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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Mike laughed as he took more steps towards them, even as the tentacles shot out at him. The poison was already in his body, and Alex's tentacles fell short of their target and lay twitching on the ground. "Neat trick." He admitted.

Silvia turned and saw the man and paled, getting behind Alex quickly. "Master! Master are you OK? Please get up master!" She begged, lifting him a little but her weak body was unable to do much as far as helping him up went. "Why? Why cant you get up?!" she cried as she hugged him as best she could.

"Because he is poisoned." Mike said with a smile, continuing forward. He reached where the tentacles had fallen short and stepped on them painfully, doing it every chance he got as he walked closer and closer. "He is basically already dead." Mike said, his voice darker than before.

Silvia could not move, could not speak, or even breath for several moments. She hugged her master with all her strength, finally bringing him up so that he was on her knees with her hugging him from behind. Alex would be able to feel her hot tears on his neck as she cried into him. "Master...dont" she begged softly into his ear, but the poison was fatal and paralyzing, and Alex would have only a few more seconds of consciousness left in him.

(Dont worry, he is not going to die, I has a plan! ;D)


Grace swallowed hard and began to think her options through. They seemed to come down to only one thing, kill Hunter, kill him before the magic wore off. She had days to do this, but stalling was not something she did. Unfortunately, neither was murder, even more so than stalling. She could not steal the life from another being, she had no right to Hunter's life, but he had no right to hers! She bit her lip and tried to think of another way, a way they could both escape here and no longer have this problem.

She sighed and sat down to think, keeping a wary eye on Hunter the whole time. As she did, her eyes caught the picture of her and Hunter at their own wedding. She decided to pass a moment or two studying the picture, since this was what Hunter really, truly wanted.

(Tell me if there is anything weird about the picture, like if Grace has a collar on, or if Hunter his groping her through her dress, even slightly, anything that would make the picture not what it seems. Grace is not dumb and she has lots of time to look at it)
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Alex: If it involves Silvia dying, I will eat your limbs))

"Silvia....Get away....Run as fast as you can," Alex begged, feeling his conciousness leave him. "Do...not let anyone else love you as I have....Defend yourself from everyone, and one day...we will see each other again..." he said, groaning in pain from the poison and Mike stepping on his tentacles. "Run, Silvia, please! Leave me! If I'm going to die here, so be it, but you have to live on! I won't let him touch you...Please, jsut get away from here. I free you as my slave," he said as he died. He then turned to Mike and he growled angrily at him. "You...have to...kill even touch her!"

((How ironic. Aren't Mike and alex best friends in our Animators RP?))


As Grace examined the picture, it looked like a regular happy wedding. Grace was smiling, Hunter was smiling, there was a priest reciting vows and phrases and such. Basically, a perfect wedding. But there, on the sides, there Grace may have finally noticed something. A man, a Saxon man, holding a leash. The leash went down and connected to a woman's collar. This woman was Angelo, that was plain to see.

What did this mean? Was this what Hunter wanted? To have Grace as a wife and her people slaves to his? Or was it a warning, that if Grace did not take this chance to love him, he would force love on her by threatening her people? Or did it mean that if she did return his love, he would manipulate her against her people? What did it mean?!
(lol, indeed, and dont worry, I like Silvia to much to kill her)

Silvia cried harder and tried hard to pull Alex with her, but could not. Soon Alex lost consciousness and his breathing stopped, telling Silvia beyond a shadow of doubt that he was dead. She began to sob hard as she held his corpse, hardly realizing the smiling man standing over her.

"Well? Are you gonna run for it? Try to escape like your master ordered?" He asked mockingly, bringing her back to reality. Silvia grit her teeth and hugged her master as hard as she could for the last time before setting him down on the floor next to her, gently closing her eyes with her powers. "Y-You..." she whispered. "Y-You did me..." Her tears pooled on the floor as her broken heart spilled forth and all her sorrow was suddenly turned towards Mike as murderous rage. "You killed Alex! You killed my MASTER!" She screamed, shaking the whole tavern for a moment.

Mike stepped back but not fast enough as she backhanded him across the face. Normally this would have hardly brought a sting with it since she was a weak psychic type, but the psychic wave racing behind it added to the blow over a thousand times, sending Mike flying through the air and landing hard on his back fave yards away.

Mike rubbed his cheek as he started to get up and laughed. "Haha, I didnt figure you for the fighting type." He said as he stood back up. Silvia was far from amused and swiped her hand from her left to right as if to smack him again, blasting Mike into the wall so hard one of his ribs cracked. He grit his teeth as he kept from falling and pushed off the wall, spitting some blood as he did.

But before the would be kidnapper could do anything else Silvia punched out and sent him back another three yards into the back wall, but this time she held him there. Mike felt as though an elephant was pushing him into the wood behind him and felt his left arm break. With a wince he smiled and began to speak once more. "S-So, I take it you two were close huh? Well thats life for ya, full of-" He was cut off as Silvia thrust her hand out as if she were grabbing his neck and he began to choke.

Slowly Silvia rose to her feet, never taking her eyes off of him, walking close and closer to him until she was only mere feet from the man she was strangling. Silvia had never wanted to kill or hurt anyone. She had always wanted to simply bring happiness to those around her and most of all, her master, whom she loved with all her heart. But this man had singlehandedly destroyed what little she had and now she wanted to watch him as he died.

Silvia brought him down to eye level with her, Mike's right hand trying to grasp some unseen force that was coiled around his neck. She looked into his eyes as she brought him down and slowly began to close her hand, tightening her grip around his neck, not only cutting off the air, but bringing his spine nearly to the point of snapping.

But just as she was about to end Mike's retched life, a pang in her heart stopped her. This pang was not due to any pity or sympathy she felt for him, nor from anything her master had ever told her or shown her. This pang was not born from her at all, but from the strain on her heart. The ever pumping muscle fluttered and missed a few beats, bringing intense pain with it and causing her to gasp. She was about to have a heart attack.

The sudden pain and shock caused her to release her grip enough to allow Mike to breath, and quickly he reached behind his back and pulled out a rag. He reached forwards and pressed the rag into Silvia's face and the smell of chloroform entered her nose and weakened her already weak body. It only took a few moments for the full effects to kick in and in no time she joined Alex on the floor, breathing in weak gasps as her internal struggle to keep her own heart beating continued.

Mike watched her and then looked at himself, that had been way to close. He mentally scolded himself for being so careless and lifted Silvia with his one good arm. From her breathing he knew something was wrong. Strange, he was about to save her were as she was about to kill him. He could taste the Irony along with the blood in his mouth, and it made the taste of victory that much sweeter.


Grace looked at the picture long and hard, and could find nothing she liked about it. what was this? Her people? Enslaved? Why!? Slowly she turned around to Hunter and looked him in the eyes as best she could. "Hunter. I need you to listen to me. Tell me now, explain everything in this picture to me. Everything." She made sure that he knew she had seen everything on the picture and he was no fool.

"If you do not, then we will both starve here. I do not know how hardy you are, but I can not live very long on nothing, I am human. If you care about me at all, you will tell me the exact meaning behind that entire picture." She waited then, hoping, praying for the first time that Hunter actually cared enough to be sincere with her.


Alex's heart had stopped, he was dead, and he knew it. All of his senses faded save for the sound of Silvia's weeping, and the warmth or her embrace and tears. Even that, in the end, faded into nothingness. He was dead, and he knew it.

But then came a new warmth, a warmth that welcomed and embraced him, sinking into every fiber of his being. Perhaps it was heaven? Perhaps not. Slowly he began to feel all his strength return and his heart began to sound once more, his breath slowly returning.

He was on a warm and soft something, there were covers pulled over him up to his neck and there was someone above him, some one who, even though his sight had not returned fully, he could tell was beautiful. The smell of lavender wafted through the air he breathed and Alex Hunter returned to the land of the living.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((.....GREAT JEEBUS! You typed a lot! I feel bad for not typing as much....))

With a loud and stressfull gasp, his eyes shot open and he tried to look around, but his head fell down to rest, unable to move as he sore all over, and yet....Warm and alive. He groaned as he tried to remember what happened. "S-Silvia..." he whispered and his eyes suddenly widened even more, and nearly he jumped up seeing everything that had happen to him before he...he...."I was dead!" he shouted.

"Am....Am I in Heaven? No....Why would I go to Heaven? Is this Hell? Why is it so....calming?" he wondered. It was then, at that moment he realized, someone was above him. Someone beautiful. " an Angel? Where am I? Silvia...Where is Silvia?" he asked, more worried about Silvia then himself.


"First, stop this magic that pains me," Hunter ordered, and if Grace did so he looked at painting at first not knowing what she meant. "It is our wedding. I had long dreamed of that. To have you, all to myself finally. A wedding between us. I think it is quite....Ah..." the wolf man said, realizing what Grace was talking about. "...My people had been planning on taking your kingdom for some months now. We had planned to take your people as slaves. I suppose, that's what happens if we were to go to wars with your people..."
As Alex tried to rise, he would feel a gentle hand on his head force him back down to the bed. He was somewhere white, and tinged with pink. The person above him, presumably healing him was huge! But after a moment Alex would realize the effect was simply due to the fact that the person had wings. A beautiful blond haired woman was above him, her clear blue eyes filled with worry and wonder as her hands hovered above his chest, a white light emanating from them.

She had large angelic wings and fare skin, she really was an angel! She stroked his head gently, trying to calm him as the white light ceased. She suddenly blushed and hurriedly reached down and placed a helmet over her eyes and head. She was an angewomon, they were in her room in the tavern, where the walls were white with a soft pink tinge and everything was soft and rounded. "Are you OK?" She asked softly, making sure he did not rise, at least not yet.


Grace thought for a second and did so, ending the spell and releasing Hunter. "Just be warned." She said cautiously. "I have already tagged you, I can activate it again at any time with but a thought." she then listened to him speak and found her heart racing. A war with the Saxon Nation?! So suddenly?! But she thought they had a peace treaty! An agreement of some sort! They were not prepared for a war with the Saxon nation, they would surely lose!

"No! You-You cant!" Grace cried out, holding the wand in one hand and the knife in the other. "Call them off! You cant! My people, why would you do this to my people?!" She asked, holding back tears as she thought of the mere prospect of her people being turned into slaves. It would kill her! It would literally kill her!
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"God, I really am in Heaven," Alex realized, before he realized it was a Digimon. An Angewomon, to be precise. "Oh..." he whispered. "I...I died, didn't I? I know I did...How am I still here? How....Did you bring me back to life? I did not know Angewomon could do that," the human said, his voice tired and drowsy. "Silvia....Silvia!" he realized and once more tried to weakly sit up. "Did you find anyone else where you found me? A Gardevior! A small woman with green hair! Did you see her?" he groaned, his body in pain from the sudden outburst.


"Why? Because I want you, I suppose. The original plan was just for me to kidnap you, but then we realized if we did your people and your people's allies would go to war against us. Rather than go into a full out war, we decided to get the drop on you, or rather I did, as War Leader. A suprise attack, Grace, all for you. All because I wanted you as my own, as I have since I first saw you," the wolf man said, and slowly stood up. "As I will always."
The angewomon shook her head sadly. "No, no one was around you when I found you. There...there was some blood, not your blood. But I think it was human blood." She sighed and looked around before looking back at Alex. "You were dead, very dead. I wouldnt normally have been able to bring you back save for the fact that...well..this Tavern, nothing escapes it, not even souls. All I had to do was call your wandering soul back to your body and heal the damage. You will be sore for the next couple of days...but you will live."


"Stay away from me!" Grace cried as he got up. She held both the wand and the knife in front of her defensively as she stepped back and pressed herself against the door. "Y-You dont come near me! You monster! You bastard!" She screamed, tears flowing down her eyes. "Call of your armies! Call of the war! My people have nothing to do with this! Do it! do it or I swear I...I...I wont be the woman you love!" She held the knife to her own throat and pressed a little to hard, drawing blood. Her hand was shaky and she was desperate. She needed to escape, to warn her people!
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"I have to find her! She was taken away by another human, a man named Mike! Silvia Please, you have to help me! That man has taken away the woman I love, I will not let him keep her!" Alex groaned loduly, and fought to get up and off the bed. "Silvia!"


"Alright, alright! I'll call off the attack, but Grace, you have to remember! We're another dimension. And without you, my people may choose differently. The whole reason we were going to attack you is because I wanted you! Without me, and without you, my people have no real reason to attack you!" Hunter said.
"Please stop!" The digiman pleaded, forcing him back down. "You need to rest, you need to relax or else your blood pressure will get to high! Your still suffering from the poison, you have to let yourself relax." She cooed, trying desperately to calm him. "We will find them, we will find them. Just calm down."


Grace was not so easily calmed as she stood next to the door, the knife still at her throat. "Let me out Hunter! Let me out now!" She warned. "I have to go back, I have to! My people! I have to protect my people!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"....I let you out....What chance do you have of finding the key? Can we not just forget about the past? Maybe we were given this chance to live together, to stop something horrible. We can stay here, together, you and I! I will protect you, love you, care for you! We can forget about the Angelo People and Saxon People and live together, here!" Hunter said. "Please, just think about it!" he said. "No more war, n more pain, just you and me here together in peace."

"I can't rest," Alex whispered as he laid down. "I can't leave Silvia with that man....Please, you have to help me....I need Silvia, and she needs me. I cannot just let her die, or be raped by Mike," he said. "I have to find her."