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Pokerus X (A yiffeh Pokemon RP!)
Arcanine murred from the back of her throat as the virus was quickly taking her over "You look very...yummy." she cooed as she started lapping at Erika's tummy which trailed up to where her breasts should be. Her tongue lapped around her chest region.
Sam looked down, currently she couldn't make out wether if the Marshtomp tugging on her pants was male or female, but if he or she knew her, then it had to be Swanny! "You are back!" Sam repeated, then suddenly hugged Diddy tightly, her tail starting to swish involuntairly.

"Ohhhh take me at once!" Swanny begged, trying to hump herself back, "I need it!" she said, forgotting she was dealing with a Pokemon easily two times her size.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Well, that solves that problem." Jack said smiling at the huge amount of cuteness from her earlier pouts.

Tank impassively waved back at Ume still focusing on the odd feeling that something was not right. Ghost pokemon have the tendency to do this. He pondered.

"Come on, man. The supply line is clear." Jack said as he started to walk towards the pokemon supply shop.

Nodding, Tank followed suit. Time to obtain indigo pokeblocks, 30 seconds, time to doing the backseat mambo with whom those pokeblocks are for, anywhere from 1-3 hours I guess. He mused to himself.
Diddy turned a light blue like Sam for split second before regaining his Marshstomp coloring. She is a pokemon this could be real fun he thought as he let go of the trainer and looked at Ume nervously.

Leafy smiled as he heard Swanny beg for him to take her. "Not till I decide to take you," he said as she bit down softly on her shoulder as he played with her tits and pumped his digits in and out of her pussy.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Flame continued lifting her up and slamming into her, with slight more difficulty since he couldn't move in and out as easily as before with her sap-like cum in the way, but it had the added bonus of making her feel much tighter. Flame screeched a bit as he slammed into her, his boiling cum shot out of him, pouring into her canal and melting away a bit of the sticky cum.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Serra moaned in delight as she felt his hot seed flow into her as but soon she started fidgeting because Flames seed was to hot for her bug like body to handle, "Pull out please it burns some," she complained as she tried to get off of fiery bird pokemon
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Flame paused for a second, before finally the effects of the virus wore off along with his lust as he pulled her off with a slight bit of difficulty since it was still quite sticky. He set her down on the ground as he rested and caught his breath a bit, "That, felt wonderful." He said between quick gasps.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ume looked at Diddy and tilted her head slightly, sensing something... although not quite sure what "S-Swanny?"
Sam, now really happy, almost teared a bit, "Tee-hee! It's so good to see you back! I thought you'd get hurt or something!" she said to Diddy, pulling back from the hug as she smiled to Ume, "Look! She's back Ume!" Samantha smiled sweetly, and prepared to share her happiness with Jack- if he would have been there, "Uhm... Jack?" she asked no one, blinking.

"Nnggghhh..." Swanny grunted, her pussy was already aching since she didn't get what she wanted, "Goddamnit do it!" she roared in a demanding tone, bucking herself back, aiming to pierce the giant piece of meat deep inside her pussy or ass.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Shadow yawned a bit, glancing at the pokegear on his wrist to see the time, Man, what's taking them so long? Figured they'd be back by now. He sat up and stretched a bit, his legs getting restless from sitting too long. Gotta be something I can do.

"You look bored."

Shadow looked up at a nurse of the center smiling at him, "Yeah, my pokemon were acting a bit wierd so I let them go out for some," Shadow thought a bit, not wanting to say what was really happening, "Excercise. Figure it'd be a good way for them to work off some energy."

"Well you know if you're that bored, I wonder if you'd mind helping me out." The nurse asked.


"Well a few people dropped off some pokemon eggs. There's a strange virus going around and there are alot of them that some people don't want to deal with."

"And you're handing them out to trainers?" Shadow guessed.

"So you'll help? The eggs won't last long if they don't hatch, and they'll only hatch if with other pokemon. So if you'd like to take one we've got a whole bunch in a special incubating room."

Shadow thought for a second, but didn't need to think hard, "Yeah sure, I'd be an idiot to refuse." He smiled.

"Oh thanks alot. And if you know anyone you can tell them too. We're not sure what pokemon are inside them though."

"That's cool. I'm sure either way it'd be one I don't have."

"Okay then, follow me." She smiled happily as she motioned towards the entrance.

Shadow followed with her, noticing Sam and Nath at the door, since they sorta stuck out like sore thumbs with the rest of the crowd, "So you have plenty of eggs that you need to get rid of huh?" He asked the nurse he was following.

"Yes. Like I said if you know someone that'd be interested it'd help lighten the load."

"I just might, wait here." Shadow said as he walked casually over towards the group. "Hey all, this nurse was just telling me that they're packed with eggs from that virus that's apparently effected our pokemon. If you're interested she's saying we can each take one." He told them, pointing back at the nurse who waved.


Figured this'd be a good way to up our pokemon numbers. If anyone wants one you can choose the pokemon that comes out. Just don't make it one of the legendary ones.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad