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Digimon: Battle Across Time
OOC: Fear not, for my own fears of my crappy DSL have proven to be mostly false. However it is prone to going down for unknown lengths of time anywhere from five seconds to five hours. So it's going to be a bumpy ride for me until I manage to switch to cable after the first of the year. But anyhoo, I actually have a plot for this RPG written down so I don't have to ride(and write) by the seat of my pants.

IC: While the arrivals of chosen did much to add to the growing hope within Clockmon's heart, the fact that they kept coming after he had hoped to explain the situation only once began to frustrate him a bit. With the arrival of Dalin, clockmon hoped this would be the last.

"We have another." Arukenimon said leading Dalin into the room.

Like all the others, Ezekiel took a glance at the newcomer but something kept his gaze on him a bit longer. Something seemed to unsettle him greatly, something that could not be placed. This feeling seemed to emanate from the newcomer and move with him. His gaze was broken when he heard the sound of a door closing, it was Arukenimon.

"Now how can you be sure more aren't coming?" Clockmon said.

"Call it a hunch." She responded. "Now since I'm sure that you're tired of constantly explaining the situation every time someone new walks in. I'll give the speech this time."

"Be my guest." Clockmon said. "I'll be in the library, show them to what rooms you can find when you're finished.

"Ok then, for all you new people, and even some of you who didn't get all of it, here's the situation. Once upon a time, this place, called the Digital World was made from all the digital information and such from the human world, known as Earth by most and as Holy Terra some 40,000 years from now apparently." Arukenimon opened "And by now, I mean the very late twentieth century, of course now that doesn't matter anymore because this whole world was forced outside of time. No one knows who or what did it or why, it just happened and now we have to deal with all you kids coming from different points in history and different planets to boot. Well that's the quick and dirty version, and in my opinion if you're going to save this world or do whatever, you'll want to get to know each other better. Upstairs you'll find some rooms, I'm pretty sure there are enough to go around, especially since I think those of you with partners can share."


"Speak the words and the gods will hear you!" Speaks the young man before an armed mob ready to storm the castle of Myotismon. "Charge! Let your blood be an offering! Each sacrifice gives us all strength!"

A mighty roar is heard from the crowd as they rush forward and attack the castle guardians, Knightmon, Tankmon, and other such armored digimon. In the back, the young man, the half-human, half-eldar Armisael looks at the device he gained shortly after he came to this world. A meter could be seen on it, looking forward, he could see the attacking digimon being killed, looking back at the device, he could see the meter rising. Within, he could feel his power growing, it would not be long until the amount of blood and death reaches the point to where he can finally utilize his powers as a chosen and as an apostate of chaos. Time passes, and a few guards go down, but most of the rebelling digimon are already dead, Armisael glances at his digivice, and seeing the meter full, he knows the time is come.

"Khorne, god of blood and war, grant me your gifts and your strength. Let me fight and kill in your name!" Armisael proclaimed as a bright red light envelopes and elevates him above the ground. The light grows brighter and brighter until suddenly vanishing and leaving something completely different in the place of Armisael, a great, armored warrior with all-concealing brass colored armor weilding a great axe.

The few rebelling digimon who still lived felt thier hearts sank as they saw that they were the only ones left alive. Now they had a reason for hope, but something within most of them felt that this was wrong, that this legendary warrior now coming to join the fight was not who he appeared. Guard after guard after guard fell to his axe, but he cared not for those he led, he simply let them die and let thier blood and souls nourish him. When all was said and done, the warrior of Chaos was the last man standing, and he stood in front of Myotismon.

Veemon made it out of the bad area of the digital world and was met by an awsome place that reminded her of her home. She set the human girl on the grass and then she rubbed the girl's forehead. She hopped the human wasn't dead becasue she would feel if that happened.

"I hope she's ok..." Veemon said, when she heard the kid moan a bit and opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" the little girl asked before seeing the female version. "Are you my mommy?"

"Uh... I'm..." said Veemon not sure what to say to this. ".. yeah, i am."

"Mommy!" said the girl hugging the digimon who hugged her back. Veemon sighed not believe what she just said but being a mother to this human child wouldn't be so bad she guessed.
Marco sighed as he sat on a bed in his room. Nothing makes sense anymore...

"Cheer up, Marco... By the sounds of things; we will need to be strong in the near future." Graine said quietly.

"Oh... I'm strong alright..." The bird-man laughed weakly.

"Really? How strong?"

"Probably strong enough to take down anyone here."

"Heh... prove it." Graine said jokingly... but a swift blow to his chest sent him falling flat on his back. He grunted "Okay... you are strong..."

Marco smiled a bit "Mm... that was my only redeeming attribute back home... I learnt that it would be wise to make myself as strong as possible very early in my life."
Dalin wandered upstairs. His feet punched the wooden steps, heavy and alien, shaking dust from the railings and unto the people below. He could feel his mechanicals slick against his bones. With this feeling, he discovered something else against his flesh.

The rake of eyes.

Dalin stopped in mid stride and turned his heel. He was suprised at what greeted him. An Imperial Servant, denoted by the garb of a Tech Priest or some sort of Tech Magos, watched him ascend. A puppet of flesh mimicking machine; the irony amused the Pariah-mix to smile.

"For the Emperor Indeed." Dalin said.
There are sixteen universal laws that all tech-priests and other servants of the Machine God must follow. Eight mysteries and eight warnings, handed down since the beginnings of the cult mechanicus. Of these, two stood out most in Ezekiel's mind as he watched the newest member of this gaggle of heretics, xenos, and the one faithful ascend the stairwell before him to the living quarters. He stopped to face him, and after smiling for a brief moment, continued his ascent. He looked to be made up of some mechanical components as well, but unlike him, his seemed too alien to be the proper works of the Machine Cult, this combined with the terrible feeling that emanated from him brought about one word to Ezekiel's mind.


He had heard of such beings, men and women born without souls, creating a sort of, black hole effect in the warp. This is what caused Ezekiel's mind to think of the universal laws which this being undoubtably broke.

The alien mechanism is a perversion of the true path.

The soulless sentience is the alien of all.

More questions plagued his thoughts, but the train of which was derailed by a voice piercing his ears.

"You didn't answer my question earlier." It was Arukenimon's voice from behind him.

"Excuse me?" Ezekiel said turning to face the woman in the red dress.

"You still didn't tell me how you became so... mechanical." She said. "I guess you were caught up with something else."

"I suppose there is no harm in an explanation of my 'gifts'." Ezekiel said. "Normally, it would be decades for a servant of the Omnissiah to recieve such augmentation, but in my case, it was a matter of life and death. About three standard years ago, I was totally organic, and assisting in the delivery of ordnance and munitions to the manufactorum in which I performed my duties. Sadly, someone on the world the shipment had come from failed to observe the proper rites of packaging and containment and the container exploded as some loose explosive material inside was detonated after being jostled about during unloading. The flash scorched my eyes, and the heat and shrapnel maimed my arms, legs, and torso. If it weren't for the fact that my brain was alive and intact, I might've been rendered into bio-vat material. Instead, I was reconstructed so that I may continue my service to the Machine God."

"Oh my." Arukenimon said.

"Indeed. I consider that day to be one of the greatest in my life, since I am now closer to the Omnissiah than I would've been normally. Now if you'll excuse me." Ezekiel said leaving Arukenimon and going upstairs to search for an empty room.

Essentially, being built for working practically 24/7, Ezekiel really did not require sleep, but could perform the activity when permissible. Seeing as how he was now far from home and in another dimension, sleep was now permissible along with being alone with his thoughts. He had no idea on where his being here would take him, so he had planned to spend the next few hours in meditation and prayer before resting.
"That guy is so.... so wrong!" muttered James to Minomon. "Come on; I'm not interested in keeping company with a fasist and a fanatatic."

James took Minomon with him as he exited. "Let's see if we can't find an inn we might be able to pay for."
Marco shook his head slightly "I don't really need to sleep... I think I'll explore this place a little."

"Fine by me." Graine said as he heaved himself back up onto his feet.

Marco grinned before turning and heading out the door. Maybe I can talk with someone from a time close to mine... It would be nice to know what history I've missed. He looked around the hallway.
Fred made his way up to his room, thinking about nothing but guilmon. I wonder where he's at...I know he isn't dead... he didn't pay any attention to anyone's talk or anything. He walked into his room, and went straight to the window and looked over the destroyed part of the village.
Marco watched Fred as he passed. He doesn't look too happy...
Sid watched everyone for a moment, holding within him emotions of confusing, fear, and excitment. He exhaled softly, trying to keep a calm and cool head before proceeding to the staircase. After a couple minutes of wandering he found himself in a small empty room, cracks decorating the grey stone walls, "Hm, isn't this homey?" Sid said before sitting down on a soft mattress, which sat upon the wood floor.

"If you say so," Flamon cringed watching the floor behind her, as everytime she stepped up she left a foot print in the dust.

"What? Are you some kind of Germophobe?" Sid cocked an eye brow, uneffected by the unswept floor.

"No..." Flamon responded, "So where am I suppose to sleep?" She asked looking around for another mattress.

Sid shrugged, "I can sleep on the floor if you want and you can have the bed."

Flamon, slightly suprised by the response, "Or we could just share the bed." She winked.

The teen rolled his eyes, "Okay Flamon." He laughed softly, ammused by what he suspected to be a joke.

"YOu make it sound like I was joking." The feminine Digi-girl replied, swaying her hips from side to side, brushing the air softly with her fluffed tail, "I wasn't."

Sid gulped in response, not sure if she was actually kidding or not. He tried to push words from his mouth but wasn't sure how to respond as the slender and curvy body stood before him.

Flamon plopped down next to Sid, "Naw, I am just messing around with you," She giggled, "You are cute, but you are too serious to be my type." She continued, crossing her legs.

"I like to sleep curled up so you can have the bed and I can just curl up on the other side of the bed." Flamon explained after Sid let out a sigh.

"Okay, well I am going to see how long I can sleep for, I am a little tired." Sid said as he pulled off his shirt, followed by his grey flannel shirt which was wrapped around his waist. He folded the two together and placed them at the head of the bed, "Sleep well." Flamon spoke up after Sid discarded his belt to the floor and laid himself under the soft gray blanket atop the bed.

"Good night." He hummed, closing his eyes softly as he felt Flamon lay herself down next to him, much like a human world dog.