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Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 3 (57)
So, Episode 3 of the new serieson.

So if you remember, this has to deal with the school's robot club and that's how it opens with them trying then failing to make a robot works. Then Puppetmon pops up in a Video Message. He wants the club to finish his robot and if they do, he'll let them borrow it for the big Robo-contest and so they must head to Digi-Quartz. And his nose goes up and down. Must be the same guy.

School is out for the day and Tagiru has to stay behind since he forgot his homework. But... if he takes a printout to Tokio, he can go. And of course, this person has not been at school today. And Tagiru tries to Roshambo Yuu for it. No, they don't kick each other in the crotch, they play RPS. Or they would if Yuu didn't want to. Of course, the Yuu fangirl, being a fangirl, wants to know why Yuu-sama should do that. He has more important things to do. Like her. But even thought they RPS, Tagiru still loses with Paper to Scissors. 2 out of 3? Nope. Do it yourself. And now Taiki pops in to say how good of friends they are. They are not! they say. And many people (girls) are writing Yuu/Tagiru fics. Even though there's a wedge (heh) between that idea named Mami. And so, they'll all three are doing it. But wait. Isn't he part of the Robot Club? Yes. he is and there's two others like that in Taiki's class. Plus more. Why did this happen? DigiQuartz. Which could be why anything happens for a while. Meme that. Anyway, they go to Tokio's house and his mom says he was at school today. So they go to talk to him. But he's too busy going crazy to talk to them. So he shoves them away.

Normally he's nice but again, crazy. So he goes to cram school and we get a stake out by the three. Tagiru says they're like detectives. But of course, two of them have to take one Driver while the other gets the other Driver. Partly obscure references aside, he goes around to the back of his house. And then he climbs back into his room for the computer so he can open a DigiGate. ...Wait. Wrong season. Anyway, they landed up in a different DigiQuartz then they thought. And now we get Gumdramon and Shoutmon which can help find the kids. And now they found him going into a building.

What's in the building is a giant robot decked out in the colors of Megatron from Generator 2. The green and purple tank. Which is perfect for a fight in an eggplant field. Not too obscure of a reference but it's all green and purple and it's Breakdramon. They wonder how the kids got here but then they get the answer. It's Puppetmon. Taiki and Shoutmon rush into to ask if he remembers them but he doesn't seem to. Hey. The eyecatch is Yuu/Damemon. How bout that. And now Tagiru rushes in to ask what's going on. And Puppetmon lies. Since his nose grows. Tagiru is upset once he learns this and this is GigaBreakdramon not just Breakdramon. And now it's a fight between the three Mons. Yuu will try to get the humans out but it's not working since they want to finish. But now Puppetmon starts it up and GigaBreakdramon moves.

Wow did it break everything. And throw everyone around. What do you do now? Evolve to Arresterdramon so they can hunt it. But his attacks don't work. But GigaBreakdramon's attacks work. Taiki now yells at the Club to knock them back into their senses. Using Tagiru and Arresterdramon, they do come to their senses. Now here comes the other three. They send Astamon, Opossumon, and Dracmon. Ren tells them the obvious thing of going after Puppetmon and so, Opossumon blows him up with some balloons. Wait. Where'd that big gun Astamon uses come from? But Taiki and Shoutmon protect Puppetmon from getting shot. Now after some talking, Puppetmon is back now. Airu calls Taiki an idiot. And what's worse, GigaBreakdramon is going wild. He's now pointless to Ryouma and the group. But how do they fix this? They DigiXros Shoutmon and Puppetmon to give Shoutmon a different chest aromor/that x thing in the back, and a different hammer. This hurts it and let's Tagiru hunt it to save the day. Ryouma is impressed by Taiki again. Impressed and maybe a bit aroused. *cough* Anyway.

So back at school, the Robot Club gets their little robot to work and everyone is happy. On the roof, (What is the deal with rooves on Japanese Schools?) Tagiru and Yuu talk about how awesome Taiki is. Taiki is a bit embarrassed. Now for the Intro Corner. It's GigaBreakdramon. Now DigiXros him with Damemon. GigaBreakDamemon. The drills are switched with Metal Poo. ...Now so useful. Or as Yuu says, it's Dame Dame. Next ep, Blossummon and some girl is sucking out the intelligence of top students. Like Yuu. And maybe Ren from the other team gets some spotlight.

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RE: Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 3 (57) - by UnknownH - 10-21-2011, 02:34 PM