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DrakeZero/DMX RP (Dead Space)
"Sit in the pan or jump into the fire...great. Well we don't have a glue on how to beat socrate so we should avoid him at any cost. We can deal with the smaller monsters, but the one problem with the vents is the limited room, but it's the best of two evils." He checked his rifle once more along with the flashlight built onto the side of the barrel. "Alright we go through the vents, but lets make it quickly."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Right!" Michael nodded. He quickly typed on the bracelet on his wrist and mapped a route for them. Hovering his glowing hand over the floor, a beam of light shot out. "There, we follow this locator beacon and it'll bring us to the Main Labs..."

With that, Michael realized the beacon was leading them into a vent by the store. It was still closed, but it didn't seem as though it was sturdy. He deactivated the beacon, and as soon as he aimed, shot a tether of kinetic energy that forced the grate off.

"There we go," he said, deactivating his module so he wouldn't have to carry the vent, "Let's jump in!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake didn't like this, but it was better then staying put. "You go first, I'll cover the rear, these things seem to like to attack our behinds." he paused as he thought over what he said. "If you make a joke about what I said." he clicked the rifle. "I'll shoot you in the foot." he said trying to make his point. The roars of nearby necromorphs caused Drake to hold his breath before he barked, "Move out dummy!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Right, right!" Michael said as he made through the large vent. He kept flipping the map display on and off, seeing if he would get better reception as they went. "Turn left here," Michael issued. The place began to shake.

"Holy shit!" he cried as he nearly fell down, but managed to gain balance to jump back, "Drake, heads up!" he said, taking his Plasma Cutter out as he began aiming to produce the flashlight that would allow him to see far inside. The place shook harder and harder.

Suddenly, the corpse of an old woman crashed with bloody gore on the wall, followed by the corpse of a young man on the opposite side. There was deep growling further in. Michael's legs were shaking, "Wuh-what is this...?" he gasped, seeing the corpses squirm as they began to 'drag' towards them, yet there was no sign of their limbs moving at all.

A loud roar suddenly echoed within the vents and the head of a huge monster thrust towards them. It let out a bestial roar, and Michael felt like he was going to pee in his pants. The head of the creature was made of bone and flesh from various people melded together into a twisted, grotesque form, almost like a worm with eyes. Michael noticed that the corpses were attached to more of that necrotic matter that comprised its being and were acting as feelers. "Fuck, this thing is huge!" he yelled, suddenly making the creature stare down at Michael, who swallowed, "Oh shit."

It was drooling.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Shit!" Drake remarked as he pushed against Micheal and aimed his rifle over his buddy's shoulder. "Eat it!" he shouted pulling the trigger and unloading round after round into the head of the beast. "What are you doing?! Shoot it or get us out of here!" the miner shouted as he kept firing in hopes of doing some damage to it.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael was startled, but Drake's intervention made him regain his senses, "Damn, I need to reprogram a new route... I didn't look for a contingential one!" he groaned, then quickly began typing on the holo-display on his forearm, "Sorry Drake, but you have to hold it back somehow! I'll be able to navigate us as we go!"

With that, Michael got the first waypoint, "Come on! This way!" he said, setting off for the opposite way and took the other fork where they hadn't gone before. It was a longer route to their destination, but it beat trying to go down the stomach of that necromorph.

The Worm roared and flailed, the bullets bouncing off of its head. It began advancing towards them, the 'feeler' like corpses crawling their way. Michael had holstered his Plasma Cutter, and his programming while on the run didn't allow him to use a weapon. "Drake, hurry you're not hurting it!" he said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake gritted his teeth as he pressed the alt-fire on the rifle sending a grenade down to the beast. The vent shook violently as the blast of the grenade echoed along the shaft. "Fine, but find us a route that does have a set of teeth waiting for us." he said rushing as he continued to hear the roars coming from the monster.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Not even the powerful grenade from the pulse rifle managed to make a single dent on the front hide of the worm. It continued 'feeling' over with the dragging corpses, and soon enough it began to twist over the direction they had turned. It was gurgling now.

Michael ran as fast as he could, "Right here!" they took a right. "Right again!" turned right. "Quick! Sprint!" he said as they went on a straight.

The Worm seemed to be closing in slowly, but it wasn't anywhere far. It was actually repting very fast considering its body size.

Suddenly, a large ball of organic matter began speeding their way. "What's that?!" Michael widened his eyes. The Worm was far away so the sphere hit the floor, and as it made contact a big explosion ensued, "Fuck! It's spitting bombs at us?!" he groaned, then remembered his duty as they approached a fork.

"LEFT!" he shouted. "Straight!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake grunted as they ran turned left, right and center, it was getting as complex as a round on that classical dance game he had back home. 'Let talking more directions!" he yelled Michael was ranting about the monster spitting bombs at them. Drake would have said a few words of his own, but now they had to run and hope the directions his partner was making would get them out of this nightmare.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)




"We're on track!" Michael finally said. They had managed a full circle and avoided the creature's path, and now were back on track for the Main Labs. But it was still pursuing them. "Drake, you realize we can't keep running forever, right? This thing is huge, so it won't be able to leave the vents through a grate, but if we reach the Main Labs and it's not open then we won't be able to get out... we need to think of a way to slow this thing down!" he said as he continued running and navigating. "Left, center!" he said.

The Worm was moving steadily faster, it was accelerating, and flailing around, spitting more and more bombs their way. The feelers were flailing even harder, like whips, they were spewing pus everywhere.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad