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The Unexpected Engagement /want to remake?
Casey stared at the dragoness. While she drew her blade he marveled at it construction. Yet he figured the woman was nervous around him thinking he might hurt her. He extended his arms showing he was not armed for one and second he taken as hostile life form. When she slowly spoke it sounded a bit off yet he could tell what she was saying. He wasn't sure what this Guyver thing was but he was sure this ship could find it for her. "Um maybe used this ancient ship your people made could help us find?" he suggested.

He soon had a million questions he wanted to as the Alien female even though he was at the end of her blade, "Um how did your people discovered they could telepathically learn another alien's language? Also did you all have to learn the skill over time and then develop it or it is just part of how your mind works?" he asked with enthusiasm even he knew he could die any second he just had to know mostly because of the archaeologist in him.

When the dragoness placed the sword in front of his nose he trembled some as he heard the humming as his vision blurred as he looked at the blade. He took a step back nervously realized he could lose his life in a minute if he didn't shut the heck up. Yet when he heard her speak up again it was much more clear she thought he had this Guyver thing. When he didn't even know what it was but it was some sort of suit. He wondered if it could have been the same thing he was covered his body before he fell unconscious . He looked over at the pedestal where the unactivated Warrior Guyver unit was before he somehow activated figuring it would be there once more sense it was no longer attached to him. The pedestal and the module was gone, "I don't know," he stated as he looked around for an explanation. Yet at the back of his mind he had the sinking feeling that it was now somehow part of him. "Look it was there before I activated it somehow and I don't know where it is now," he clarified as he pointed at the pedestal like the unit would just magically appear.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: The Unexpected Engagement (private for Silver and me) - by Casey the furry one - 07-01-2009, 10:15 AM