08-14-2006, 11:20 PM
Lurea: YOUCH! *yelps as Pokepimp lands on her*
Kurtz: Uh... *looks at Lurea* I've got an idea... *walks over to Pokepimp* Want a bit of fun? All we need to do is... *whispers* Quietly get out of the game, get quite a bit away from everyone else and enjoy ourselves with... *points to Lurea* Wanna go at it?
Circumstance: Well... will you?
Lurea: YOUCH! *yelps as Pokepimp lands on her*
Kurtz: Uh... *looks at Lurea* I've got an idea... *walks over to Pokepimp* Want a bit of fun? All we need to do is... *whispers* Quietly get out of the game, get quite a bit away from everyone else and enjoy ourselves with... *points to Lurea* Wanna go at it?
Circumstance: Well... will you?