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Poll: Who is the cutest?
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17 31.48%
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5 9.26%
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Who is the cutest rookie digimon?
Tiamat: looks like, u have a lot of work to do now.

Ancient: Hm, Stormy can help me. Are you jealous.

Tiamat: No, coz then I can rest a bit, while you have your training.

Ancient: You're lazy. Ok, Stormy, whenever you have time , I am up for it
Stormy: It may take a while to learn though, magery doesn't happen overnight...

Veemon: Oh, exactly how long?

Stormy: It took me a couple of years...

*all sweatdrop*

Stormy: But that was because I had a lousy teacher, but I think you lot could do it by tomorrow

Veemon: Nah, I'll pass... *turns around and begins a game of soccer with Gabumon and Guilmon*

Ancient: I'll still do it

Stormy: Alright. Now, what exactly is wrong with your magery?

Ancient: I lose concentration up at the end, because I get so excited.

*Stormy resumes training Ancient, not much others are watching... suddenly...*

*net appears and traps all the soccer players*

Jessie: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

*In the hot air balloon*
*go on with the traditional motto*

James: How dare you not write our motto!

Stormy: Get on with it...

Jessie: Alright, we'll just take your pokemon, toodleooo!

Veemon *muffled because Gomamon is on his face*: WE'RE NOT POKEMON!!!

Stormy: Now's the chance to try out your magery, Ancient...
Ancient: Ok! *sweatdrops ran over his body, as he concentrated* F


A huge cloud of fire came out of his hands and flew to the airship of Jesse and James.

Veemon: Will you toast us?

All others covered their eyes, but the fire hitted the airship but not in the expected way. The basket fell down and the Digimon screamed in pain.

Tiamat: Time to show my ability! *he summoned Bahamut, who catched the basked and brought them back.

Ancient: you can summon?

Tiamat: Don't ask. They would be dead if I didn't. But you still need some training.

Ancient: *nodded*
*team rocket blasts off, digimon released from basket*

Stormy: See why it's so important to defend yourselves? You need to have some way of fighting independently, and it takes a lot of work

Guilmon: I know... if Takatomon wasn't around when I was fighting those strong digimon, I don't know what would happen to me

Veemon: Yeah, I admit I'm pretty hopeless when Davishmon... err... Davish...mon... Guilmon! You made me do it now!

Ancient: Can we start already?

Stormy: Okay then. Ancient, you can help me here.

*teaches digimon how to concentrate powers*

Ancient: I think they've got the hang of it now...

Stormy: Good, try it out on these soda cans

*digimon use magic attacks*

Stormy: Very good!
Tiamat: I see they are doing good with their training.

Ancient: Look, I can concentrate now. *he spoke as he hits the can away*

Tiamat: seems you feared yourself from your magery.

Veemon: Soon I can defend myself without Davish.

Ancient: Yeah, we need it, since you don't have your tamers and digidestined here. cept Elecmon and me.
*meanwhile (the other characters don't know)*
*in a secluded mansion place... thingy, where villains like to live, where four servants are talking to their master*

Mystery digimon: Hmm, I grow anxious about their powers

Servant #1: Shall we dispose of them, master?

Mystery digimon: Yes, the time to strike is now whilst their powers are raw

Servants: Yes, master

*meanwhile, at Stormy's Palace grounds mrgreen *

Guilmon (shoots massive fireball that blows up all of the cans): Yaaay! I did it!

Stormy: Wow, that looked like an ultimate attack! Well done!

Gabumon (creates a freezing wind that freezes all the burned cans): Yeah! Who's the mon?! *hi-fives Guilmon*
Tiamat: Not sure, but I sense something happens soon.

Ancient: Yeah. Magery is fun. *enlightens all cans with thunder*

Tiamat: *looks at them*

Ancient: Something wrong?

Tiamat: Not sure, somehow I have a bad feeling.

Ancient: I continue training.

Tiamat: *nods*
Salamon: Err... I'm hopeless at this, why can't I be a strong rookie?

Guilmon: Rookie? I thought your were an in-training...

Salamon: That does it! Salamon Digivolve to... Gatomon!

Veemon: How did you do that?

Gatomon: I can digivolve to champion by myself because it's my natural form.

Gomamon: Natural?!

Gatomon: Yeah, I'm a reasonable size when a champion, unlike you towering monsters

Stormy: Hmm...

Elecmon: What's the matter, Stormy?

Stormy: I think something bad is happening...

Elecmon *glances at training*: Does it involve Veemon and your new grill?

Stormy: No... what?

Elecmon: Never mind

Stormy: No, it's... something really dark, like someone evil is here...

Elecmon: Hmm, I feel it too... what can we do about it?

Stormy: Just keep alert

Elecmon: Right... *looks* What is that?!
Tiamat: So you feel it too, Stormy.

Ancient: We should take care. Good we all have eaten, I think we need our power really soon.

Tiamat: *nods* We must be prepared for everything. I think Piedmon was a piece of cake compared to what comes now.

Veemon: Have you any ideas what happens?

Ancient: I am ready for everything.

Tiamat: Are you all ready?
All: As always...

Voice 1: Good, then let's begin the end...

*flash of darkness, four digimon appear*

Stormy: Who are you?

Digimon dressed as knight: I am Lorheasmon!

Digimon dressed as sorceress: I am Zyndromon!

Digimon dressed as warrior: I am Shamonesmon!

Digimon dressed as jester: Ha ha ha! And I am Bardmon! So glad you could join us for a little game...

Elecmon: Elecmon warp-digivolve to... Telestomon!

Ancient: AncientVeemon digivolve to... AncientFlamedramon!

Bardmon: Hmm, that does push the odds slightly, but not far enough... ha ha ha! Fools Bomber!

*blasts Telestomon away*

*Ancient heals him*

Telestomon: Ugh, thanks... *sparks build up in hands*: Storm Beam!

*hits Bardmon*

Shamonesmon: Are we out of the picture now? *attacks Gomamon* Trinity Ray!

Gomamon: AAAH *dodges attack* I can do this... *glows* Gomamon mode-change to... Land Mode!

Gatomon: Wow, lookin' good, Gomamon!

Gomamon: Thanks... *rainbow sphere appears in flipper* Aurora Solstice!

*hits Shamonesmon*

Lorheasmon: *swishes sword*: Excelsior! *hits Gabumon*

Gabumon: Ugh!

Gatomon *glows*: Healing Ring!

*Gabumon gets healed*

Gabumon: Thanks... *takes deep breath* Europa Gale! *freezes Lorheasmon*

Zyndromon *hand glowing*: Solomon Ray! *attacks Veemon, who dodges and attacks in midair*

Veemon: Xantes Blast! *hits Zyndromon*