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High School: Obessions Of The Heart
Kisu looked down sadly and looked at his reflection in the river beside them, he sighed gently and looked away sadly. "That just it..." he said softly and looked down once more and looked awya from the others. "I don't even know who I am" he said sadly and suddenly flashes in his mind appeared, screaming, yelling, an explosion, peole screaming his name. Kisu completely blanked, and he seemed to become lifeless as he fell into the river and did not re-surface.
"OH SHIT!" Altima cried, pulling off his trench-coat, as he jumped into the river. He quickly pulled Kisu up, placing him back on land. "Kisu!! A-are you ok?"
Kisu eyes were barely open and what was open of them was a dull grey instead of bright blue. "Why did mommy die, why couldn't the bad man die like in all the stories" he muttered, and slowly turned his head to Altima. "Daddy and mommy are dead and the bad guy got away, I'm all alone, nobody wants me, nobdoy needs me, nobody knows me..."
Zeke's eyes flash a couple times with a blue light, him making sure nobody sees it. The water that got into Kisu suddenly goes away.
Altima looked at Kisu, placing a hand on his head. "He's having flashbacks... I can't seem to tap into them... so I don't know whats going on.." Altima said to Zeke.
Zeke whimpers. He gently slaps Kisu's cheeks, trying to snap him out of it. "Hey! Dude, wake up!"
Kisus turns to Zeke and whispers "Why couldnt I die with mommy and daddy?" and with taht his eyes turn back to birght blue and he blinks and looks around. "Umm guys, why am I wet...and why are you staring at me" he said slowly.
Zeke's eyes grow sad. "N-nothing...."
Kisu gave a confused look and suddenly felt very uncfomrotable and looked around and then at Zeke.
"Y-you started saying something...about a bad man, and somehting about stories.." Altima said, not taking an eye of Kisu.