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A little immersion during anime
I was watching an episode of Gintama last night when I was worried I'd never be able to sleep or had a disease that'd stop me sleeping again with no reason to ~ Just my mind playing tricks on me, it was like 30 hours past my time ~ and it turned out to be a whole ep parodying insomnia and the troubles of getting to sleep, out of all 153+ of them. It was so appropriate I don't think I ever felt my head'd roll off from laughing so much before. ^^;

But that is quite the amusing... Coincidence. Thats suprising shit. Yah, when you experience a coincidence between real life and a piece of fiction you were involved in it always raises how immersive it feels.

Must've been scary.

Messages In This Thread
RE: A little immersion during anime - by UnknownH - 04-22-2009, 01:25 PM
RE: A little immersion during anime - by Cynall - 04-23-2009, 04:29 AM