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Angel, this is the second time I've had to talk to you today. I thought you'd learnt your lesson and removed the negative point from your score, but it's going back on. That picture has been found offencive by people, and right now by Dragon, a moderator. Please vest a little more thought into what you're saying before posting.
I've noticed that of course every system has blindly loyal fanboys/girls, but the Playstation ones are typically the worst. I've had these discussions and tried to be smart about it like you, but they do spew the same crap over and over.

I am an Xbox 360 guy through and through, but I am trying to get a Wii.

As for PS3, well as was discussed, it has potential but I don't think Sony put a single original thought into the system.
I could care less what brand of system i'm using. As long as it's fun, i'm happy.

That being said, I like the 360 over the PS3 so far. The Wii is very fun though, and I use the boxing game on Wii sports as part of my daily workout!

Also, SCREW that idiot. I also can't stand people like that.
Renamon's Army
I don't get it. Why people are still comparing Xbox and PS3 as if they'd be the only consoles on the market and like they're challengers to each others only?

[Image: wii.gif]

6,804,973 sold in several months. For the record, 360 has sold 10,594,517 during all this time it has been sold. This is no minor detail either, game companies also keep track on what consoles and such get most support.

Let's say you'll buy PS 3 which costs 679 euros around here, I checked yesterday. (That's the only verified ammount, rest are realistic speculation because I don't keep track on PS 3 pricings) Now, you may want to get an additional controller (45 or so euros), memmory card converter (So you can play ps2 games, 45 euros), and don't forget that you may actually want to buy a game, say Resistance fall of the man for example. (45)

So we have a rough ammount of 814 euros which would be about 1,107.31 dollars and that's only got you one game to play. (Oh, btw. Pray tell, apart Resistance what games are worth play?) Now, you see this is why PS 3's arent being outsold to death even though our stocks are full of them. I love how Sony claims PS 3 being fastest outselling console but it's also the most returned launch console ever since Virtua Boy. *comedic drum*

360 is okay. You can buy Wii and 360, some games, and it still comes off costing less than PS 3.
[Image: Seethsig.jpg]

[Image: promo.jpg]

Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you
True. Plus $20 will get you at least two games on the Wii. They maybe old games but still. And 360 does have all the stuff on their live. I don't know what PS3 has like that.
Well I've heard some idiots say that it's still the cheapest Blu Ray player. Me, I'll wait year or so untill there's more Blu Ray discs around (If there even will be, we shall see) and with added bonus of not having to load them through the akward PS 3 controller.
[Image: Seethsig.jpg]

[Image: promo.jpg]

Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you
I just got Wii and it's friggin amazing!

I'd take my Wii60 combo over a PS3 anyday.
I have the Wii60 combo!
Yet I still want a PS3 too. I'm just not going to pay for one. My sister will crack before I do.
Also, i'm going to boot in less than a year. I don't think I could play it enough to get my money's worth.
Renamon's Army
Wii60 4 eva.

Except I don't have a 360 yet. I but really want one O.o

360 for the graphics, Wii for teh uber gameplay.
Gabumon Loverz
im a little late with this but it seems that this is really bugging you shadow you should just let it go and be content with the fact that he is a retard

oh btw the best way to deal with fools like that is just not to lose your cool and dont say or do anything offensive just intelligent but simple truths that they can understand although sometimes even that doesnt work then all you gotta do is think to yourself "fuck this guy who cares what he thinks hes just some dumbass" one thing i catch myself alot on is who am i trying to impress by beating him? i'll tell you who, myself thats when i realize wtf am i doing and squelch/block the loser

heh reminds me of this one time when there was this guy, his best - ahem his ONLY insult was "you (random insulting thing) because thats all i heard" i had some good laughs then, ahh good times
you can do this one in every 30 times and still have 97% positive feedback
[Image: youcandothisoneinevery30timesandsti.png]
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan