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whats wrong anonmon?
Veemon's Followers
I don't want to be near people who filled ye flask with ye cum.
I dont blame ya'....... no one enjoys being near me.
Specially since I'm covered in... rrrrrm.
I... took the digipedia test, and this came out:

Take the Digipedia FunFic Personality Test!

Do... you think that's a good sign?

I took it again, and this came out:

Take the Digipedia FunFic Personality Test!

Now that's just wrong! I am not HIGHLY EMOTIONAL!!! and I do NOT go into crying fits- nor do I like philosophy! I'm takin' it one more time...


Take the Digipedia FunFic Personality Test!

I DO have legs. one more time... just one more time...

okay, I got Daemon, then henry, and now this:

Take the Digipedia FunFic Personality Test!

oh well. I guess it's okay.

Well, at least it's not mine...
Hey, check it.

That's probably the closest I'll ever get on a questionnare that doesn't have half the answers that actually apply to me.

Incidentally, is it time for combat yet?

First I got Takato, then Willis came up twice. I guess because I answered "Painting the dog" on the last question just for fun. :P But I wouldn't really do that. My dog probably won't like being any other color than he is right now. Besides, paint smells bad.