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Roommates - (Renamed) New(ish) Series!
Hey guys,

Well, I just finished typing that first bit of these character’s delightful stories and I have officially resolved that I am going to use these characters for any RP-ing I might do in the near future (cough cough wheeze wheeze shameless plug). I have also officially decided that when I get my own computer, I is getting a skunk girl background! So, I’m gonna have some fun here and just make it next day. I figure that I should keep these first few bits closer together to develop a relationship between the characters, and then start spreading it out to more separate events. So, I hopefully I can figure out what to do now. So, now, it’s time to develop the reader’s sense of Ren’s skunk-y eagerness! Time for writing!


Maahes woke up tucked under his comforter, feeling a bit warm from the heat. He stood out of bed and slowly stumbled over to his door. After stepping through the doorway, he was instantly greeted.

“Good morning!” Ren’s voice drifted into Maahes’ ears. He slowly opened his eyes letting his blurry vision straighten itself out. At first, a black, red, blue and white mass stood in front of him, the sun rising behind it. After several blinks, he saw that Ren was standing in front of him, arms out stretched. She was wearing a red t-shirt and white panties, her bright cyan hair hung neatly to her shoulders. She smiled and took a step forward.

“Can I have a hug from my favorite roommate?” she asked, looking at him cutely again. The lion stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his sleek, black roommate. She squeezed him tightly, nuzzling her head into his chest.

“You sure are quick to make friends with,” Maahes observed as he was cuddled. The skunk continued to squeeze him.

“Yep!” she said, releasing her embrace slightly, “I like making new friends!”

“Well, you should maybe be more careful,” the lion said with a smile, “You never know, I could be a rapist or something.”

Ren smiled as her bright bluish eyes met with his green-brown ones.

“Are you a rapist?” she asked, a clever sparkle in her eyes.

“Well, no, but…” Maahes said, trying to think of response. Before he could speak, he was squeezed tightly again.

“Then I have nothing to worry about,” she said, squeezing him one last time before letting him go, “So what’s on the agenda today?”

“Hmmm…” Maahes thought, trying to figure out how to say nothing, “I was going to watch a movie. Then play some video games. Then work on my D&D campaign. Then watch another movie.”

“So you’re having your friends come over to do this stuff with you?” she asked, clasping her hands behind her back.

“No,” The lion stepped around his new roommate and walked towards the kitchen. She followed closely behind.

“Well do you mind if I do all that stuff with you?”

Maahes paused as he searched for his favorite cereal, then turned back to look at the female.

“Do you really want to?”

The skunk nodded her head vigorously towards her new roommate, hoping she would allow her his company.

“Alright then,” he said, rolling his back, making his spine pop several times, “We’ll watch a movie after breakfast.”

“Which one?” she asked, rolling her head cutely towards him. The lion took a step towards her and extended a single finger.

“You know what?” he said, gently tapping her on the nose with his finger, “Whichever one you want.”

He took his box of cereal with him as he walked into the front room. She quickly followed after him, smiling.

“Ooh,” the skunk said, catching up with the large feline, “My new roommate trusts me with such a big choice.”

“Yep,” Maahes sat down on the couch, choking slightly on a marshmallow as he did so, “All of the movies are in a stack in the corner of my room; you can go look at them after you eat.”

“I already ate,” Ren said, smiling, “I’ll go pick one out now.”

The skunk walked out of the room and down the hall, leaving the lion to his thoughts. She strode down the hall, running her hands through her neon hair to rid it of knots and tangles. She soon reached Maahes’ room and began searching for said stack of movies.

“Movies, movies, movies,” she said as she searched. She scanned every corner of the room, not finding any piles of discs. In fact the only thing that was in a corner was an unmarked black binder, about three inches thick. The female looked back down the hall to make sure that the male was still in place, then sat down to look at its contents. She pulled the cover away and saw a blank page of paper. Realizing that there was a drawing on the other side, she figured that she had the book upside down. Quickly flipping it over, she began to flip through what seemed like an endless supply of nude photos of all kinds. The portfolio had birds, cats, dogs, wolves, wild cats, foxes, rodents, rabbits, and more. She continued flipping with joyful curiosity as to what form of female would fill the next page with her body. Finally, a large smile lit up her face as her eyes fell upon a skunk, not unlike herself, whom was spread across the floor with her legs separated; exposing her soft, lower lips to the camera.

Suddenly, an idea hatched itself in her head. This could be a great little joke, with potentially fun results. She quickly removed her t-shirt, tossing the red cloth into the corner. Ren reviewed the picture, then, removing her underwear first, took the exact same pose as the female skunk in the photo.

“Here we go,” she said to herself, then yelled, “Maahes! I can’t find the movies! Can you come help?”

The sleek, furry female snickered to herself as she heard the gentle rattle of the cereal box being set down, then the steady, light thumps of the lion’s footsteps as they approach.

“I could have sworn I left that pile in the corner,” Maahes said as he approached. The lion then stepped into the room, “Oh god…”

“Hey there, lion,” Ren said in a calm, alluring voice, “If you feel like going on the hunt, I’ll be your prey.”

Maahes smiled and crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against a wall.

“Well, Ren,” he said, chuckling softly, “As tempting as that offer is, perhaps you should take another look at that binder. Like whose name is on the front, eh?”

Ren broke her pose for a second to grab the book, and then, legs still spread wide, flipped the book closed to reveal the name on the front. Though she expected it to read: “Maahes”, it did not. Instead, it read: “Austin”.

“Who’s Austin?” she asked, standing up and walking towards Maahes.

“My cousin,” the lion replied, still laughing, “He left it here last weekend.”

“Oh,” Ren said, feeling a bit embarrassed. She handed Maahes the book, then walked back towards her clothing. Maahes quickly stored the book on a shelf, then took a step after the skunk.

“Ren,” he said, placing a golden furred hand on her shoulder. She turned around slowly with an embarrassed look on her face.


“I think you should know,” Maahes started, “That I think you are very attractive.”

The skunk smiled and quickly embraced him in a hug, pressing her nude form against his body and wrapping her tail around the both of them. The lion gently returned the hug, enjoying the feeling of her warm, soft fur. He looked down to see that the female had closed her eyes and was humming slightly as she nuzzled into his chest. The lion smiled and placed a hand on her back, then ran his fingers down the thick white stripe that stretched from the base of her neck to the tip of her tail.

Pushing herself up on her toes, Ren was just tall enough to kiss her roommate’s chin, and she did so.

“Thanks,” she said, smiling, “I don’t really hear that a lot.”

“It’s true,” the lion said, tracing over the white stripe again. When he reached the base of Ren’s tail, he removed his hand and looked down at the nude female in his arms, “Do you want to watch that movie now?”

The skunk giggled and nodded, still not speaking. She stepped out of Maahes’ embrace and picked up her panties. After sliding the one piece of clothing on, she quickly followed her roommate’s gaze to the stack of movies and selected one. She then returned to her feline friend.

“This one,” she said, clutching the disc case to her bare chest.

“Is that all you’re going to wear?” Maahes asked, smiling and secretly praying that the answer would be “yes”. His prayers came true when the female nodded.

“Cuddling wouldn’t be any fun with more on,” she said, stepping around the male and tickling his chin with her tail on her way. The female’s teasing caused the male to follow closely behind her, stepping in the same places that she had. They soon made it to the front room, where she gave the disc to Maahes to put in. Once the previews began, the large feline walked back over to the couch and sat next to the half-naked skunk. Once he had settled into place, Ren leaned over and snuggled close to him, allowing the male to wrap his arm around her. Just before the film started, Maahes leaned over and placed his muzzle next to one of her ears.

“You know, Ren,” he whispered, “If I do decide to “go on the hunt”, I might just take you as my “prey”.

The skunk giggled in reply and snuggled into his chest.

“Sounds fun,” she whispered back. With that, she reached up and grabbed the lion’s paw, then dragged it down to her chest, placing it over one of her breasts. The male smiled and closed his eyes as he gently groped the soft, perfect orb of flesh, then he leaned in and softly kissed Ren on her right temple, causing the female to blush beneath her fur.

The two roommates then enjoyed the movie together, anxious to see what the rest of the day had in store for them.


So, what do you guy’s think? Did you like it?

Please leave a comment!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
Roommates - (Renamed) New(ish) Series! - by Adym - 11-07-2010, 05:28 PM
RE: Ren and Maahes - New Series! - by Adym - 11-07-2010, 09:11 PM
RE: Ren and Maahes - New Series! - by Jack_Pholph - 11-14-2010, 06:49 PM
RE: Ren and Maahes - New Series! - by Viesta - 12-26-2010, 02:41 PM
RE: Ren and Maahes - New Series! - by Adym - 06-07-2011, 02:14 AM