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DrakeZero/DMX RP (Dead Space)
"Ouch!" Drake yelled as he slipped in his hacking causing a high jolt of electricity to hit him. "Yeah well, I'll tell you more once my hand isn't caught in wires with monsters that want to tear us apart aren't coming for us." Suddenly, the door at the far end of the room bulged from a impact followed by a loud roar. Drake gasped, the door must have been 5 inches thick, and it was giving quickly. "Whatever is behind that's big." he said as he tried to finish the hacking. The door creaking as the locks started to break.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael gasped, his newly acquired Rivet Gun pointed at the bulging door, ''I... think it may be socrates. Drake, hurry up! We need those suits!'' he reiterated. Michael wasn't confident about engaging any monster on his own.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"You know telling me to hurry this up isn't going to make this-"

"Quicker?" Drake was surprised as the store unlocked, and the menu popped up asking for the next customer. "I got it! Let's see what suits we have in stock." While he continued to pour through the menus. The door made a final creak before being thrown across the room nearly hitting Michael as the creature stepped inside making a loud roar to show it's presence.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Michael's eyes went wide as he side-stepped as quicky as he could in order to avoid the oncoming door. Had he not reacted in time he would've been decapitated.

Leaning on the door, Michael was half-relieved not to see Socrates, but a Slasher. Its roar unnerved him as always, but he eventually managed to muster courage up. He had to protect Drake after all!

Taking aim, Michael lifted his newly acquired rivet gun and clicked to fire, but it wouldn't. "Fuck, the safety's on!" he grunted, the Slasher suddenly pouncing him, digging its blades on his shoulders. "Argh! Damnit! Let go! GAAAH!"

As Michael groaned in pain, the Slasher began biting onto his neck with its sharp teeth. Michael struggled with all his might, shaking the Slasher off his shoulders and neck, then hooked its head off with the rivet gun's dull side. "Fuck! FUCK! It hurts!" Michael groaned, backing onto a wall and sliding down on it. As he held onto his bleeding neck, he cringed as he remembered he had no health packs on his person, only the flashing red RIG on his back supporting his life.

The Slasher was now slowly getting back up to its feet, as being headless did nothing to keep it down.

"Crap... Drake! Hurry the hell up!" he shouted.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Drake grunted as he pulled his hand from the panel and kicked the control menu causing the computer to flicker and the item door to open up exposing a plasma cutter. Without a thought, Drake whipped around and aimed at the slasher. "Eat it!" he yelled pulling the trigger taking off the slashers legs causing it to tumble down. The slasher roared as it started to craw towards the engineer, but with two blasts, it's limbs exploded leaving it to moan as it died.

Drake sighed as the rush of the situation calmed before he noticed Michael holding his neck. "Christ...hold on I think their is a med pack here." he said dropping the cutter as he brought over a med pack. "Move your hand, I need to put this into the wound directly." he said as he tried to compose himself. He never took up nursing mainly because he couldn't stand the sight of blood, but after all this, his nausea was the least of his worries.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Ghhk, aww, I'm gagging..." Michael gurgled, slowly moving his hand in spite of his neck hurting like hell. He wasn't able to apply medigel directly on himself in this condition. He depended on Drake!

OOC: Push X when the blue meter reaches the gauge's white line, that will pump medigel at the optimal pressure and quantity! Don't mess up more than two times or the overdose will kill Michael!


J/k. But now that I think about it, these sort of minigames would be really annoying in order to save people XP
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
As Michael's hand moved a spurt of blood hit Drake in the face causing him to cough. "Shit." he pulled out the medi-needle and pushed it into his friend's neck pressing on the injector switch. The sound of a solid click was heard and medi-gel poured into Micheal's neck sealing the massive wound. His Rig creeping up from red to yellow allowing him to sigh in relief.

"Whew....looks like I got it. Just drink lots of fluids and call me in the morning." he joked slightly as he wiped Micheal's blood off his face.

OOC: Oops I overdosed :P Restart!
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Yays :D


Michael gagged a few more times as the medigel worked to seal his gaping wounds and and then regenerate the damaged tissue.

With a gasp, Michael chuckled slightly, "'kay... I admit it. I suck at weaponry. I'll stick to my Plasma Cutter."

With that, Michale threw the Rivet Gun away, groaning a bit as he struggled to get back to his feet. "Thanks Drake. You saved my life," he smiled.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Or delayed it till one of those things really kill you eh?" Drake chuckled as he picked up the rivet gun and looked it over. "No sense in throwing away a potential firearm right?" Suddenly another roar echoed in the distance causing Drake to jump slightly. The bellow was in the distance, but it seemed to draw closer. "I don't think we will be safe for long. Hurry press the green button on the store panel, and that should give us access to some Rigs."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
OOC: Just a small nit-pick, but remember that the RIG is the thing that monitors health, and it's separate to Suits, as seen in Dead Space 2.

Before DS2, I had been thinking that RIGs were always integrated to armors, but the straight-jacket run at the beggining of DS2 kind of hints that the RIG is always on one's person regardless of wearing suits or not.

And they wanna get a new armor, not a new RIG, that's all I wanted to say XP


Michael gasped. He smiled when Drake grabbed the Rivet Gun, "Okay. You seem to be good at handling firearms. I'll stick to mining equipment," he said. Michael went to the panel and began punching in some codes in order to select a suit for him to wear. When he finally found it, he smiled at the specs, "This'll do good to you. The user interface appears to regulate the flow of adrenalyn whenever you feel excited, to ensure maximum efficiency during gun fighting. Might do good if you wear this one, Drake," he said, passing the holo-display to him so he could read it.

As he quickly browsed, Michael eventually found the specs of a suit he would do good with. The engineering suit from before. It was the standard build, but it also included a Stasis Module for use. He already had a TK module, having yet another practical tool would work for them.

"Drake, I'll grab the engineering suit, do you want the security suit? It seems to come with a Pulse Rifle. And you really did good with that one, well, until they took it away from you." He said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad