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Magical Starsign.
"Spikes?" Tyrant threateningly grinned, showing his hugs, pearly white fangs, "Is that the best you can do?" he growled, pressing his foot even harder, his scales crushing the magical spikes as if they were made of crystal, Flare's flames not even managing to heat the darkfire dragon's back.

"You're the big warrior, do something!" Yachiru yelped to Hyouzen.

(Katt's group)

"It'll be my pleasure," Arm softly smiled, taking a few steps forwards, taking his right claw out of his pocket as he opened it.

Karomaru's eyes went wide as not even five seconds in, the red scaled, black haired dragon burnt the imp alive with a huge although single-handed fire blast. "W-wow... no way this guy is a freshman..." he gulped to himself.

Arm turned his head around and showed Katt his smoking palm, "Did I do good?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Katt blinked with surprise a bit, "Yes very good, either you've had previous training or you're one very gifted student, not many that can take an imp down in a single shot." She examined Mar for a second before walking forward again into the large room. She glanced around, "Well think that's the last of them for this area, guess we can start the real fun, searching for any artifacts."

She approached the altar in the center of the room, heavy black iron object resembling an upside down urn sitting on it, a thick chain attached to the bottom and running up towards the ceiling, "Hmm, an old security system, cute. Well we could spend the next few hours searching out the puzzle contraption this is attached to and figure it out, or," She grinned as she flicked her fingers, thin hair-like strands of light extending out and wrapping around the casing, suddenly pulling her hand back as they sliced through it like a hot knife through butter. The covering falling to the floor in pieces.

On the pedestal rested a large black crystal, a purple mist floating around inside of it, "Hmm, well now this is odd. I've never seen something like this before." she mused, relics and objects weren't her strongest subject so identifying the rarer ones was a difficulty.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
(Vook's Group)

"Relax, I'm on it." Hyouzen nodded towards Yachiru before he ran out of the barrier through one of the growing cracks. "You ready, buddy?"

"Yes, master." Arc did his best to maintain a sturdy, armor shape to protect the water dragon. A light gulp did escape his mouth when he thought about what happened to the barrier's spikes however.

"Alright, asshole, I'm coming for ya!" The water dragon charged Tyrant, giving his leg a swift slice before jumping onto his back.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Rrhhgg, of course...not. I like to give my enemies...a warning before they get hurt." Vook grunted, her feet sliding back a bit on the ground from the force on top of her, the barrier once more changing, this time becoming incredibly frigid, slowly freezing the massive dragon claw to it.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Very impressive. I want him in my class, he has great potential." Salem whispered to Katt with a smirk as she watched Mar's display.

"What's your name kid?" Herzeleid as she watched from over her master's head.
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Don't get too far ahead of yourself," Katt warned, "You know your way around darker artifacts, perhaps you know what this is. It definately seems to fall inside of the dark element." Katt explained as she poked it slightly, the black mist inside swirling around in reaction to the touch.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
With the slice and cold attacks, Tyrant finally growled in pain and removed his paw from the cracked barrier, starting to shake his enormous body to get Hyouzen off his back as his arms were too large and his claws too short for them to reach someone in that position. "Get off my back!" the monstrous dragon roared, suddenly thrusting himself backwards, attempting to crush Hyouzen between his back and the cavern's walls directly, the impact would surely instigate another cave-in, though.

Seeing this, Yachiru's eyes widened, "Lana! Wake up!" she called, shaking her pink purse until the fairy came out.

"Young Mistress, is there anything I can, oh gods! That's an enormous dragon!" Lana exclaimed.

"We know!" Yachiru haplessly said, trying to keep firm to begin an incantation, "Lana, I need your help!"

"Yes! Immediately!" the fairy nodded, quickly understanding Yachiru's intentions. Lana flew over and began hovering atop Yachiru's head, where the fairy began glowing white until she began changing forms, turning into what seemed to be a halo.

Yachiru's eyes glowed the same white all of a sudden and she started: "Mother Earth, Bringer of Life," her arms went down all of a sudden, feeling the ground, "...heed my voice and turn it into your command: UPLIFT!" she yelped, rising up and throwing her arms into the air.

The ground below Tyrant suddenly began trembling, before chunks of rock started pelting off together, rising the chunk of floor Tyrant was standing on off-ground. "What's happening? What are you-?! AH!" the dragon roared, suddenly slipping before he could thrust himself and Hyouzen onto the wall, the rock bed suddenly shaking and throwing Tyrant forwards, making him fall on his back so Hyouzen wouldn't be crushed under his weight.

(Katt's Group)

"Arm. Pleasure's mine," The black-haired dragon said to the succubus, bowing elegantly in reverence for being the teacher's familiar. Mar knew WHAT Herzeleid was, and that was why he wouldn't touch her. He then stood straight again and went back to following Katt. It was then that he saw a black crystal which was no doubt enchanted, "If that's what I think it is, Master's gonna be pleased if I bring it back," he smiled to himself, slowly walking forwards, but a grey and gold blur suddenly jumped ahead of him, standing by Katt's side.

"Woah! Cool. Look at how it glows!" Karomaru said, "That sure looks powerful, right Reno?" his familiar responded with both an excited and wary bark. Karomaru looked in Katt's direction, "What is it, Miss Katt?"

"This boy is starting to piss me off," Mar grunted.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC:.... ..... .... ..... ....WHHAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT?! I spontaneuoslywhatever leave for like 5 months, come back, and stand in total confusion so big, I can't even crack a random comment out. Now I got read/skim...1...2..5...87...160+ posts of varying sizes?!...Okay read 'em just now, yet still left in darkness here...could I kindly ask one of y'all to give me a brief summary on what I had missed. Yes? Please? Thanks in advance...I'll reward you with brand-new randomness...yeah...I'm done.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
OOC: I'm sure one of the others could give you a better basic summery, but over the last few months, basically a school trip to the nearby mines was announced and some of the player characters left, breaking into two groups lead by Vook and Katt. Now monsters are appearing in the mine because of the influence of a spy. (Arm)


Hyouzen gasped from all the shaking around, rolling off of the feral dragon as it was thrown onto its back. "Damn..."

"Master, now's our chance!" Arc knew that Tyrant was rather vulnerable with his underbelly exposed, the scales looking softer than the leathery hide across his back.

"Right!" Hyouzen left into the air and made a flying down stab towards Tyrant, aiming for the creature's heart. "Get ready for a heart attack!"

Ugh, master needs to work on his pre-ass kicking one liners... Arc groaned for the cheesy line as he watched Hyouzen's claymore pierce Tyrant's chest.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
OOC: that's about the gist of it, don't think the excursion's gonna be going on much longer before we'll be back at the school, there'll be plenty of oppurtunities for you to join back in then Venin.


"That I'm not sure about, it's not like anything I've ever seen before." She held up her hand, a small orb of light forming in it before casually flicking it at the dark crystal, the orb of light seeming to be absrobed into it, the purple mist swirling more energetically for a few seconds before coming to a rest again, "It's strange whatever it is. No one better touch it just to be on the safe side. Hmm, sure there's probably a box or case we can use to carry it back to the school in." she looked around the room for anything that would suffice.

*Vook's group*

Kitt remained on the floor shaking slightly from the battle. A loud squawk breaking her out of it as Flare landed next to her, staring at her. Kitt stared back before smiling a bit and nodding, "Right, I think I understand you finally," she smiled, "Yachiru, Flare has an idea. we're going to heat up some of those rocks, try and hurl them once we do." she called over to Yachiru as she stepped forward a bit, Flare flapping off the ground and landing on her shoulders, folding her wings back as they burst into flames, creating a ring of fire behind Kitt, "Alright, focus, Flare's with me, I can do this." She took a deep breath before holding her hands infront of her, flames snaking from the ring behind her towards her hands and then pouring over the rocks infront of her, rapidly pushing them to a red hot temperature as they began to melt slightly.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad