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Road Rovers: Love At First Sight
Arc eyes went wide as images flashed though his mind, screaming pain, crying. He litterally jumped out of the way of the hug, his body trembling, his body shaking like hell as he stumbled out of the room and into the hallway, trying not to fall as he kept stumbling through everywhere. Heading for the pool, he swayed back and forth and all of a sudden...fell into the water and slowly began to sink, with no attempt at reaching the surface.
Ky blinks and whimpers. Arc was lucky Exile had gone to the bathroom at that point. He leaps into the water and pulls Arc up, resting him on the floor. "Arc! Are you alright?"
Arc was breathing normally, but he was out cold, the omage of seeing somebody hugging him was too much, the last one too hug the young one was no longer alive and he still blamed her death because of him. He was so fearful of hurting someone he grew close too, that he closed off his heart to all so it would never be shattered. The poor wolf lay limp as he silently cried, even after he was completely out cold.
"what the?!?" Gary said, almost choking on his food as he saw Arc stagger out of the room. "is he okay??"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Exile shakes him. "Arc... Arc, wake up...."
Flynn, Blitz and Hunter all gasped in shock.

Blitz chuckled under his breath. "And Exile calls me the weird boy." Hunter punched him in the arm. "Ouch!"

"There's obviously something up." Hunter stood up and started to head for the pool. "I'll go check on them."

Flynn sat a little closer to Gary. "Seems like this place is one adventure after another."
"yeah...seems like it." Gary said, finishing his hamburger. "well...i'm full, suprisingly." he said, chuckling. he blushed a little, though not very visibly, at Flynn being closer to him. flynn...sitting closer to me? could it be true...?
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Ky yawns and stretches, leaning back in his chair. "I hope Arc is okay...."
Flynn smiles at Gary, glad that he didn't move away from him. He gently wagged his tail, thumping it softly against Gary's side, hoping that he'd get some sort of sign of interest in return. He saw Ky yawn and smiled to himself. "I'm sure he's fine." He looked between Ky and Gary. Speaking of fine, I wonder what kind of chances I have with these guys...

Blitz nodded. "It is starting to get late, and drama tires me out." The irony of his own hyper-dramatic tendancies were entirely lost on him.


Hunter entered the pool area. "Exile, is he okay? What's going on?"
Gary smiled, his tail wagging as well. "yeah, me too." he said, grinning slightly.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan