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School bus ride and school. Pathetic.
School Bus Ride

The bus ride. Gotta love it right? Oh contraier. I hate this part of my day the most. Kids will evade me and make me sit no where so the bus driver has to stop the bus and pick and chose on where i have to sit. EVERYDAY. People have to be an ass to me because i forgot to shower one day. ONE DAY because i had to move my sister into the house now my name is stink fuck face Ryan. I sat with this kid on thursday once because i had to. I had to because no one could or would free up a space. So i started listening to my music like i do every other day. He is cussing like a mad dog at me. Then when there was room to move i stood up then he says. "Yeah thats right now get the fuck out of my GD seat" That was recent. I have been humialate and all. Here is the best part. Yesterday sence i had to sit with huim last week . Yester day he got me for it when i was sleepying. By puting an indestrial inyeasive super glue that i was elergic to in my hair. So my whole right side of my face was in seiging pain. Now my mom tells me to quit riding the bus and to let my dad take me to school. She told me to stay home tommoworo I said no because i cant miss days they are vital to me. So now i am going to school. I am riding the bus because i am not chicking out yet. Thursday and friday i am going to be a car rider. I dont know weither to just get nuts or to keep going on. Alright next factor.

Oh if the bus rideing isnt fun the school must be right? Yeah i wish. People have big mouths enough to rech the world of humilation. They speak bull crap. Three kids treat me like i am a weak bastard who is a peace of trash on this world that needs to be stomped on into the dirt on and on and on again. Thats all i am going to say it pisses me off enough.

this whole thing is so aggitating. But i dont know.

Messages In This Thread
School bus ride and school. Pathetic. - by RyanCruey - 11-05-2008, 10:45 AM
RE: School bus ride and school. Pathetic. - by RyanCruey - 11-05-2008, 11:39 AM
RE: School bus ride and school. Pathetic. - by RyanCruey - 11-05-2008, 08:18 PM
RE: School bus ride and school. Pathetic. - by RyanCruey - 11-14-2008, 04:49 PM