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A Zero and Mareo Product: Cat Trainers
Alex continued to play and talk to Silvia, not noticing Kase's trouble until he hissed and fought against the other cat. He quickly got up, and ran over, doing everything he could to get the larger cat away from Kase, not caring about any injuries he would get from the other slave cat. Still, he tried to be gentle, as he did not want to hurt the other slave anymore then he had to.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The larger cat slave struggled a little at first, but despite being larger than Kase, which wasnt very hard, he was still smaller than Just and a slave. Quickly recognizing Just as a superior being, he hopped off and run away, afraid of punishment. Kase mewed softly and crawled over to Just, rubbing up against his leg and staying there. Silvia watched on from a short distance away, concern in her eyes. Maybe it was time to take them back.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Just crouched down and gently patted Kase's head. "Don't worry. I told you I would protect you," he said, and hugged Kase in an attempt to comfort him. He then stood up, and led the catboy to Silvia. "I think it is time we left. Perhaps tomorrow we can go to the amusement park?" he suggested, if they were willing to come home with him.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Neither of them knew what an amusement park was, and followed Just unquestionably.
Soon they would arrive at their home and Just would have to decide what to do next. Either way, Silvia would want to retreat back to the room again, feeling much safe in a confined area, while Kase would simply continue to stay near him, rubbing up against his feet and purring.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
When they finally arrived home, Just led the two to his room, and watched as Silvia stayed there, preferably. Still, he gave her a kiss, and told her to go to sleep on his bed, if she wanted to. As for Kase, he led the small boy to a new room, where a red chest was. He opened it, and pulled out some cat toys, such as mice, stuffed animals, balls, and rattles. Just smiled, and held up a mouse and dangled it in front of Kase's face, seemingly teasing him with it.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Kase growled and jumped forward playfully, pawing the mouse and rolling onto his back to do it. He would play with a large amount of toys, if allowed to, until he tired himself out and rested his head on Just's lap, purring softly as he did. If he was allowed to, he would then look up at Just and hug him, burying his face in Just's chest and nuzzling him, trembling slightly. The trader had...done things to him, and although he was still technically what would be classified as a virgin for cat slaves...the trader had not simply left him alone in that cage.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Just smiled, and gently patted Kase's head, petting and scratching it as the boy purred on his lap. "As long as you are under my possession, you will be protected, and cared for," he whispered, and cast a small spell on Kase, which would help him experience a happy dream as he slept.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
De Shen smiled as he watched his little neko lick his fingers clean of her juices. He snapped his fingers and all his clothes vanished, and he laid his hard cock on top of her small pussy, grinding it back and forth on her as he hands reached up, one stroking her head and scratching her ear, and the other playing with her breasts.


Kase purred softly as he slept, and Silvia had tucked herself away under the covers and was also sleeping happily. When one of them woke up, it would be KAse first, and he would yawn cutely and stretch his small body, looking around for his master.

(You never did Dawn's post)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((...yeah...I'm lazy like that. One sec...))

The neko moaned in pleasure as she felt his cock, and purred as well as she felt his hands. "I love you, Master. I love you forever and ever, and ever!" she moaned. "Promise me, you'll never leave Neko?" she whimpered, looking at him with her innocent eyes, before moaning.


After much training, and orally fucking Dawn, Alex went to sleep with his love. He would be the first to awaken, and when he looked at his slave, he smiled, and moved a hand down to rub and tease her clit.


Kase would find his Master in the living room. There, Just was doing push ups, sit ups, and shadow boxing, not noticing Kase as he kicked the air and moved around.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Dawn was exhausted by the time Alex finally let her rest, and curled up in his arms to sleep. When she awoke it would be because of the teasing to her sensitive clit. "Mrrow..." She moaned, arching her back cutely into him, her hands reaching down to hold his hand, though she didnt pull it away. She looked at her master with big innocent eyes and licked the tip of his nose cutely. "Mrr...masserr..." She purred softly.


Kase would sit and watch his master, not daring to near him while he was kicking and punching the air. His ears lowered in fear as he watched, not at all liking the sight of his master making motions to harm anyone, but did not do anything else. If Just went back to his other work out, then Kase would wag his tail playfully for a moment, flicking it around as cats do, and jump on his back while h was doing push-ups, though chances were that his little amount of weight would not be enough to really disturb Just.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)