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Zero grunts, peering over his seat at Fiona, looking at her. "Hm?"

Lufty rolls her eyes, "Don't mind him. He comes off as rude to everyone." Mia nods "Yeah, you'll get used to it! And then after a while he'll start being nice, and you'll have to get used to that!" She said giggling.

Zero scoffed and turned back in his seat, looking at Star, then ahead at the road.
"Hey I would not mind being friends with him," said Fiona "I could think of several fun things we could do together."

"Fiona," said Dramon with a slight warning tone in his voice.

"What I didn't say anything," she replied indignantly.

"Ya but I know how you think."
Zero showes the faintest of blushes as he stares out his window, trying to ignore their conversation.

Star makes a sharp left turn, driving still. "Shouldn't be too much further..."
"Good truth be told I am getting a bit cramped in here," said Fiona.

Dramon merely looked out the nearby window observing the world.
Eventually, Star would pull into a driveway, a rather large beige house to the left of the group. "Here we are.." She said, setting the car in park, and taking out the keys, unbuckling her seat belt, opening her door, and stepping out of the car.

Zero is not to far behind in getting out, Mia and Lufty are also quick to get out of the veichle, stretching and loosining themselves.
((Sorry for the delay my ideas dried up during a long work week, at least it felt really long.))

"Wow nice house," said Fiona stepping out.

Dramon did not have much to say and merely exited as soon as possible.
"wait here.." She said, stepping into the house. "Dad! I have guests! If ya don't mind, were all gonna hang out in my room!" Eventually after a long while, Star steps out of the house. "Alright.. Uhm.. Yeah, so, come on in.." She says sheepishly. It becomes clear she has a split personality when it comes to family and friends.
"Is she always like that when around other people?" whispered Fiona to Lufty.

"Thank you for letting us stay here for a bit," said Dramon as politely as possible upon entering the house.
Lufty whispers back "Oh yeah, she is really shy, but around anyone she considers family, she can become a real hard ass..." She says with a slight laugh. "You probably wont have to worry about it much really." She says, shrugging and walking inside with Mia and Zero.

"Hiya sir!" Mia says happily.

Zero remains quiet, looking over at a wall.

Star is nowhere to be seen.

Her father is a thin man, lucario speicies with pailing blue fur. He is wearing glasses, and his right arm is missing up to his elbow. He nods at Dramon, then looks over him and Fiona. "Must be the strangest pokemon I've ever seen.. Foriegn I'm guessing, eh?"
"Very," said Fiona.

"We are exchange students from school," said Dramon "we met Star and her friends and they invited us over. I hope this does not bother you sir."