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I simply must say this...
*hugs Blitz all tight and stuff*

Much love for yous!
Why thank you- *hugs back*
I must say, im really quite confused. Can someone give me a heads up on the usual people here and their relationships? Blitz and Gun are family or something... and Gunther got bashed by a lot of people? Well I hope you get better.
We're brothers. Two out of three. The third is Velmont, who just recently had his heart ruthlessly torn out, crushed, urinated on, and sent through a garbage disposal.

-Then it was taken out, raped, burned, turned into chopsuey, and force-fed back to him.

That's what he said, at least.

We have a family friend, Raymond, nicknamed Blue because of his... unique eyes. -Before the opperation, that is.

-And Gun can't post for a while.

Based on observations, Collin (Roranscrystalwolf) and Mistysilverwolf are good friends.

Epsilon and Drunkenmunkee are.... *ahem* Close friends.

UnknownH and Zephyr of Darkness once had an intercontinental-relationship.

But those are only theories.
I'm sure I forgot more... just ask around, Like Dragon Master X.
Yeah! I am... wait- what am I?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The members that you are friends with, like Faiz, the artist. Can you enumerate them all?
Blitz VanCrimson Wrote:Epsilon and Drunkenmunkee are.... *ahem* Close friends.

Very, very good friends. I'd love to be more, but things get in the way of that. Beings friends is good though =^_^=
Truly. Gun greets you an advanced happy "level-up", By the way.
I'm friends with many members of the DaD, I don't want to list them, I'd probably forget about one, that wouldn't be fair. Gun is one of them of course- and meh... Gun probably has more friends here xP
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad