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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
Silvia moaned and cried out as Casey got more and more wild. When he lifted her by her hips and began to fuck her rapidly she came at least three times almost rapid fire. Her last orgasm was by far the best though as she felt his seed flood her passage and fill her womb. It felt good, and she arched her back as Casey did and came hard.

She could not remember what happened after that, all she knew was when she next opened her eyes, Casy was laying on top of her, holding her close as they both panted from their joined orgasm. "Casey...Oh...I feel so warm." She moaned softly as she hugged him and kissed his lips softly. She felt as though her body was laying out in the sun, which to a reptilian alien like herself felt several times better than what it did to humans. She held him softly as he held her and lavished there, warm and in absolute pleasure.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Casey laid there on top of his mate basking in the afterglow of their love making. He chuckles when she says she so warm since he knew out it felt to get filled in similar manner. "Yeah it does hon," he said kissing her on the lips. He slowly pulled out and sat up, "Be right back," he stated with a wink as he got up and walked into the bathroom.

As he looked around the bathroom it similar enough for him to easily get used to. Soon he found what he was looking two towels and got this nice and wet with fairly warm water. He wrung them out and carried them back into the bedroom. He place one towel at the foot of the bed. He moved to her side began to gently rub away the sweat off of her body as he moved down it caressed her breasts some with the towel as he moved down her curves slowly. He reached her sex he could see cum dripping out as he rubbed her outer lips gently removing her's and his cum from her body. He worked her legs over and smiled up at her as he finished.

The human grinned as he handed her the clean warm damp towel, "Your turn to clean me up," he said while he went to the other side of the bed and laid down. "OH I know it's a little late to ask but are you fertile or in season at the moment?" he asked really wanting to know if she was going to get knocked up. He didn't feel ready to have a kid but if she was he would be more than ready to raise it.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Silvia moaned softly as Casey pulled out of her and found the lack of his body warmth almost scary. "Casey..." She moaned softly. She was going to call him back when he returned and began to clean her soft body. She could almost purr with pleasure as he did, and moaned gently as he caressed her breasts and cleaned her flower.

Then it was her turn to clean him and as Jinkari, he was entitled to that. She got up and kneeled next to the bed with the towel and prepared to clean him, and then he asked her the strangest question. "In...season? We are always fertile, a race like mine has to supply young on a regular basis." She said with a small blush. "Normal warriors choose mates early in life, its only the royals like myself who remained untaken for so long...Do you not desire a child?" She asked him curiously.

Was it possible that he would not want to have her child, perhaps out of fear of what the hybrid would look like? Or maybe he simply didnt want to be a father. Abortions were not something her race practiced for several reasons. First and foremost was the fact that most of the time her kind laid eggs, and so simply smashing them did the job, but secondly and most importantly, why would you not want to have small warriors under your wing? It was hard for her to understand, since she herself had dreamed of giving birth to the galaxies most skilled and feared fighters, and no joy could rival that accomplishment. Even now, when she had a humans children, she would not want them aborted...but in the end it was Casey who made the choice.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Casey murred while Silvia knelt down to clean him from their fun. "That's not it at all Silvia I actually do want kids. The thing is I'm just not ready to be a father yet," he said. "Since your always fertile then I guess we are going to be parents after this," he said and sighed with her kneeling like reminded him that he was in charge and sat up.

"Silva I know you been taught to please your mate and do what ever I ask yet I am not like you or your people. I was not raised to be a warrior I was raised to be a thinker than any and use my words," he said with a smile as he placed his index finger beneath her chin. "On my planet when we are mated men and women are supposed to work as equals in the relationship. So with that said while in our room at least I would like you to be my equal in all things if your willing?" he asked with a smile. "To that extent if you do want to have our child I won't stop you stop you if that's what you want. I will support you in it raising the child as well. But will you get on some birth control after you give birth....," he trailed then realizing once again she was part dragonic which means she might lay eggs in stead, "or lay eggs would you get on birth control?" he asked as he continue to rub her cheek smiling at her. Then he laid back down to give her time to think while she cleaned him.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Silvia began to clean Casey as he spoke, being gentle and tender, as she would be when running maintenance on her own favored fighter craft. She listened to him as she wiped his body down and after all was said and down, nodded hesitantly. "Well...I dont...I dont exactly know how to treat someone as an equal Casey." She said with a slight blush. "I know it may sound bad...but if Im not being completely submissive, I might end up trying to be dominant. I have never been second to anyone around me aside from my father and sisters. Other than them, I have always been a superior. And even then Im only an equal with my sisters, whom I never see or spend time with. Im not sure what to do as an equal."

She rubbed her arm in shame, still leaning towards submissive simply because it was safer. "But I will try...I...will do my best while we are here." She stood up and looked around, noticing the clock. "Oh no! We missed hunting! How long did we sleep and...err, mate for?" She asked as she scaled up and started getting dressed. "Casey, we have to go, maybe someone saved us a bit." She thought, thinking of Debbie as the only other none Draconic on the ship that might do such a thing. IF not then they could eat battle rations, but they were nowhere near as good as a fresh kill.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Casey murred from the cleaning, "Lets take it a day at a time hon, and remember Rome wasn't built in a day nor are relationships," he reminded her with a gentle smile as he sat up. "That's all I can ask if you, is that you try. Also the most important thing be....," he trailed as he was interrupted when she said they missed breakfast.

He quickly stood up, "Relax Silvia we didn't miss it so we wait at most an hour so by my time no big deal," he said. He did realize with a ship this big that most likely that had crew members clocking in and out in hourly intervals since the ship could never shut down. Then he got an odd idea realizing the fact they did hunt that would mean that they only a limited number of animals on the board. "Um Since you hunt. So do you use the nanites to help replenish prey on the board or sum super growth yiff stuff to help the grow faster and reproduce faster? He asked trying to think of a reason why they wouldn't be able to hunt for a good while.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"We hunt Karlaths, so we always have enough. They are fast and breed quickly. Aside from that. we start the voyage with enough of them to keep their numbers far above our own. If we didnt hunt every day then we would be overrun with Karlaths." Silvia said as she finished getting dressed. "Come, lets go get some food." She said when Casey was ready.

Luckily some of the crew had saved a leg or two for Silvia, on Debby's warning and Silvia and Casey had food to eat as soon as they got on deck. There was no way to cook the meat, and Casey had to eat it raw like everyone else, which at first didnt sound very appealing at all, until Casey realized that Karlath was not a meat that needed any cooking.

Tender, juicy, and warm from the fresh kill, Karlath meat was ready to eat as soon as it was killed and tasted like a cross between beef jerky and bacon, with the same odd texture as sushi, but no fish taste at all. After the meal, Silvia had to attend to her ship, but Casey was free to do as he pleased. He could train, wander around, or whatever, he was the commanding officer's Jinkarie.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Casey quickly put his clothes back on, which he had worn the day before. He really didn't want to but they were all he had. Soon they left their bedroom and walked down the hallways. It was obvious that some of the crew were blatantly turning their back on him as he neared them making it look like they were doing maintenance or something disguise what they were really doing.

When they neared the hunting forest or grounds he couldn't see the Karlaths behind the dark tented like glass. The human figured for the animals it must be their night now. He saw a couple of large legs on one of the tables left for him and Silvia. He sighed the legs looked like they were skinned but he could still see some blood dripping off of the legs. Casey gulped as he looked around for a way to cook the meat; but saw nothing and realized that it was supposed to eaten raw. He saw Silvia eating her own leg with relish decided if she was eating with such enthusiasm it should be safe to eat. The human continued to stare at his own leg reluctantly took her word for and tasted it it was okay; but left a very unappealing slimy like after taste.

As Casey ate, Debbie approached them and walked up to Silvia. "Captain Silvia may I have a word with you," the rabbit asked as she walked with Silva out of the room (Another slight power play, try not to use these so much per post). She pulled out a data pad, "I need to supervise Casey's Training with Graklen because of the kinetic energy abilities which in involve telekinesis, psychokinesis and other similar skills. it looks like he also has extensive psychic abilities that will be developing over the next month or so. So with that said I think it would be wise to allow me to monitor him since I am the only other psychic being on the ship," she explained. Then handing Silvia the data pad showing her, her schedule for the Bridge and part time Engineering schedule for when she needed to work on the bio computers. It showed that she wanted half day shifts on the days that Casey was training.

Suddenly her visage turned serious, "Oh this is off the record, we are going to Aquamaria,(.) There is (are) some things you need to know before we make our way to the Creator's home word." she stated firmly.. Then the rabbit closed her eyes and focused on Silvia. Yes I know it is my home world we are going too. Right now I can't take no for an answer." she told her draconic captain. Then the rabbit's face took on a glum look, since she was sad for what she was contemplating doing. With such close intimate mental contact Silvia would be able to know what Debbie was feeling since she was empath. Then she forced Silvia to the side in her own mind taking over clear control of second just long enough to show the princess she could just as easily force her to do what she wanted. What Debbie just did was a heavy crime for her people even if it was just for a second. It could be punished, by having ones mind turned to mush and then executed without a very good reason.

"I am sorry for taking over your body for a second but do realize I will if I must. If you want you can have me executed once we reach my home world, and see The Grand Sun Kitsune Emperor Abdul the Second." she said solemnly wanting them to meet with a good friend of hers, who happened have information on how cruel the Creators truly were.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Silvia nodded slowly after the whole ordeal and growled a bit. "Debbie, you are my friend, but if you invade my mind again, I will kill you with my own hands." Silvia was not at all pleased with having her thoughts invaded and her body controlled. She was the princess of a whole race of warriors, such disrespect could bring war if she was anyone else. But more than that, she felt insulted that Debbie would go so far, not trusting her, not even giving her a chance to answer before she threatened Silvia with mind control. She had thought that as a comrade, Debbie would put more faith in her, but now she could see she was wrong.

"No leave, Im going to finish my breakfast and then start my routine." She growled, not even wanting to look at the rabbit anymore. She returned to Casey and continued to eat with him until it was all finished. "So...what are you going to do once your done eating?" She asked him. "I have to start my training routine and check over the I cant keep you company all day. Have you scheduled anything?"
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Debbie nodded solemnly at Silvia already knew just how badly she hurt her dragonic friend. The rabbit lowered her ears, "I understand Silvia but we both must do what we must," she stated as she turned around. She walked off doing her best to keep her emotions in check so the rest of the crew wouldn't be effected by her how sadden she was at threatening Silvia. As she headed to her to engineering the dragonic's around her quieted down and went to work, there was none of the normal cheeriness. She was going to make sure her rounds with the bio computers.

When Silvia returned Casey wondered what Debbie wanted with her. "Not sure I guess I will start my training and learning your language so I can interact freely with the crew and other races," he said. Then he finished his own plate even though there was still plenty of meat on the leg. "So what did Debbie want?" he asked curiously.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz