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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"Huh?" Kyosan paused, hearing Ada's words before drawing slowly nearer. A curious Lurea also joined him as they both made their way over to the tree- the dragon letting the fire in his body slowly die back down again as they both hovered close to the wolf.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson joined the group and watched the light grow across the wolf's body before he told the group, "I'm not sure, but this looks like the light of digivolution...though after that, I suppose he's changing back to his rookie form."

Once Garurumon's body was completely engulfed in white, a peculiar black rose arose from the wolf's body before it broke apart into empty data. The light then died down as his shape shrunk down into that of a Gabumon form. "Uugghh..."

Ada then took a look at the beaten canine, still a bit confused by what happened. "A black rose? Kyo...Crimson, any idea what that was?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Reminds me of black gears... though, it looks too stylish to be the work of the original series we saw. I think... they control the digimon to do the bidding of something, or.... someone." Kyo tried to theorize, putting his finger to his lip quietly. "Whatever it is, it's gone now anyway."

"Yeah... guess we should just leave it like that." Lurea nodded, cuddling up to Crimson's leg. She had enough fighting for one day- first the army and Zorro, now the Garurumon.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Zorromon walked along what seemed to be a realm composed of walls lined ethereal data, the walls glyphs glowing at random intervals. "Man, I hate this place, it's like one of those haunted ruins...well except it comes with a free light show." Before long, the fox swordsman stepped into a large chamber where several potted plants with large black roses were growing. "Sorry boss, I wasn't able to grab any of those kids for and the Gazimon met with some resistance." He tried to change the subject of his failure and told him, "Say, these are some nice plants, I don't think I've ever seen this kind before."

(Amiga Village)

"I guess. The rose was destroyed so I can't really analyze it anyways. First things first though, we should take this guy back and help him recover. He might have a clue about who or what's been causing trouble around the island." Crimson tried to carefully carry the Gabumon into his arms before he looked down towards Lurea and smiled. "Good job, cutie. Sorry that we didn't get to see the stars, but at least we saved the day, eh?"

Ada climbed and returned to hanging onto Kyo's shoulder before telling him, "I guess that's a fair enough explanation. Say Kyo, what did the elder give you guys anyways? I was caught up in all the fighting to really notice."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Haha... don't get too close." A quiet, controlled voice chuckled from the darkness, weaving his fingers over the small lines of data flowing around him, his eyes beaming red in the darkness before approaching the flower. "Unless you want to become a mindless henchman, I suggest not touching it or letting it be near you. So, you failed in other words. Oh well, there'll be more times where we can catch them off..."

(Amiga Village)

"I guess..." Lurea murmured, disappointed their starstruck night was wrecked because of the second fight, but had to go along as she gave another of her beamful smiles and wagged her tail eagerly, before letting go of the fox's leg. "So, take him back to my hut?"

"Oh, this?" Kyosan paused, twisting his belt around to show the small white gadget to Ada- with a small chuckle before saying, "I think it's called a... "Digivice." Don't ask me how I know." He chortled lightly.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

"Mind control, boss? I thought you just wanted to get those who resisted out of the way." Zorromon tried not to think about it too much and rested softly against the wall before asking him, "By the way, you know that world of humans you come from? Those kids now have a couple of allies from there I think. There was this fox dude with a lab coat and some weird inventions. Also, there was this violet dragon with some fire abilities. I think those kids called them Crimson and Kyo. Do they ring a bell?"

(Amiga Village)

"If it's alright. I really don't want to leave him out here. Thanks, cutie." The fox rubbed Lurea's head softly before he looked towards his friends. "We'll see you guys tomorrow, alrighty." Crimson smiled towards Kyo and Ada before he walked with Lurea back to her hut, opening the door before resting the Gabumon softly on the couch. "He should be fine by morning, I guess." He then turned towards Lurea and asked her, "So what now, cutie?"

"Well, I could ask you, handsome." Ada giggled softly before she relaxed more atop of Kyo's shoulder. "It's okay though, I'll let it go, it's been a long day anyways." With a playful grin she ordered him jokingly, "Back to the mansion, Jeeves."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions

Silencing himself while looking over the flowers, the man gritted his teeth, his white hair flapping behind him as he moved towards Zorro- grasping the fox warrior by his neck. "Them two?! You let them, of all the people it could have been, escape?" His voice became shrill and solid, his red eyes glaring while the lights from the glyphs shone brighter. "I want to make sure those two of all of them will not interfere with our plans. They are a nuisance, and we have to make sure their journey stops beforehand."

With a thrust of his arm, the white-haired man tossed the fox warrior back, before putting a hand to his face. "If worst comes to worst, even I'll have to deal with them."

(Amiga Village)

"I have... no idea. We could eat again, or talk, but I'm afraid there's not much here I can offer in terms of entertainment..." Lurea trailed off, wagging her tail gently as she sat down softly once again.

"Yes, ma'am," Kyosan chuckled to her playful order, heading back to Ada's hut. Within seconds, they arrived- opening the small door before entering once again. "I'll have to get used to ducking," He joked, slowly heading towards the couch.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

Zorromon gasped as he was held by the neck by the albino human, the fox trying to keep calm. " problem boss. How about I use the old secret weapon against those four?" He managed to slip out of the mysterious man's grasp before he pointed a claw towards a shadowy shape further inside the ruins, appearing to be some sort of odd tank.

(Amiga Village)

"Ah, alrighty then. Maybe we should just get to sleep then. We're starting our journey in the morning." Crimson dug through his pockets and found a capsule, opening it to cause a futon and pillow to appear in a puff of smoke. "Good night, Lu." He kissed her softly on the forehead before laying down on his portable bed.

"Well, there are bigger digimon like that Zorromon. Maybe once we get going tomorrow, we'll find a village that just your size." Ada laughed a little before telling Kyo, "I guess you can sleep on the coach, handsome. I'd let you sleep on my bed, but I think you're a little too big for that." She giggled a little before her paw felt his bicep for a moment. The feline then kissed him lightly on the cheek before telling him as she left for bed, "G'night, handsome."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions

"Just use whatever you can. Until they're disposed of, nothing will be at rest." The shaded man muttered, moving back into the darkness as he groaned softly- not before bashing the wall next to him as he faded into the darkness. "Try tomorrow. Best not fail me, Zorro."

(OOC: Skip, good sir? xP )
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
OOC: To the time machine! :P


" problem, boss." Zorromon waited a few moments until he was sure the albino man had left the room before he jumped into the front of seat of the odd tank machine. Humph, if he's so worried about those two, he ought to take of them himself. He started driving towards the hangar which held a few various vehicles until he reached the garage doors, waiting for them to open. I wonder if those roses are getting to him. He said he just wanted to make this world a better place. Now I'm about to go blow some stupid rookies to the next dimension and he's enslaving test subjects. Once the doors opened, the fox swordsman drove out of the mysterious ruins into the night before sighing a little. ...What a mess.

(Amiga Village, The Next Day)

Crimson yawned as he started to stir from the futon on the floor of Lurea's home. He looked around a little before declaring softly, "Morning. You up, Lurea?" The fox looked around, not seeing the little dragoness at first. He then noticed the Gabumon still snoozing on the couch, looking like he was breathing more comfortably now.

Ada continued to sleep deeply in bed, taking after her earthly feline cousins as she tried to hide away from the morning sun.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions