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Magical Starsign.
(West Wing)

"Don't worry, I'll try and take a peek first." Before Hyouzen could try and take a look through the office's window, he turned towards Lucien and blinked in surprised from the sudden question. Figuring that Darklings couldn't speak normally, he sighed in a bit of relief. "The name's Hyouzen, and I'm with Yachiru. I'm guessing you're another student, right?" The water dragon stepped close enough so that Lucien could see them even under the spotty lighting in the hallway. It was likely anyone in the nurse's office could hear them now since they were right outside the door.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"B-but, they used to be," Kitt hesitated, shaking a bit at the thought that the monsters roaming the school had used to be students just like her and Arm, "We should avoid fighting them, I, don't wanna hurt anyone."


"Psychowha?" Shadow asked confused, unsure of the term, "Back home people don't really hide who they are, so it's pretty easy to recgonize traits like that. Guess it's just natural there." he explained. He glanced down at the puddles of blood, shaking his head, "Nothing pretty. At first it was just a scream everyone heard, figured it had just been some prank or an accident, mostly ignored. Then more, that's when I first noticed those, darkthings or whatever. I've seen some nasty things in the past, but those, the way they attacked was just brutal. There were only a few at first, we managed to kill a couple, me and a handful of the other students. We moved towards the courtyard with the teachers, figuring that was were they were coming from. It was empty when we got there, then, some of the other students, just started changing into them. I'll never get those screams out of my head, sounded like they were being burned alive or something, who knows, might be what it felt like. Most were too stunned by the sight to even move, let alone fight back as the newly transformed students attacked. We all fell apart and scattered, that was when you all returned." he stopped suddenly, at the far end of the hallway glaring directly at him and Karo was one of the darklings, blood dripping from it's mouth as it began walking towards them slowly, "Crap, hope you aren't too tired from your field trip, these bastards are tough."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hmm, you're right... they used to, if we make a mistake they could end up dead" Arm agreed. Had he been on her side, he wouldn't have said such a thing but then again he had to make sure Kitt was feeling negative emotions at all times, so the corruption would spread.

He shrugged and with a smirk told her: "It can't be helped." Arm's claw stretched out, "Here, I'll run past them while we're set on fire. That'll keep their claws out of us," he confidently said.

(Medical Wing)

Yachiru's eyes blinked as he looked down at the boy she had once been chatting with: "L-Lucien? Is that you?" she said from atop Hyouzen's shoulders, "It's been a long time, such a relief that these creatures haven't got you!" she smiled.

(Nursery Office)

Dorothy's ears twitched and she turned around at the sound of chatter outside. She had been busy calming the students inside but it became evident there were others. The dragoness teacher wasn't fully sure of it though, so she decided to stand by and see how things would develop outside. She couldn't risk the many lives at her care after all.


"Th-they are, aren't they?" Karomaru said, grunting a bit, holding kerlderiver tightly in his hand, "We've beaten monsters back in Nether, though. Nothing we can't handle now, Shadow!" he shouted.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"A-alright, just, be careful." Kitt said, moving a bit closer towards Arm, still listening to the groaning of the mutated humans.


"Right, let's show what happens when they mess with us. I say we end this fast, cross slash?" he grinned cracking his knuckles before charging at the darkling.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Lucien ceased his en garde and looked up to meet the dragon's eyes;

"Greetings, my name is Lucien, and I'm with my familiar Vladimir," he introduced, motioning towards his beast, "And yes I am a student here." He then looked higher to see a familiar face, "Nice to see you again, Yachiru, it has been a while indeed. Now then, I have two questions in which I seek answers for: What creatures do you speak of and," he glanced at Yachiru's wound, "How is it that you've been injured?"
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
"Alright, let's do it!" Arm took Kitt's forearm and pulled her close, but not before boldly scooping her in his arms, a hand at her back and the other under her legs to carry her. "This will be fast, just hang on!" he suddenly focused, his body suddenly being surrounded by a firey aura, "Blinding Flash!" he shouted, suddenly bursting with energy as he began speeding in the direction of the darklings, the creatures all but bouncing off him as they were singed upon contact, but not killed.

The dragon made a mad dash over the corridors, and finally when he saw an open door made a hurried turn and canceled his spell. Standing inside the closed room, Arm looked down at Kitt with that charming, sensual smile of his: "Are you alright?"

(Medical Wing)

Yachiru hurried to respond: "They are called darklings. They used to be students, but exposure to dark energies has transformed them into these things... or at least that's what our teacher said," she winced a bit, then looked down at her burnt leg, "We got attacked by a Tyrant Dragon while we were out in a mining expedition, uhm... It still hurts, but Ms. Katt and Ms. Vook said I'll be alright. I can't walk for now, though..." she trailed. Concerned, she followed up: "Lucien, where have you been? You seem to be fine, have you not encountered them?"


"They're not gonna stop me! I'll prove that I'm strong!" Karomaru growled, dashing off on par with the wolf before he slashed with his sword, the monster falling before the combined might of the students.

"We've an opening," Karomaru shouted as he batted his sword to get rid of the dark blood on the blade, "Fork ahead. Right or Left?!" he looked over to Shadow.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Kitt smiled a bit as she took his hand and stood up. She glanced back towards the corridor they'd just run through, "They're, going to be okay right? Nothing permanent or anything?" she asked, still concerned about the former students.


Shadow whiped his sword off before resheathing it, glancing down the empty corridors, "Really starting to wish I'd payed more attention to the map they gave us, would make this alot," before he could finish there was a small scratching noise behind them, the darkling they'd just 'killed' rising to it's feet, staring at them, it's arms suddenly forming into two long deadly looking blades, "Well, that's new." Shadow said as he drew his sword again.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"If they touched me, they'll just get burnts that'll incapacitate whatever limbs they used then. At the very least, they won't be able to attack for a while, which is good if there's anyone else other than us out there," Arm explained, shrugging, "You shouldn't worry though." He reached to grab Kitt by the chin and force her attention back on his face as he smirked, "You're not as pretty if you keep up that sad face."


"They transform when defeated?!" Karomaru groaned. Reading his weapon, the young boy looked to Reno standing by his feet, "Reno, help me!"

With a nod, the puppy-like creature suddenly glowed a bright orange and flew into kerlderiver, the blade suddenly catching fire. "If we can't dice you up, then I'm gonna slice through you like a hot knife on butter!" he growled and leaped towards the revived darkling. With all his might, Karomaru swung his blade, attempting to cut it from the waist to the shoulder in a diagonal line.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
While Yachiru spoke with Lucien, Hyouzen grew more curious about the sounds he had heard coming from the infirmary. He knocked on the door and spoke out, "Hey, is everyone okay in there?!" The burly water dragon knocked again and added, "We're part of the group that went to the mines! Unlock the door, we're here to help!" Though he probably could have broke the door with enough force, he didn't want to spook his classmates inside.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Kitt blinked a bit with a slight blush, looking away shyly, "I, I'm not that cute," she insisted, though she did smile a bit. At least until she remembered the situation, "Ah, that's right, we still need to try and find anyone that's still around, I don't want to see anyone else getting hurt." As she did she whiped her brow a bit, her fur sticking to her head, "Is it just me, or is it feeling warmer all of a sudden?"


The darkling lifted it's arms in an attempt to block the attack, or possibly attack Karomaru, it was difficult to tell with them. Either way it proved fruitless as the blade slashed clean through it, arms body and all, leaving it again on the floor in pieces.

"Whoa," Shadow said, honestly impressed by the teamwork, "Why can't you do that?" He asked as he glanced over at Slash.

"Who says I can't? Maybe I just don't feel like it?" He shrugged.

"We'd better get moving, I don't imagine it could but if it get's up from that I don't think I wanna be anywhere near it." Shadow said as he looked down at the diced up darkling.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad