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How did you discover you liked furries?
How did you discover you liked furries? quite a long story on my part

for me it was a gradual process originally way back when i didnt know how useful google was i would search for porn on newgrounds then one day i discovered this thing called cat girl sim i was like wtf? cartoon porn? thats the strangest thing ive ever heard of but i check it out anyway and discovered that i really liked cat girls shortly thereafter i found out that the name for animated porn was called hentai and it was about that time i really started to appreciate the power of the google search engine this opened up a whole new world of porn for me and after a while i discovered this pic (attached) and i was like WHOA thats AWESOME yay renamon! so i started searching for digimon hentai which lead me to DHZ i came in around the time it was on its last breath of existance but just finding it had already opened the doors for furries so after a while i picked a favorate artist and i e-mailed some fan mail to the mod guy so he could pass it on about a month later DHZ got shut down i was so sad but i knew it was about to happen anyway so i was scouring the web trying to find some other way to perhaps get some of the lost pics or find some other site or something but my search was in vain DHZ was gone but then i had a brilliant idea... well maby not brilliant but im glad i had it i remembered that i had sent some fan mail to that mod on DHZ and i thought that maby just maby i would find the address for him in my sent folder and what do you know, i did ^_^ that was a happy day for me so i e-mailed the mod right away and he said [quote]Yeah, it's over.
you can do this one in every 30 times and still have 97% positive feedback
[Image: youcandothisoneinevery30timesandsti.png]
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan

Messages In This Thread
How did you discover you liked furries? - by Sabre of Pain - 04-22-2007, 10:51 PM