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DaD - Now what?
In favor of the above on one condition: That a "monetary" value is given to each piece of work a contributor submits (for example, $1 for a colored picture or 5-page lemon or something) which counts towards their ability to pay for the parts of the site that become paysites.

I say this for two reasons: 1. I am unnable currently (until I can do stuff over the internet without my parents really caring or snooping) to financially contribute and 2. Contributors are never paid on this site or the DaD, and I think the people who give the site content deserve some credit to go towards being able to use other content.

I don't think that such a rule would cause inordinate amounts of submissions of crappy pics and lemons in order to get out of paying because low values could be given to truly bad works that were very obviously created for the sole purpose of providing credit and because most visitors to the site are leechers and would probably rather pay to see, say... the art section than contribute something.
Well, the whole thing shouldn't be a paysite. Yes, the willing authors and artists who do requests should get something. That sounds good. Say five bucks for a colored picture, five for a lemon of about five pages. And all authors and artists should do their best work, so that we're not collecting five dollars from people and sending them garbage.

Well, we shouldn't call this idea final until we have more people in favor.

Any takers?
me, like anon, would go through hell and back if my parants found out about this so i am also unable to contribute untill i eather 1. move to japan where you are legley an adult at 14 or 2. i wait for three years when i am able to do so. other than that i have no objections to the plan.
Veemon's Followers
That's understandable, Rover, that you can't contribute your work because of your parents. That's great though, two in favor, not counting myself. Who else? Keep sending opinions. We should make sure there are no problems before we get to setting anything up!
Quote:That idea of John's was a good one, so personally, I think we should stick with that concept, only without taking things away
If you don't link something away, the bandwidth will be too large, and the two CD thing that was mentioned won't apply.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Yeah, also that to consider. Well, it's possible that the funds we collect could cover extra bandwidth costs. We'd have to see what we take in first. But I don't remember anything about a two-CD thing.
Chibi Renamon Wrote:I won't put out numbers in the open, but I'll just drop the hint that the cost of one or two CD albums should easily cover the server cost (depending on artist ), assuming that the traffic stays in the dimensions of the past few months (post-dojin-removal months). Of course, you can also try to fund the site with donations or what-not. That's up to you. If you (the group) settle on somebody to be the potential new Admin (or the group speaker at least) I can give you the details via PM or mail.

was the in the first post of the thread.
Veemon's Followers
Blue Rover Wrote:me, like anon, would go through hell and back if my parants found out about this so i am also unable to contribute untill i eather 1. move to japan where you are legley an adult at 14 or 2. i wait for three years when i am able to do so. other than that i have no objections to the plan.

In Japan you are legally an adult at 18. Sex, however, is legal at some young age like 13 or 14. Don't ask me why one internet rumor is true and the other isn't, that's just how crazy the Japanese are.

I'm not exactly fond of the American age system either, but that's another rant.

I actually wasn't specifically talking about artists and writers doing requests; I more just meant what they do. However, if you want to be more stringent about money I would get behind a proposal that any contribution that goes into a pay-section earns credit to enter that section. And of course, contributors can always view their own stored works.
Quote:(another plus of IGN is people can get adopted who can't/don't want to buy it)
Now that might make that idea work. But if we could get that CD thing to work it could also help.
So... we've come up with something then, right? What do we do about it?