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The digidestined and their digimon had arrived at the Great Canyon after a long walk of a quarter of an hour from Freezeland. Fortunately for them, there wasn’t another blizzard, but the ice made their route through the Great Canyon difficult. They kept on walking until they arrive at a bridge a bit less than a meter wide over a great precipice.

- I wouldn’t dare cross that so narrow bridge knowing it’s covered with ice. –Ángel said.

- As there’s no blizzard now, I could armor digivolve to Pegasusmon for you to get on me and cross this zone and others that are further on. –Patamon said.

- OK, Patamon. –TK said taking out his digivice and his D-Terminal-. Armor digivolve!


- Come on, mount. –Pegasusmon ordered.

The digidestined and their digimon got onto Pegasusmon’s back taking turns; AngelGatomon and Hawkmon flew to the other side.

- We’ve already crossed this precipice. Let’s go on. –TK said.

The digidestined went on until they arrived at a zone where there was an elevator and stairs that leaded to the bottom of the nearby precipice. The Tropical Jungle was at the other side of the precipice.

- That must be the Tropical Jungle where we arrived at the digiworld for the first time. –TK said.

- When we have found Gatomon, we’ll go there. –Kari said.

- The Temple of the Digivice should be in the bottom of this precipice. –Gomamon said.

- I’ll take a look. –AngelGatomon said.

AngelGatomon flew downwards and went towards her left where she found the temple. After she saw it, AngelGatomon flew towards where the rest were.

- I’ve seen ruins in the bottom at the left. –AngelGatomon said-. That surely is the Temple of the Digivice.

- Then let’s go down in that elevator. –Davis said.

- We must know if it works first. –Cody said while going to press the button of the elevator. He pressed it several times, but the elevator didn’t work-. This elevator doesn’t work.

- Surely the mechanism is frozen. –Ken said.

- It would be dangerous to go down those stairs with all the snow and ice over them. –Ángel said.

- Knowing the Temple of the Digivice is down there, I’ll take you all down. –Pegasusmon said.

In that instant, another blizzard began to blow.

- Another blizzard has just blown. Get on my back quickly. –Pegasusmon said.

TK, Cody, Armadillomon and Ángel were the first ones to get on Pegasusmon’s back. Pegasusmon began to fly downwards through the precipice in a difficult way due to the wind.

- Hold on strong. –TK ordered.

- Yeah. –They replied.

While Pegasusmon was flying downwards, the digidestined and digimon who stayed upside were holding on the rocks that were most away from the precipice so the wind didn’t push them. AngelGatomon and Hawkmon flew downwards to the bottom of the precipice. TK and the others got off Pegasusmon when they arrive at the bottom.

Pegasusmon began to fly upwards to take down the rest of digidestined and digimon; Kari, Yolei, Gomamon, Greenymon and NRGmon mounted. Later, he flew upwards again to take down Davis, Ken, Veemon and Wormmon.

- We’re all down here. –Davis said.

- Yes, we are all. –Ken said.

- Follow me. –AngelGatomon ordered.

They all followed AngelGatomon and saw the temple.

- Yeah, that is the Temple of the Digivice. –TK said.

- There are three entries. Which one should we go into? –Yolei said.

- I suggest we go into the center entry that leads to the main hall; the temple is a complicated maze full of traps. –Patamon said.

- They’re probably hidden in the main hall. –Davis said.

- Or maybe Centarumon has guided them to a safer zone in the maze. –Gomamon said.

- Centarumon? –Yolei asked.

- Centarumon is the maze’s guard. –TK replied-. If he happens to be guarding in the main hall, he’d guide us to the place where he left Gatomon and Palmon.

- I wish Centarumon hasn’t been captured by a dark ring while he was guarding the main hall. –Ángel said.

- I thought you weren’t negative anymore, Ángel. –AngelGatomon said with a gesture of disappointment.

- One has to admit some habits are not lost easily, Ángel. But you have to try to be optimistic and not lose hope. –Patamon said.

- And if Centarumon is under the control of a dark ring, we won’t have more choice but fight against him. –Davis said.

- Of course. –Ángel replied.

- Let’s not waste time and let’s enter the temple. –Yolei ordered.

The digidestined and their digimon walk towards the temple and entered through the central entry that leaded to the main hall where alphabetical symbols were engraved on the walls. In the main hall, Centarumon was with his cannon ready after hearing the footsteps of somebody approaching. When he saw it was the digidestined, he put his cannon down.

- Ah! It’s you, the digidestined. –Centarumon said.

- Yes, Centarumon. –TK said.

- I’m glad you’ve come. –Centarumon said-. The digiworld…

- We know everything, Centarumon. –TK interrupted.

- Gomamon told us that Gatomon and Patamon came here. –Kari said.

- Yes, they came here; they were being chased by two dark rings. I destroyed both dark rings before they went into the temple. Later on I leaded Gatomon and Palmon to the Chamber of the Digivice for them to be safer while I were watching the main hall. –Centarumon said.

- Then lead us there. –Kari said.

- Of course. –Centarumon replied.

The digidestined and their digimon went into the maze together with Centarumon. They arrived at the Chamber of the Digivice in a bit more than three minutes; Palmon and Gatomon were in there.

- Kari! –Gatomon shouted running to her and jumped on her arms.

- Gatomon! You’re fine! –Kari said hugging her.

- Of course I’m fine. –Gatomon said.

- Just as well Gatomon and I hid in here, and Centarumon destroyed the dark rings that were chasing us. –Palmon said.

- Those dark rings are very different from the ones of the Digimon Emperor; my tail ring didn’t reject them like the one that chased me that time, before that Unimon attacked me and I lost my tail ring. –Gatomon said.

- It seems those rings are more powerful than the ones of the Digimon Emperor, reason why we must be very careful with them. –Palmon said.

- Yeah Palmon, we know. –Yolei said.

- By the way, Is not Mimi with you? –Palmon asked turning her head.

- No she couldn’t come. –Kari said-. Well…

- It’d be better if Gomamon explain her the matter later. –Davis interrupted-. As Gomamon’s gonna stay in here and Ángel explained him everything, he already know and we don’t need to be explaining it to Palmon now.

- OK, I’ll explain him later. –Gomamon replied.

- And how’s Mimi? –Palmon asked.

- And Joe? I didn’t ask it before. –Gomamon asked.

- Well. They both are very well. –TK said.

- Mimi is still living in America and Joe is residing there too due to he’s studying at the Harvard University to be a professional doctor. –Kari said.

- I’m glad for Joe. –Gomamon said.

- Me too for Mimi. –Palmon said.

- When we talk to them, we’ll tell them both you two are fine. –Ken said.

- OK. –Gomamon and Palmon replied.

While they were speaking, Gatomon was waiting until they finish the conversation while she was looking at Ángel curiously.

- That boy who is with you is Ángel, AngelGatomon’s human partner? –Gatomon asked.

- Of course, Gatomon. –AngelGatomon replied.

- Nice to meet you. –Gatomon said.

- Me too. –Ángel said.

- AngelGatomon told me about you and said that you’re very affectionate with her. –Gatomon said.

- And so much he is; she kissed her when they met in Freezeland. –Patamon said making Ángel blush.

- But I love her very much, like any other digidestined would love their digimon and vice versa. –Ángel said.

- Don’t misjudge Patamon. He used to be an innocent digimon, but he became a little unruly. –Gomamon said making Patamon get angry.

- But I’m not nasty like the Pagumon are for example. –Patamon said.

- Calm down, don’t do an unnecessary fight. –Gatomon said and averted her look to Ángel-. And I want you to know that AngelGatomon and I get on wonderfully; we’re as sisters. –Gatomon said.

- I said that to Kari and Yolei when they found me at Factorial Town. –AngelGatomon said.

- I’m glad you both get on very well. –Ángel said smiling.

- Let’s go to the main hall to wait until the blizzard dies down. –Davis said.

- Yeah, the damned blizzard which I’m tired of. –Yolei said-. We got caught in it when we landed on the Dragon Eye Lake; Izzy forgot to activate the camera of the digiport and we didn’t see the blizzard. If we’d seen it, we would’ve put on the warm clothes before we went to the digital world.

- I decided to land on Freezeland because I like snow; it hardly ever snows where I live in wintertime. –Ángel said-. Knowing it’s cold there, I put on the warm clothes. Unlike you, I did remember to active the camera of the digiport, I saw it was just falling snowflakes and when I landed there was a strong blizzard. That annoyed me.

- As to anyone, Ángel. –AngelGatomon.

- I think we should go; we have found Gatomon who will come with us, and Palmon and Gomamon who will stay in here. And we would meet Greenymon and NRGmon partners in the way. –Cody said.

- And Cachomon, Nymphmon, Mandy and Yvette too. –Greenymon said.

- Them as well. –Cody said.

- We’re off, look after yourselves. –Kari said.

- Yes. –Gomamon and Palmon replied.

The digidestined and their digimon together with Centarumon walked towards the main hall of the temple.

While the digidestined were in the temple, Colin and Mandy were running through the canyon’s bottom looking for a refuge due to the blizzard; they had landed from the television that was on the zone. They didn’t run very much because they found the Temple of the Digivice at 250 meters from the televisor.

- Quickly, let’s go into that temple. –Colin said.

- Yes, we don’t have another choice. –Mandy said.

They both didn’t know the place and went into the right entry that leaded to the maze. While they were running to the temple, they didn’t realize someone had been watching them.

- We’d better not go further; I’ve got a feeling this temple is a maze. –Mandy said on seeing the corridors.

- Then, we’ll stay here until the blizzard dies down. –Colin said.

Some minutes later, a fireball entered through the corridor where Colin and Mandy were. The fireball was the attack Volcanic Strike of a Monochromon controlled by a dark ring; he was the being who had been watching them before. When they saw it, they jumped on the floor to dodge and then they began to run through one of the corridors.

- Someone’s attacked us. –Mandy said.

- According to what I’ve seen, it was a Monochromon controlled by a dark ring. –Colin said-. If NRGmon and Nymphmon were with us, we could remove it from him.

- But now we can just stay here, we have the advantage of the entry being too narrow for Monochromon to be able to enter. –Mandy said.

- But we can’t stay here eternally; I hope somebody helps us. –Colin said.

The Volcano Strike crashed against the walls causing a tremor in the maze that attrack the attention of the digidestined who were at few meters from the main hall.

- Let’s get out quickly. Something is happening in the maze. –Centarumon said.

They all ran to the main hall and went outside.

- It’s a Monochromon controlled by a dark ring. –Gatomon said.

- He’s trying to go into the maze even though the entry is too narrow for him. –Centarumon said.

- He’s attacking someone who is inside. –Cody said.

- Then, we should fight him. –Dijo Davis-. Digivolve, Veemon!

- Yes. VEEMON DIGIVOLVE TO… EXVEEMON! –But he didn’t evolve.

- Damn it, there’s a dark tower close. Armor digivolve then. –Davis ordered taking out his D-Terminal.


- FIRE ROCKET! –Flamedramon pointed his attack to the dark ring that was on the left front leg, but Monochromon saw him and throw him upwards with his horn.

- Come on, Flamedramon! –Davis shouted.

Flamedramon landed on the ground standing quickly before the blizzard pushed him away and he ran to the cliff opposite to the one of the temple’s entry. He kept still in front of the cliff waiting until Monochromon ran towards him. Monochromon suspected of Flamedramon’s trap and shot his Volcano Strike at him. Flamedramon jumped to dodge it.

- Damnation! He found out my trap. –Flamedramon said.

Flamedramon ran towards Monochromon about to use his Fire Fist against the ring, but Monochromon turned and destroyed the attack with his tail.

- While Flamedramon distracts Monochromon, we’ll go into the maze to help whoever is inside. –Kari said.

- Yeah, come on. –TK said.

They all went into the maze where they found Colin and Mandy.

- It’s you, Mandy. –Kari said and averted her look to Colin-. And you must be Colin.

- Yes, I’m Colin. –He replied.

- Well NRGmon is with us. –Davis said moving together with the rest so NRGmon who was in the end of the file could see Colin.

- Colin! –NRGmon shouted running to Colin.

- NRGmon! –Colin shouted and hugged NRGmon-. I see the Japanese digidestined have been good with you and let you go with them to be safer and save myself your search.

- Yeah, they took care of me well. –NRGmon said.

- Thank you very much for taking care of NRGmon and take him with you. –Colin said.

- You’re welcome. –TK said.

- So nice to meet you, I’m Davis.

- I am Yolei. Pleased.

- I am Cody.

- And I am Ken.

They four bowed to greet.

- I am Ángel, a digidestined from Spain. Nice to meet you. –He said shaking their hands.

- Me too. –Mandy said smiling.

- And what’s your name? –Mandy asked pointing at Greenymon.

- My name is Greenymon; I’m the digimon partner of a boy named Ferri. –He replied.

- Since you finished the introduction, let’s get outside and help Flamedramon. –Gatomon said.

- Yes. –Kari replied.

Flamedramon was tired of using his attacks so much which Monochromon destroyed.

- This Monochromon is very strong and besides the blizzards is against me. –Flamedramon said-. I wish the rest come soon.

When they all went ouside, they saw Flamedramon was still fighting.

- It seems that Monochromon is making the things difficult to Flamedramon. –Davis said.

- TK, make me armor digivolve. –Patamon ordered.

- You too, Kari. –Gatomon ordered.

- OK. –They both replied taking out their D-Terminal-. ARMOR DIGIVOLVE!



Pegasusmon and Nefertimon flew to join the fight bearing the blizzard.

- GOLDEN NOOSE! –Pegasusmon and Nefertimon used it on his neck to lift him and put him face upward and defenseless.

- Quickly, Flamedramon. –Pegasusmon said.

- Yes. –He replied-. FIRE FIST! –He shot his attack against the ring and destroyed it.

- They did it. –Davis shouted.

When Monochromon returned to normal, Flamedramon put him face downward and Monochromon went away. The three digimon regressed and ran to their human partners.

- Let’s go inside to see if Gomamon and Palmon are allright after the tremor. –Kari said.

- Yeah, and maybe the blizzard dies down a bit while we’re inside. –Yolei said.

- Then follow me everyone. –Centarumon ordered.

They all went to the Chamber of the Digivice where Gomamon and Palmon didn’t move.

- Are you allright? –Kari asked.

- Yes, we’re allright. –Palmon replied-. Why?

- Didn’t you feel a tremor? –TK asked.

- No, none. –Gomamon replied.

- As the zone where the tremor happened was far from this chamber, it didn’t happen to feel it here. –Centarumon said.

- What tremor are you talking about? –Gomamon asked.

- A Monochromon was attacking Colin and Mandy, and one of his attacks crashed against a wall and it caused the tremor. –Ken said.

- So they are Colin and Mandy. Are they? –Gomamon said.

- Yes, we are. –Colin replied.

- Nice to meet ya. –Gomamon said.

- Me too. –Colin and Mandy said.

- While you were going to the exit, Gomamon has told me about the matter of the old divice. –Palmon said-. I hope Gennai get that expansion file soon.

- We hope so. –TK said.

- What if you both come with us? –Davis said looking at Colin and Mandy.

- We might find Nymphmon in the way. –Yolei said.

- And having more digimon, we’d defeat our enemy more easily. –Cody said.

- OK, we’ll go with you. –Colin said.

- We’ll be saver than being with just on digimon. –Mandy said.

- Since we decided it, it’s time to go. –Davis said.

- Take care of yourselves very much. –Kari said.

- You too. –Gomamon said.

- And be careful. –Palmon said.

- We will. –Yolei said.

The digidestined and their digimon together with Centarumon went to the main hall and saw the blizzard had died down.

- I see the blizzard has died down. –Ángel said.

- That means we can go up to the jungle flying on our digimon without the wind bothering us. –TK said.

- Then let’s do it before the blizzards returns. –Davis said.

The digidestined went outside quickly.

- Be very careful and good luck to everyone. –Centarumon said.

After going out, they all run towards the cliff where the jungle was on the top.

- We’ll fly on our digimon’s backs to arrive at the top. –Yolei said.

- Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Patamon, Gatomon. Armor Digivolve! –Yolei, Cody, TK and Kari shouted taking out their D-Terminal.





- Get onto our digimon’s backs to go up to the jungle. –Yolei ordered.

- OK. –Ángel, Colin and Mandy replied.

Davis, Ken, Veemon and Wormmon together with TK mounted Pegasusmon. Mandy, Colin and NRGmon together with Yolei mounted Halsemon. Ángel and Greenymon together with Kari mounted Nefertimon. Cody mounted Digmon. And AngelGatomon flew herself to the top

When they all arrive at the top…

- Just as well the blizzard had died down, or else, it would have been hard to fly up to here. –Nefertimon said.

- There can be digimons controlled by dark rings in the jungle. For that we must be alert when we advance into the jungle. –Pegasusmon said.

- Of course. –Digmon said.

- Whatever happens; we’re together and can face up to any danger. –Davis said.

- Yes. –They all replied.

What dangers are expecting them in the Tropical Jungle? The answers in the next chapter of…


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Lady Devimon's Minions

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RE: DIGIMON ADVENTURE. THE NEW THREAT (NON-HENTAI) - by AngelGatomon - 09-16-2010, 02:30 AM