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Kingzero and Silver
Alex took a deep breath and sighed. "Angy, for trying to escape and refusing to take punishment, you....," he smiled and pulled out the same heat pill from earlier. He crushed it and blew it into Angy's face again. "Will be put into heat again."
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy held her breath this time but still ended up breathing some of it in. She began to feel the warmth in her body and it spread again as it did before, only a little slower. Her pussy, ass and tits became hot and full of arousal and her nipples erected as her pussy dampened. "Stop this." she begged. "Why do I have to stay here? Why do I have to be punished? I just want to fly again, to be free like I was. Please, you already raped me once, surely Z or some other digimon or human can tend to you better then I can." Her legs were clamped together and shaking both in exhaustion from the struggle, fear from what was about to happen and arousal that poured out of her.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Z," Alex ordered and the Zangoose walked over and stuck a ball-gag on Angy's mouth. "You did not ask permission to leave my mansion," Alex sighed and took Z in his arms. "But you maybe right. Perhaps Z can help," he smiled and kissed the smaller Pokemon, who kissed back, with lust.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy did not understand what was happening until she felt it, her intense want to join in what they were doing. She wanted to be the one getting kissed, in fact, her body felt like it wanted more then that. She said something into her gag as her legs quaked harder and her hands wiggled around, trying to get free.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex pulled away from his Pokemon and removed the ball gag. He then pulled down his pants and revealed his dick. He waved it in Angy's face, before laying own and letting Z ride his dick. There on Z's right ass cheek was in bold black lines were tally marks. They made the number 6, meaning the number of times she had cummed in a row thanks to Alex.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy whimpered and whined as she watched this, a puddle forming under her as she became more and more aroused. "Why are you so cruel?!" She asked in he desperation. She knew what he wanted, he wanted her to beg. She was close but she used ever ounce of her will to hold back, though if he wished to touch her he would not mind. "Ohhh....please....release me..." She begged, tears falling down her face again, turning into small crystals when they hit the ground.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"That is why it is called a punishment. It needs to be cruel," Alex said. "It does pain me to see you like this, but it pained me also to see you l-leave!" Alex moaned as Z went in deeper and had cummed thanks to Alex. Despite this Z kept going going faster now and deeper as well. "Have you learned your lesson, Angy?" he asked.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy thought for a moment, tears still falling from her eyes. "I-If I stay here and dont cause you trouble...will you....will you let me go?" She prayed the deal was still liek that and prayed even harder that it was not just a ploy to make her obey. "I-I-If the deal is still like that....then I wont try to escape." She said sadly, her legs shaking horribly now.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
After a few more thrusts Alex pulled Z off, despite her struggling. "The deal is you will do as a say. I will give you food, shelter, and clothing. After a period of time I will let you choose. Stay with me, or leave," Alex said, his dick still erect and covered in Z's juices.
Some people have really badass stuff here....

Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Angy's legs shook even more violently as she saw his dick and smelled the juices. "I-I-I wont run away!" she promised, almost collapsing and choking herself. She whimpered and said "who ever made such a cruel device as this? It serves no other purpose then to make me suffer." She was sad as she said this. She had never seen a device made only for torture or punishment.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)