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Road Rovers: Love At First Sight
OOC: ah.


Gary waited a few seconds, before walking back down the hallway, towards the pool area and locker room. he stepped into the locker room, then realized he had no bathing suit with him. ah, might as well just improvise...i'll get my stuff out later. he undressed down to his boxers, and put his clothes into a locker, then walked out to where the pool was.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: The pool it is.

Blitz was already lounging in a deck chair, wearing a very skimpy bathing suit, vainly admiring his rock hard abs and thighs.

Hunter ushered Flynn up to him. "Hey, Blitz. Stop admiring yourself for five seconds and meet the newbie." He pushed Flynn forward.

Flynn smiled as the dobermann stood and towered over him. "Uh...hi. I'm Flynn Rausch." He held out his paw, which was still tingling from the going over Hunter had given it.

Blitz grinned and grabbed it, flexing his free arm. "I am Blitz." He thought for a second. "Rausch? Zat is a German name."

Flynn smiled. "Yeah, it is. I'm not German though."

Blitz put his beefy arm around Flynn's shoulders. "You are all skin and bones. You should verk out more often."

Flynn smiled as he twisted Blitz's arm and put him into a submission hold, bringing the large dobermann to his knees. "Nah, I'm good, sweetheart. Thanks though." He chuckled and fuzzled Blitz's headfur. Blitz responded by grabbing the paw and pulling Flynn around, pinning him to the deck.

"You sure? A few weeks in za gym and I won't be able to pin you so easy." He chuckled.

Flynn grinned and pulled him close, rolling off the deck into the water. They surfaced, laughing heartily. Hunter laughed, too. "Good to see you're getting along. I'll go see how everyone else is doing." He waved and strolled off.
The small husky pup slowly looked up at the largerhusky and winced at the medical treatment, but eventually calmed down and finally spoke. "Fate" he finally spoke, his voice was so gentle and soft, and yet so warm and covernting, like a summers breeze, or the first signs of spring as the blossoms began to bloom. The little one rested his cheek against the males chest, his tail swaying behind him slowly, not wanting to be seperate from him for even a second. The little one had already become attached to the hsuky despite only just meeting him, maybe it was because he was a young husky and he wnated to be near an older male of his own breed, or maybe something else, either way he would not leave the males side.

Arcrus slowly moved into the pool and silently dipped in, not making any sound as he silently closed his eyes and slowly relaxed as he felt the water surrond him, he always enjoyed the water, always loving the feeling of it. He opene dhis eyes slightly and stared at the ceiling above him, wondering why it was so quiet, he had not ehard any of the comotion with Hunter and Blitz and the new guy since he was far on the other side.
Gary put his arm around Gary's shoulders. "Hey there, newbie. Where are you going in your underwear? Come here, let's get you something proper to swim in." He led him back into the locker room. He walked over to the closet and opened it up. He pulled out a pair of swim trunks and tossed them to Gary. "Here you go. They should fit you." He pulled out another pair. "I'm going to slip into these."

Blitz lifted Flynn out of the water, still laughing. "Go change your clothes and come back. I will teach you some poses." He patted Flynn on the behind and he trotted to the locker room.

He saw Gary and Hunter about to change. "Oh, s-sorry. I didn't mean to walk in on you."

Hunter smiled and threw him a pair of trunks as well. "No sweat, Flynn. Put these on."
Exile smiles, stroking the little husky's fur gently. "Fate, that is very good name. You want to swim with us?"

Ky, having no bathing suit, jumps in next to Arc in his clothes. He grins at him. "Hi."
Arc slowly dipped deeper into the water, at last some quiet, he slowly stared at the bottom of the pool as he slowly swam underneath, simply watching the water, the peaceful water, so quiet, and yet so gentle, who would know that water could be so violetn and kill thousands of people and animals alike. After about a minute he slowly swam back to the sufrace, slowly shaking his head to get some of the water off of him, as he slowly lay on his back and stared at the ceiling, eyes closing finally as he thought about what today had brought, and what tomorrow would bring, life was so different now that he was living with the Road Rovers, so much more excitement, but he had to remember why he was here, one reaosn only, a reason he would not share with anybody. He had opene dup too much already, he just hoped it was not too late to be a closed book once more. He snappe dout when he saw Ky had decided to brake his silence, and train of thought and he slowly nodde,d not saying anything.

Fate smiled gently and nodded, but said something first. "Only if I can stay with you" he whined, his voice had a smooth Russian voice, not nearly as strong as Exile's, but still there, and could speak perfect english. He stared up at the large male and smiled happily and nuzzled happily into his neck.
"th-thank you..." Gary blushed slightly, and put on the swim trunks, stuffing his boxers in the locker with his other clothes. "what's your name? i'm Gary.."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Hunter unbashfully strips down and stands there naked. "Oh sorry 'bout that." He grab's Gary's paw. "I'm Hunter. When we Rovers head out into the field, I'm the team leader, but in the end, we all listen to the Master."

Flynn gawks at Hunter's almost aggressive nudity and shyly turns around, changing into the trunks. "I-I'm Flynn. My first day here. Yours too?"

Hunter smiles at the two as he puts his own on, tying the cord in front.


Since he was already wet, Blitz dives in and swims underwater towards the other two, noticing something about Ky. "Hey you. You are naked!" He gently squeezes Ky's behind and grins toothily. "I like tooshies. You had better be careful."
"oh...i see." Gary said, his blush fading now. "nice to meet you two guys!" he said, grinning and rubbing the back of his head. i guess this place isnt so bad after all...these two seem pretty nice.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Arcrus chose to ignore Blitz strangeness towards Ky and only said five words.

"Don't be a weird boy"

He blinked when he relised he had said it, man he was starting to sound like them as well. He shook his head and decided not to even say anything after that and slowly sunk deeper into the water and slowly lay at the bottom of the pool, simply relaxing, he was rather good underwater, and could last up to three minutes without needing air, then again he was not a normal wolf. Shaking that thought aside, he simply stared at the bottom of the pool, as he felt the pressure trying to force him to get back up.