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I'm stuck on a space station so I'm out of this race too. but I have the MEGA DEATH LASER 9K!! (I like that name) and I think I'm learning how to work it *turns to lackey* patch me through to the pentagon

pentagon people: what are your demands.
Shadowknight: first off I want you to bring back digimon, then I want all the pizza and mountain dew in the western hemisphere, an XBOX 360, my own island, and... *returns to computer screen* any demands you guys wanna make?
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
:shock: What!? you DIED!?

NO ONE dies in MY castle as long as I'm here!

NOTE: only four rules:

1) thou shall not kill nor die.

2) thou shall not break nor be broken.

3) thou shall not damage nor be damaged.

4) thou shall have the best time in your life and treat the castle like it was your own.
-First, I want Bush to be stricken from presidency and have him replaced with either Steve Carrell or a Flamedramon if we found one yet.
-I'll second on getting the producers to be enslaved to make some new Digiepisodes
-And what the hell, give me an M16 with unlimited bullets so i can do some ground work and get some revenge on a few people that gave me funny looks in Middle School.

As for dying, i'll try my best, but...*suddenly phone rings, gets up too fast and breaks right leg and nails head on TV corner, but still manages to answer to get a telemarketer*
-Whew! close one.
That's the spirit!

demands? hmmm....

*a new life.
Demands, eh? Sounds like fun.

1.Oust George W. Bush (may his name be blotted out!) and put Dennis Kucinich in his place.
2.Find somebody to give my pet operating system World Domination.

These are my demands, thank you for being held at net-point so you could listen.
Demands? A very large amount of money, so I can take care of some things.
(family bills, getting stuff, and a trip or two)
My demands:

1. A female counterpart who loves me as much as I love myself.
2. Alternative energy sources.
3. All rappers and R&B artists get their asses capped by punks and metalheads.
4. All smokers over 60 are executed to save Medicare and social security for those who actually give a damn.
5. Sam Alito has to answer confirmation questions at gunpoint.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
definately some of wises and;

1. the best sniper rifle in the world with upgrades
2. unlimeted military resources
3. control of nasa
4. other random stuff that strikes my fancy
Veemon's Followers
The best sniper rifle in the world? wow, and i wanted a sh*tty M16!
I became curious, and tried searchin the net for "The Best Sniper", I never found a #1, but i like THIS ONE!
it's called a \"Barret MA281\"-
*thunder strikes after saying name*
[Image: img182.jpg]

Honestly, who else would crap their pants if that was pointed at them? (maybe I should start a poll...)
*returns to pentagon guys* well you heard the people bush is out. And I want a bunch of sciency people to get to work on bioengineering digimon.

Pentagon guy: What's a digimon?

Shadowknight: *fires laser and destroys him* anymore questions? Good, I want you to give these guys *points to computer screen* anything they want except TOTAL world domination (earth is mine you can have jupiter or a random country) and find a way to clone Bushes so we can hunt them for sport.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad