall. And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone!"

Frederick Douglass

"Someone asked me yesterday why I believe in capital punishment. I immediately gave them four good reasons: Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, and Chris Dodd."

Robert Ringer

"Prime Minister, I see you’ve already mastered the essential craft of this Parliament — that being to say one thing in this chamber, and a very different thing to your home electorate. You’ve spoken here about free trade, and amen to that; who would have guessed, listening to you just now, that you were the author of the phrase ‘British Jobs for British Workers’, and that you have subsidised — where you have not nationalised outright — swathes of our economy, including the car industry and many of the banks. Perhaps you would have more moral authority in this house if your actions matched your words. Perhaps you would have more legitimacy in the councils of the world if the United Kingdom were not going into this recession in the worst condition of any G20 country. The truth, Prime Minister, is that you have run out of our money. The country as a whole is now in negative equity. Every British child is born owing around £20,000. Servicing the interest on that debt is going to cost more than educating the child.

Now once again today you tried to spread the blame around, you spoke about an international recession; an international crisis. Well, it is true that we are all sailing together into the squall — but not every vessel in the convoy is in the same dilapidated condition. Other ships used the good years to caulk their hulls and clear up their rigging — in other words, to pay off debt — but you used the good years to raise borrowing yet further. As a consequence, under your captaincy, our hull is pressed deep into the water line, under the accumulated weight of your debt. We are now running a deficit that touches almost 10% of GDP — an unbelievable figure. More than Pakistan, more than Hungary — countries where the IMF has already been called in.

Now, it’s not that you’re not apologising - like everyone else, I’ve long accepted that you’re pathologically incapable of accepting responsibility for these things — it’s that you’re carrying on, wilfully worsening the situation, wantonly spending what little we have left. Last year, in the last twelve months, 125,000 private sector jobs have been lost — and yet you’ve created 30,000 public sector jobs. Prime Minister you cannot go on forever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecedented engorging of the unproductive bit.

You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt. And when you repeat, in that wooden and perfunctory way, that our situation is better than others, that we’re well placed to weather the storm, I have to tell you, you sound like a Brezhnev-era Apparatchik giving the party line. You know, and we know, and you know that we know that it’s nonsense. Everyone knows that Britain is the worst placed to go into these hard times. The IMF has said so. The European Commission has said so. The markets have said so, which is why our currency has devalued by 30% — and soon the voters, too, will get their chance to say so.

They can see what the markets have already seen: that you are a devalued Prime Minister, of a devalued Government.”

Dan Hannan (by the way, I'm not putting this up so much because of what he said...but because he was so damn blunt! I've never heard a politician talk like that; the above sounds more like something I'd expect from a talk radio host).
There's a gaurd - Bolt

I'll snap his neck - Rhino the Hamster.

Just watch the first bit I can't help but crack up and I don't know why...

Spicy eye's! - Gaurd
"How did Mary Die?"
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood."

"It is thus necessary that the individual should come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of his nation; that the position of the individual ego is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole...that above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will of an individual...this state of mind, which subordinates the interests of the ego to the conservation of the community, is really the first premise for every truly human culture...we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow man."

Adolf Hitler

"There is a great, silent, continuous struggle: the struggle between the State and the Individual; between the State which demands and the individual who attempts to evade such demands. Because the individual, left to himself, unless he is a saint or a hero, always refuses to pay taxes, obey laws, or go to war."

Benito Mussolini

"Fascist ethics begin...with the acknowledgement that it is not the individual who confers a meaning upon society, but it is, instead, the existence of a human society which determines the human character of the individual. According to Fascism, a true, great spiritual life cannot take place unless the State has risen to a position of preminence in the world of man. The curtailment of liberty thus becomes justified at once, and this need of rising the State to its rightful position."

Mario Palmieri

"All our lives, we fought against exalting the individual, against the elevation of a single person, and long ago we were over and done with the business of a hero, and here it comes up again: the glorification of one personality. This is not good at all."


"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society."

Hillary Clinton

"At a time when our entire country is banding together and facing down individualism, the Patriots set a wonderful example, showing us all what is possible when we work together, believe in one another, and sacrifice for the greater good."

Ted Kennedy

"the good of the many comes before the good of the few."

Anybody notice the disturbing similarities?
"face it, they're gone buddy...But look on the bright side, they gone Buddy!" - Cat Red Dwarf
"How did Mary Die?"
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions