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Faiz and Masquerade RP (The Edge)
(Immolatio: Steel Manufactory)

The worker grinned happily. "Ah, that's a question we get quite a lot around here," he said and opened his arms out, gesturing towards the walls of the building.

"Of course you would get that question," Aussa added. "Look at this place!" He was still awestruck by the grand semblance of the factory. "One cannot help but wonder how this place has come into existence."

"Perfectly understandable," the worker nodded. "We started off this building by setting up a complex wire frame to act as a skeleton for the factory. Now, the rest of construction could only occur with the help with magic. What we did was, we melted the metal ore until it became liquefied. Next, we use magic to lift the liquid metal and pour it over the frame. We had to keep up a magic field against the liquid metal so that it actually formed walls. Eventually, the metal hardened and we had our humble factory here. What do you think?"

(Aqua Castle: Antechamber)

Grant felt his insides flare in pain, but that was nothing compared to the pain in his head as Mika's foot collided with it. He went spiraling through the air and landed roughly on the ground. He growled. "That really hurt, you know?" he said and coughed. Blood splattered the ground as he did.

The orator sighed. "Repair."

Previously, Grant hadn't been able to get up. But suddenly, he stood back up and quit clutching his stomach. He wiped the blood from his mouth. "Ah, much better." He slammed his pole into the ground. "Rending Earth!" Stalagtites burst out of a crack in the floor that was making its way to Mika.

Excellent idea, Mika. I almost forgot about that, Alexander thought back to her. Mass of chaos that breaks apart order throughout the Universe. No laws can this magic. No soul can resist the temptation! Cloud of Darkness!

The jester looked around frantically as a thick, black cloud began to surround him. He tried to escape, but found that he was stuck in the cloud. Eventually, he couldn't be seen. Alexander fell to one knee and closed his eyes in concentration. He would see to it that the jester never joked about anything again.


"What a keen sense you have, dear," the old lady said. "Two young women arrived here yesterday, and then a little boy stopped by, too. All three of them set out earlier today to go to Aqua Castle. There are a few miscreants living there that are causing this violent storm. The of them are determined to get rid of those villains so that this town can feel the caress of the sun again."
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Immolatio: Steel Manufactory)

Faiz listen carefully to the explanation given by the worker and observe his hand movement to the magnificent structures and machines. "My goodness...I thought you did all of this using your own bare hands without any magic involved..." The wolf said, smiled. "I am stunned..It must pretty hard for you to build this..."

(Aqua Castle: Antechamber)

"Damnit..." Mika cursed softly, seeing Grant recovered just with the command from the orator. "I have to find a way to silence him..." The dragoness leap backwards to avoid herself from approaching stalagtites, and went near Ariadne before distinguish the fire on the chain with Freeze; a spell to freeze something until it hits the breaking point. About a few seconds, Mika stomped the icy chain and breaks it, released Ariadne. "Be careful Ariadne. Try to silent the orator. He able to do anything just by his command." She speaks telepathically.


Ryo nodded, wrapping his now-dry fluffy tail on his waists to warm him. "I see...Maybe I should go and lend a help...In helped me to stay here for a while from the rain..." He said, smiled. "I'll drop by once I gather enough energy...Previously, I used some to cut these metal collar..."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Immolatio: Steel Factory)

Solia gazed up at the high ceiling, thinking about how much effort was put into something so foreign. "Yeah. I mean, it must have taken an enormous amount of magic to handle a heavy-duty job like that. Hold the liquid metal in place until it hardened. That had to have taken a long time..."

The worker kept smiling, but his eyes became a little less livid than before. "Yes, it did take us quite a while to build this place. We had to alternate between magic casters as we did. Otherwise, the spells would surely have drained us of our mana and we would have all died. But our hard work paid off and now we have a place to test out our new steel devices. We've come up with a few inventions already, but they need further testing before release into society. Would you care to see?"

(Aqua Castle: Antechamber)

Ariadne stood up, the searing pain in her scorched ankles still surging through her body. "Thank you, Mika. I'll see what I can do." Ariadne pulled the umbrella out and held it up like a sword. "I have had it with being defensive. Now is the time to strike! Floral Waltz!" She vanished and reappeared next to the orator. "My Passion, surge!" She swung the umbrella, cracking him in the head and sending him crashing to the floor. A burst of crimson red rose petals flew through the air. "My Happiness, seize!" She struck the wounded enemy on the floor again, this time in the side. A burst of marigold petals filled the air, mixing with the red. "My Envy, rage!" Another strike to the orator's legs and a cloud of green leaves joined the party. "My Sadness, relent!" The sound of crunching bone echoed throughout the antechamber as Ariadne bashed the orator's arm with the dark umbrella. The dreary blue petals of the scarlet pimpernel mixed with the medley of petals and leaves that was now filling the room. "My Loyalty, destroy!" She dealt her final blow to his head once again. There was a sickening thud, then silence. Violet tulip petals were slowly falling from the air. She did a backflip and landed it perfectly. "You shall speak no longer! All that I am, cascade!" The flower petals and leaves swirled around the orator's body. As the flower parts raged, the orator's skin was being cut and his clothes tattered. Somehow, the petals and leaves were slicing him.

The black cloud holding the jester disappeared to reveal a lifeless mass crumpled up on the ground. He was dead.

Alexander found that he couldn't get up. "I'm finished for this battle," he panted. "I've expended to much mana..."

Ariadne stood with her umbrella, just staring at the battered, lacerated corpse laying in a puddle of the reddest blood. She fell to her knees shivering.

Grant felt no sorrow for his companions. He knew he'd end up like them if he didn't act fast. "Earth Dragon Cannon!" The mystic punched the stone floor. As he did, a cannon made of stone erupted out of the ground behind Grant and started firing giant boulders at Mika.


"You're going so soon? You just got dried off, dear," the old lady said. "Then again, I am sure those others would appreciate your help. Do you need anything before you go?" she asked kindly.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Immolatio: Steel Factory)

Faiz nodded. "Ahh..testing...It's one of my most favorite thing to do, especially when I test the weapons..." The wolf stated, smiled slightly.

(Aqua Castle: Antechamber)

The dragoness take a glance on Ariadne's continuous attacks on the orator, which is quite unusual and rarely seen before. Once Ariadne defeats the orator, both including Alexander is out of their limits and completely weak. Mika wants to help them, but she doesn't sure either her healing power enough to recover them. "I'm sorry, Alexander, Ariadne...I have to defeat this guy first..." She contact telepathically as she readies to defend herself from giant boulders.

With a quick arm movement and spell chanting, a water barrier created around her to slow the boulders to complete stop before it reach Mika. Then, she sense something wrong. The boulders seems didn't slow but kept on moving fast once it passed the water barrier. Mika didn't have enough time to avoid the boulders and she've been hit pretty hard; it breaks her bones on her left shoulder, making her turned around and another boulders hit her back. Luckily her spine is amazingly strong. Mika fell on the ground, breathing heavily and her magic gradually reduced. "W-what happened...? My water barrier..doesn't work...? Water is strongest element against earth... W-why...?" She thought before cough blood.


"Hmm... I'm not sure about that...I sense they're seems fighting quite well..." Ryo stated before sense that all three is in danger, then he stood up. "Thanks for your help, old lady...I don't need anything...All I need is wish me luck..." With that, he press his lips on her forehead and rushes out, running towards the castle in heavy storm.
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Immolatio: Steel Factory)

The worker's face was aglow. "Weapons interest you, eh? It just so happens that we have one that is reaching completion. Care to take a peek?"

"It might be interesting, Faiz," Solia whispered to him.

(Aqua Castle: Antechamber)

Grant laughed. "Ha! What sort of pathetic spell was that? You really thought you could stop my boulders? Ha ha ha ha!" He walked slowly up to the dragoness now incapacitated on the floor. The mystic ended his technique causing the stone cannon to crumble into dust. "You were so sure of yourself, were you not?" Grant spoke, his voice in a sort of deathly sweet whisper. He held his pole above his head. "Well, I think this is the end for you...DIE!!" With all his might, he brought the pole down, hoping to strike Mika in the head.

No! Ariadne, do something...ARIADNE! Alexander thought with determination at the princess, but she did not respond. His own thoughts weren't getting through to her. This cannot be it...something must be done...but what?


"Oh, you will need all the luck you can get, dear," the old lady spoke inaudibly as she watched Ryo run off into the storm. A slightly malicious smile graced her face and she began to cackle.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Immolatio: Steel Factory)

"Absolutely, my friend..." Faiz bows to the worker in honor. "It's been a long time my paws didn't hold any weapons..." He smiled to Solia while his big furry fingers moving around.

(Aqua Castle: Antechamber)

Mika in the other hand, are hopeless. There's no one is got to save her now. "Am I have to end my life here...? Who will taking care of my brother after this...?" She thought as her eyes shut tightly, bracing herself helplessly and waiting for angels to take her soul away.

Ryo running quickly like other wolf able to do so, towards the castle as his ears picked up Alexander's call even though the thoughts forward to Ariadne. By using that thoughts as guide, he able to make it to the castle and saw the mystic brought the pole down to the dragoness.

"Lightning Strike!" Ryo yelled as expand his arms, which his left hand pointing outside of the castle and another hand pointed to the mystic's pole. Then, A lightning strikes from the sky, down to Ryo's left hand and shot out from his other hand. The tip of lightning reach the pole and shock or possibly temporary paralyzing the mystic. In a quick far jump, Ryo grabs Mika and Alexander before putting both besides weak Ariadne. "You're save now...Use your available mana to heal your injuries and your friends..." He said softly to Mika before gets up and facing the mystic.

Meanwhile, Mika did not believe what she've seen. She knew it's not a dream. It's real thing. She saw a wolf almost resemble as her brother save her from being killed. Without letting her injuries draining her energy and mana away, she quickly use healing ability to heal the broken bones and recover her friends.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Immolatio: Steel Factory)

The worker smiled and nodded his head. He extended his arms up above his head and clapped three times. The sound traveled through the air all around the factory. A few minutes passed before two more workers approached holding a strange sword. It had a simple steel alloy blade with a fluorite handle with a clear crystal of some sort embedded in it. The hilt had a simple vine-like decoration carved in it. The sword was far from extravagant, but it was nice nonetheless.

"This is our Mana Sword," the worker expalined. "The user sends a certain element of mana into the crystal and then the sword becomes enshrouded in that element. Let me demonstrate.” The worker grasped the hilt of the sword and held the weapon out in front of him. He closed his eyes in concentration. Crimson mana began flowing out of him and surging into the crystal. His eyes opened suddenly and the blade of the sword burst into flames. “Ha! Now the sword is of the fire element.” He waved it around showing that the fire would not extinguish. “When you want the sword to go back to normal, you just take back your mana.” A slow stream of red mana seeped out of the crystal, returning to the worker. “Care to give it a try?” the worker asked as he held the sword out towards Faiz.

(Aqua Castle: Antechamber)

Alexander let forth a sigh of relief as he stood up, his mana partially restored. “I suppose we are lucky,” he said solemnly and turned to Mika. “I am sorry that I could not do more to help. Even after all of my training, it seems that I am still useless.”

Ariadne felt the healing effects, but was still unresponsive. Her eyes were fierce with anger mixed with anguish. She would have dropped to her knees, but she was too weak, even after having her health restored. I-I knew that I should not have used that technique. I-I was far from ready for it. What justice have I done m-my family?

Grant, who was supposed to be paralyzed, took a step towards them.

“Wait! I thought that wolf struck him with lightning! How could he be moving?” Alexander questioned worriedly.

The mystic took another step, though it was really unnatural—almost as if he wasn’t the one working his legs. Slowly, he walked towards them, but his legs seemed limp like they were paralyzed, yet he was still moving. “You thought you could escape your death? Fools! Terre Promise!” He slammed his pole into the ground. Two giant hands of stone erupted from the ground behind him and threatened to smash the group into the ground.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Immolatio: Steel Factory)

The wolf notice the other workers bringing such a beautiful-carved sword and their 'tour guide' demonstrate of how to use the sword. It shows that the sword able to store the power temporarily and can be used during battle without chanting any spells in between. "Hmm...Looks interesting..." He said as accept the worker's offer to try the weapon.

First, Faiz weight the weapon and the balance point between the blade and handle, before swinging around like he's battle with someone. Then, here comes the best part. He chant a small lightning spell and appeared on both of his gripping paws before the sword absorb the power into the crystal. By following the way the worker demonstrated, a small sparks of lightning appear on the blade and he even can touch the sparking blade. He indeed impressed the sword's ability to be used such way.

"What can I say... It's such a fine build..." The wolf commented as absorb the pwoer back and the sword is in normal state. "I starting to like this sword...but I prefer hand-to-hand combat using my own stamina and mana..."

(Aqua Castle: Antechamber)

Mika still breathing heavily but gradually breathe normally, before smiled to Alexander. "...Don't worry about it...My brother, Ariadne and myself facing the same situation as yours..." She said in slightly weak tone as lifts her body up. She can move her injured left shoulder a little bit but unable to move her entire left arm. "...Do not think negatively...You're not useless..."

"It always happen to other spellcaster with elements that strong against thunder..." Ryo said as quickly generate a thick lightning barrier using the external lightning source from the storm to hold the incoming force of the giant hands of stone. Once it hits the barrier, Ryo could feel the huge force applied on both of his paws while holding the barrier in place.

"Guys...I need your small and combined mana to destroy those hands... I might not hold it for another period of time..." Ryo pleaded.

Mika nodded and chant a small water spell and point it to the barrier to strengthen it as well as weaken the force given by those stone hands. " quick..."
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
(Immolatio: Steel Factory)

"Yes," the worker said, taking back the sword. "Some people to get set in their ways. Regardless, this blade still could use some perfection. However, with a little luck, we'll be able to get this weapon on the market in no time." He smiled and handed the sword over to another worker who briskly walked away.

Aussa smirked. "I've already got a blade that can manifest elements...well, the earth element anyways."

"You must be a user of the Divine Form then," the worker replied sharply, a bit of danger in his voice.

Aussa was awestruck. " did you....?" his voice faltered.

"Never mind that," the worker said, his smile back. "You came here for fun right? What more can you ask for?"

Solia got closer to Faiz. "I think we might want to leave. I think I have seen enough. This guy kinda creeps me out...," she whispered to him.

How does he know? Only a few should know about Divine Form... Aussa thought, the worker's words nagging at his mind.

(Aqua Castle: Antechamber)

Alexander nodded his head weakly. He began to direct the mana in the air to surround the shield, boosting it with the power of the wind.

Ariadne stood still, completely unresponsive.

Ariadne..., Alexander thought solemnly. He couldn't believe how much he was worried about the princess.

Though she stood still, her mana began to visibly manifest--a whole assortment of colors just like her rainbow of flowers and leaves that now rested gently on the stone floor. The mana surged with an elegance towards the shield making the entire thing glow in a myriad of colors.

Alexander kept his fingers crossed. Do we have enough mana? he thought. How much mana could this one man possess? Surely not enough to stop the four of us...
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!

(Immolatio: Steel Factory)

Faiz's furry ears twitch slightly and nodded to Solia's whisper. In addition, he felt uneasy from the worker's word mentioning Aussa possess Divine Form. "Hmm...I guess we have gather enough information of these steel manufactory...It's pretty useful..." He said while bowing his head. "...It's time for us to go..."

(Aqua Castle: Antechamber)

Ryo's hand suddenly feel a little bit lighter than before once their mana combined together in his barrier. "This is it..." With a quick push forward, the barrier surrounds the giant hands of stone and squeeze it had enough in order to crush the giant hands. In a matter of seconds, the effect seems to work as he saw a deep cracks formed.

Ryo increase his mana some more and push the barrier forward once again, the giant hands of stone completely crushed and turned into tiny particles of dust, before the shield disappeared. He gasped heavily but still have enough energy to continue the fight.
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds