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DrakeZero/DMX RP (Dead Space)
Drake's rig bar was yellow as he sustain some injury. "Just a scratch don't worry about it. I guess I can add worm killer to my list of accomplishments." he joked. "We better move on though, the longer we wait the bigger chance your brother is dead and our whole rescue mission becomes a waste of time."

He opened the nearest door and could hear water dripping down the hall. "Looks like a water main ruptured, the whole hall is covered in water." he remarked.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Damn, you're right. Look at this mess..." Michael trailed off as he scanned the place, where documents and other paperwork lie stewrn all over the water's surface. "Hope there's no loose power cables, or we're in for trouble."

Glancing around the room a second time, Michael smiled in relief, "The lights in this area are still on, Drake. I don't think it's auxiliary power either," he nodded to his fellow miner and then added: "You'll have to give me a few minutes to interlink our RIGs to this area of the colony, so I can draw an estimate map and set waypoints," he said, and began to work on a holo-keyboard produced by the chest pad of his suit.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Suddenly a light at the end of the hall blew spilling power lines to the floor causing sparks to sizzle around along the water. Drake turned to his friend with a glare. "You just had to call it didn't you...." he growled, "How the hell we going to get pass this one because I'm not in the mood to be fry-ala-Drake."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael felt as if yelling, but tried heading to his happy place. He was busy with the interlinking of their RIGs after all. After it was synched to the Main Labs, Michael was finally able to produce a holo-map for them both to see.

The engineer began scanning the diagram with his eyes very fast, "There seems to be a straight path to the laboratories through here..." he gulped, not wanting to look at the electrified water, "But... there's a winding path to the right. It takes longer to get to the laboratories through there, as we get to pass by the offices and work cubicles..." he said, debating in his head where to make a waypoint through. "Drake, if we could find a way to cut the power for those cables, we could take the straight path, but if we take too long we'll be sitting ducks for those monsters."

OOC: Make a decision!

A: Find a way to deactivate the power on the cables to be able to proceed.

B: Take the winding route through the offices.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake looked at the offices and paused. He could see those rooms were in disarray with many hidden spots for those things to sneak up on them. He glanced back to the hall then to Michael. "You can't shut the power down and then reactivate it after we pass through?" he asked.

"If you can't I can use the plasma cutter to slice those cables, but then we won't have power at all." he remarked as he clipped his rifle and pulled out the plasma cutter.

OOC: Sorry for taking so long to post.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Usually, there's a manual unit that controls the electricity flows of a building next to a big power spot like this one..." he then sighed, "Although with our luck, the manual control unit probably is on the other side..." Michael groaned.

He looked at his wrist, then back at Drake, "Wait, I have an idea," he lifted his palm, then shoot a ball of statis energy in the direction of the cables, warping time around them to slow the flailing of the power cables. The water was still electrified, but there clearly was a considerable opening between the time the sparks caused the cables to jump away from the water, when the electricity wasn't running through it. "I know it doesn't sound pretty, but if I can hold these at this rate and you pick the exact timing..." he began, although it already was clear what he meant Drake had to do.

"The M.C.U. should be on the other side, all you gotta do is power it off for long enough so we can cross. Then we can set it back on," he explained.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Didn't I say "No fry-ala-Drake"?! Aw hell fine..." he groaned as he got himself ready. His fist and teeth clenched hoping he didn't get hurt and if he did hopefully it was painless. "By the way, if I die, I am haunting your ass!" he shouted as he saw the opening and ran across the floor. The cable swiping around as Drake noticed the time distortion was slowly wearing off. He dove hard to a nearby opening just as the cable touched the water causing sparks to fly. However, Drake slipped and hit against the wall groaning as his back screamed in pain.

"Fuck...." he groaned looking up to see the control unit in front of him. He staggered to his feet and turned it off hearing the humming of the electricity become silent and the cables to stop sparking. "Clear!" he called out.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You did it!" Michael cheered, and made his way over to Drake fast. "You okay?" he then asked out of concern, offering a hand to help Drake up, "That was great, Drake. You sure are fast on your feet!" he grinned, not that he would've been able to see thanks to the facemask, "Might wanna take a little time to prepare though, Drake. I'm sure if we power it up after we knocked it down we'll probably draw some unwanted attention to ourselves."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Well when faced with billions of volts possibly going through your body, it always does add a spring to my step." he muttered as he got to his feet and glanced around the room. "Doesn't look like there is much around her...funny. Every time we move closer to the lab the less I see corpses..." he looked around with his mask. "This lab housed dozens of scientist and not one is laying around? I don't like it bro." he said.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You don't think they all got transformed into those things, right? Those... monster-like things did have some human resemblance. ...Some of them did," he said after recalling their brief encounter with the Worm.

"I'm not liking this, either. We'll have to be on our guard, but move fast," Michael gulped. He double and triple checked their way points and his own equipment, then handed Drake an extra medigel pack since he had nothing left. "If we run by a store, it'd be a good idea to check if I can hack it. Anything we can scavenge will increase our odds of survival."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad