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DrakeZero/DMX RP (Dead Space)
Drake glanced over at the screen looking over the specs of the armor. "Wow no wonder those guards are such bad-asses when they have high spec armor." He pressed the enter button causing the console panel to move away and a door way to open up revealing a back rest with clamps that lined where a person's arms would be. "Uhhh why does that look like a restraint?" he asked feeling a little nervous about the whole armor procedural.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
In a rush of panic at another roar in the distance, Michael pushed Drake forwards, making him enter the shop's chamber, "We don't have time to lose, get dressed already!" he then waited for the machine to outfit his partner, keeping on the look out for more necromorphs.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake stumbled into the machine and with a quick snap and click he was locked in. "Hey! You pushed me! Get me out of here you son of a-" The door slammed shut interrupting Drake's sentence as the machine powered up. Soon enough the door opened up revealing Drake as he slowly got to his feet, his attire changed drastically as looked over the new armor that covered over his legs and chest. "This is nice, but what about my face?" As if answering his question, the armor clicked and a panel slide up and over his head covering it with a hard plated mask with two slitted viewer that beamed in a blue light.

"Wow this is kick ass!" Drake marveled as he went through the armor's start up systems.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael nodded, "Now let me in!" with that, the young man made his way to the store after clicking on the panel, activating the Engineering Suit.

Walking inside the chamber, it closed behind him, and when the doors opened Michael walked out.

Dressed in a polymerized pressure suit armored with resistant shock bulk, Michael felt like he was much more protected now. He felt his stasis energy storing unit at his back vroom to life before it quieted down like everything else in his suit.

"This Stasis Module will come in handy," said Michael as he looked down at his gloved hand, his wrist now having both the kinesis and stasis module equipped. With a smile, he then heard the collar wrap a panel of metal around his head before it outfitted into a light-blue visored helmet, a soldering mask quickly falling down, producing a mere three dents for him to look out. Grabbing the Plasma Cutter Drake had discarded, Michael holstered it on his magnetic belt.

"I'm ready," he smiled, punching in the code to redeem Drake's bonus content. A mechanical arm protuded from the store and handed the miner a Pulse Rifle.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake clipped the rivet gun to his belt as he took the pulse rifle and admired the quality workmanship. The security force always seemed to get the best tech that the company could offer.

Another roar echoed the vents bringing Drake out of his trance, and he loaded the rifle. "So where do we head to now because I don't know about you, but I think we need to find a shuttle and get out of here. There isn't much we can do here."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Drake!" Michael shouted, "We have to look for my brother, remember? I'm not leaving him behind!" he stammered, looking dead serious even if the soldering mask over his visor didn't allow a lot of view of his visage.

"There are a lot of those things running around, and with Socrates on the loose, I know it's dangerous, but I've to find Jeremy."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"And you have a way to take on Socrates? Because the way I see it, we don't have a hope in hell. I know you want to find your brother, but this has gotten way out of hand." Drake spoke as he cocked the rifle and looked at Michael, his voice deepening.

"What if your brother is dead? Hell we aren't even sure where he is for that matter. And finally would your brother want you to die trying to find him or would he prefer you get out of here and let the outside world know what has happened."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"You don't understand!" Michael snapped, "I have to make sure he's alive!" he said out loud, struggling to keep his emotions in check, "Look, you don't have to help me if you don't want to, but I'm staying until I know what happened to my brother!" he stammered, and with that turned his back on the miner, going for the door that led back to the corridors.

Despite his brave words, Michael was still unnvered, keeping the grip on his Plasma Cutter tightly.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake stood there for a minute as he watched Michael go to the door.
"Freakin kid..." he grumbled before following him and taking the safety off the rifle. "I swear if I get killed because of you I will haunt your ass still you're an old man getting fed by some old nurse in a old folks home." he said.

"So where are we going to this time?"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael half-smiled at the comment. At least Drake was back in the mood of helping him search.

Looking down, Michael projected a hologram of the map he had downloaded on his RIG earlier. It showed the large Aegis VII colony's layout, but it was missing a few chunks. With a sigh, Michael reluctantly put his finger over one of the blurred, static-heavy spots, "This is the spot. If my memory serves it's where the main lab is located. Jeremy works there. Now that we're better armed it makes sense to storm in directly... but if we come out during daylight, we might run into Socrates. UV Rays are what seems to keep it active..." he sighed. "Maybe if we went through the vents... But it must be crawling with those... those things."

OOC: Option A: Go out and head to the Main Labs.

Option B: Use the vent system to head to the Main Labs.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad