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Original Characters
I finally got my labtop fixed so here's the first chapter.

New Journey.
Part 1
A New Friend.
Okay this series takes place shortly after the end of season two (I figured if I was gonna try and add more characters I should do it outside the series) pretty much the story I have so far is: the world is safe (although a few new enemies may show up in the digital world) and there are more Digidestined around (if you want to send in info about your original character and digimon, info's at the bottom) .

Kari was just finishing up her breakfast as Tai walked out of his room, "It's about time you woke up, you almost missed breakfast." Kari said as Tai sat down across the table still half asleep. Kari got up and, after taking care of her dishes, headed back into her room to get ready for school. Gatomon was still curled up on her bed fast asleep as she walked into the room. "She must really be out of it." Kari thought as she went to her closet and got out her outfit. "I'm heading out. Don't be late for school." Kari heard Tai shouting as he left the apartment.
"Does he have to be so loud?" Kari looked back at the bed as Gatomon got up and stretched.
"Well usually you don't sleep in this late so he probably figured you were awake." Kari answered as she began removing her clothes to take her morning bath, she noticed Gatomon still staring at her as she removed her pajama top revealing her developing breasts. "I'm gonna go take a bath." Kari said as she headed into the bathroom. She turned her head around and looked at Gatomon "Care to join me?" Kari asked with a smile on her face.
Even though joining Kari in a bath sounded enjoyable Gatomon's hatred of water made the choice for her, "You know the old saying: You can lead a Gatomon to water but you can't make her like it." Gatomon began licking her paw and cleaning herself to emphasize her point.
"Okay, I'll be out in a little while." Kari walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, she turned on the faucet of the tub and let it fill up. Once the tub was full she removed the lower half of her pajamas and climbed in. She grabbed the soap and a washcloth and began washing herself. As she moved the washcloth over her chest she felt a small wave of pleasure wash over her body. She looked over at the door to make sure it was locked as she continued rubbing herself. She began moaning softly as she felt her nipples harden under the rough texture of the washcloth rubbing over her chest. She slowly moved the washcloth down her stomach and inbetween her legs. She moved her free hand to her chest and continued stimulating her nipples as she began rubbing the washcloth up and down her thin slit, her moans slowly increasing in volume as her breath hastened. After a short while she let go of the washcloth and slowly inserted her index finger into her cunt, she moved her finger around slightly rubbing it against her insides. She quickly found her clitoris and began stimulating it as she rubbed two more of her fingers along the outside of her cunt before pushing them inside along with her index finger. She began moving her other hand off of her chest and around to her backside and slowly down towards her butt, she pressed her finger against the small opening and slowly pushed it in. She moved the fingers in her cunt in and out quickly while she did the same with the one finger in her anus at the same pace. She felt an orgasm quickly building up inside of her as she continued stimulating both of her holes at once. " DAVIS! TEEKAYYY!" she shouted loudly as she climaxed and her orgasm flowed out of her.
When she was done she pulled the plug of the tub and let it empty out as she got out and started drying herself off. "Too bad TK and Davis can't stand each other." she said to herself, "I'd love to try that with them." She fantasized about having the two of them together with her, fucking her from both ends. She let out a soft sigh of dissapointment as reality struck and the thought passed from her mind "There's no way those two could get along long enough for that. I wish they didn't have to be so immature sometimes." Kari walked out of the bathroom and looked over at Gatomon still sitting on the bed.
"So did you have a good time without me?" Gatomon asked with an obvious 'I already know' tone in her voice.
Kari smiled nervouslly "Was I really that loud?" she asked. Gatomon gave a nod as Kari began blushing "Did you hear everything?" Kari asked even though she was sure she already knew what the answer was.
"I wouldn't be surprised if THEY heard you. Have the three of you ever done it?" She asked curious.
Kari frowned slightly as she answered "I'd love to have those two together, but it's just wishful thinking, they wouldn't cooperate." Kari lied down on her bed and thought more about whether or not there was any way to get TK and Davis to cooperate.
While Kari was lost in her daydream Gatomon walked out of the bedroom. Gatomon decided to hunt down Veemon since listening to Kari had already begun to turn her on. As she headed out of the apartment and through a shortcut in the park, she remembered what Kari had said about making love with two partners at once, "Maybe I should find Patamon too. I wouldn't mind a little two on one, and I'm sure I could talk Veemon into it." As she was walking through the park on her way to Davis's building something caught Gatomon's attention. Off in the distance there appeared to be what looked like another Gatomon sleeping below a tree, As she approached the figure she noticed a few differences between the two of them, for starters his colorings were different from hers his fur was still white but with black stripes running across it, and unlike her he didn't wear gloves, he was also slightly taller than her with a shorter tail. 'Looks like there's a new digidestined in town.' She said. As she watched him wondering who he was she tried to get closer in order to get a better look when she accidentally stepped on a small twig. The digimon's ears suddenly shot as he opened his eyes and turned his head so he was looking right at her.
"I know I'm good looking and all, but if your gonna stare at me, can you at least tell me your name?" the mysterious digimon asked.
'He's a bit full of himself.' Gatomon thought. "That's a rude way to ask for someone's name." she said as she turned around and walked off in the other direction.
In the span of almost a second the unknown digimon got up and ran over right infront of Gatomon blocking her path. "If ya wanna talk about rudeness how 'bout spying on someone." he said in a cocky tone "That's definately ruder than asking someone's name."
"It was the way you asked for it!" Gatomon shouted as he was starting to annoy her.
The digimon took a small step back in surprise from her shouting "Hey, there's no need to shout at me. Just admit your wrong, apoligize, and I'll be on my way." Gatomon got extremely angry at his comment as she threw a punch at him. The digimon just leaped up dodging her attack and tapping her lightly on her head as he leapt over landing behind her. "Feisty little thing aren't ya. Is a simple apology too much to ask?"
"Shut up!" Gatomon shouted as she lunched at him faster than he expected. He managed to dodge out of the way of her attack but one of Gatomon's claws still grazed slightly across his arm.
The digimon leaped into a nearby tree, "Not bad, no one's ever landed a punch on me before." he said examining the small scratch on his arm, "We'll have to do this again sometime cutie." As he leapt off towards another tree he looked back at her "By the way my name's Slashmon, hope ta see ya again." he shouted as he dissapeared into the grove of trees.

A short while later.

Gatomon had just arrived at Davis' apartment hoping to find Veemon and a way to let off some tension. She leapt up to the balcony and tapped on the window trying to get Veemon's attention. When there was no answer she pushed the door open and walked in. She looked around the room expecting to see Veemon sleeping or something, but he wasn't there. "If I was Veemon where would I be." Gatomon only needed a split second to figure out where he must have been "Kitchen." she said. She headed out of the bedroom into the living room looking for Veemon. Sure enough when she looked into the kitchen there he was with his head in a large bag of chips 'Figures.' she thought rolling her eyes. She looked down at at Veemon and a small smile appeared on her face. 'This gives me an idea.' she thought to herself as she snuck up behind him, she placed her hands gently on the bag and pulled it off in one quick motion.
"AHHHH!" Veemon screamed in surprise as the bag was yanked off his head. He sat up immediately and looked around, after seeing Gatomon behind him he breathed a sigh of relief. "You could've knocked instead of sneaking in and shortening my lifespan." Veemon said taking the bag of chips from Gatomon.
"Manners are the last thing you want to talk to me about right now. I just had a run in with a very rude digimon." Gatomon said balling up her fist slightly as she remembered her recent encounter.
Veemon noticed the anger in her voice (along with the balled up fist) "Wow he must have really ticked you off. I'd hate to be in his shoes." he said backing away from Gatomon who was very scary when she was angry.
"He did, and you would." she said. "He wold've been kinda cute if he just knew when to shutup,." Gatomon said remembering Slashmon.
Veemon raised an eyebrow (A/N I can't remember if Veemon has eyebrows but this is just a figure of speech so who cares) "Cute? What did he look like?" Veemon asked worried that Gatomon may fall for someone else.
"Well, let's see," Gatomon tried to remember what he had looked like, "He had white fur with black stripes, a bit taller than me,"
"Shorter tail, no gloves, other than that he looked exactly like you?" Veemon innterupted.
Gatomon turned towards Veemon "How do you know?" she asked moving toward him.
"That's Slashmon he and his partner just moved into the building about a week ago. His partner and Davis are in a class together so they introduced us." Veemon said backing up against the wall slightly scared by Gatomon.
"Which apartment is he in?" Gatomon asked forcefully.
"Look I know he can come off as a jerk but if you get to know him I'm sure you'll like him." Veemon tried to plead with her knowing that she was ready, willing, and more than able to kill him.
"Just tell me where he is!" Gatomon shouted, growing angry that Veemon wouldn't.
"The floor below us." Veemon said almost cowering in terror from Gatomon's intimidating form. Gatomon rushed out of the kitchen and out the door as Veemon stood up and gave chase. "If Gatomon is half as ticked at him as I think she is, and if Slashmon is as good a fighter as I've seen, those two are likely to destroy the whole building if I don't stop them." He quickly ran out the door as Gatomon jumped off the balcony and swung down to the floor below them. "Great, guess I'm taking the elevator."
Slashmon was watching TV when there was a knock at the door. "Why can't anyone visit during the commercials." he complained as he got up to answer it. He pulled out a small step stool set next to the door and climbed up to look out the peephole. He didn't see anyone so he hopped down 'Too short for me to see, probably Veemon wanting more chips or something.' he thought as he put the stool away and began opening the door. "You better have a good excuse for buggin' me during my favorite show." He said as he opened the door not to the expected friend but instead to Gatomon's fist sailing right into his face knocking him unconciouss and throwing him halfway across the room.

Another short while later.

"Did you have to hit him so hard, you probably gave him a concussion." Slashmon could hear voices as he slowly came too. "If that's all he has he should consider himself lucky." Slashmon slowly opened his eyes as his head stopped spinning, he looked up to see who was talking. He quickly recgonized Veemon standing infront of him. "Did ya get the license plate number of that semi?" he said as he sat up rubbing a large bulge forming on his head.
"No, but the drivers name was Gatomon." a female voice answered from behind him. Slashmon turned around right into the angry face of Gatomon.
"Guess I made more of an impression on ya than I thought." he winced in pain and continued rubbing his injured head, "Of course it looks like you made one on me too so how 'bout we call it even."
"Fine by me I just wanted to get back at you for being so rude." Gatomon said folding her arms across her chest and looking away from Slashmon.
Slashmon looked over at Veemon "Since your here I'm guessing you two know eachother." he said, Veemon nodded. Slashmon stood up and faced Gatomon "So I guess it's time for a more formal introduction from me. I'm Slashmon." he said holding his hand out to her.
Gatomon looked at him for a second wondering if he planned on trying anything funny. She looked over at Veemon who gave another nod telling her that he wouldn't try anything before she took his hand and shook it "I'm sure you guessed already, but I'm Gatomon."
"Told you he's a nice guy once you get to know him." Veemon said looking at the two of them shaking hands "I think this is the beggining of a beautiful friendship."
"Or at least a bearable one." Gatomon said letting go of Slashmon's hand and walking over next to Veemon.
"Looks like your still steamed about me beating you in the park." Slashmon said, Gatomon threw another punch at him but this one he was expecting as he once again jumped over it and tapped her on the head. "Just like our first encounter." he said.
Unfortunatley for Slashmon Gatomon wasn't one who would fall for something twice as she whipped her tail down and pulled Slashmon's legs out from under him. She then turned around and jumped on him pinning him to the ground. "Not entirely like our first encounter." she said looking down at him as he tried to break free of her grip.
Slashmon felt his cock already beginning to work it's way out of it's pouch as he looked up at her attractive body sitting on top of him. 'Oh crap, if she feels anything she'll rip me in half.' Slashmon thought to himself as he tried harder to break out of her grip. 'Dang she's strong. I gotta think of something.' he thought quickly about how he could get Gatomon off him. "Okay you win, I give, just let me up." he said as he stopped struggling.
Gatomon leaned in closer to his face unknowingly rubbing her furry body along his stomach arousing him even more "First say your sorry and that I was right." she said looking him in the face.
Veemon was standing infront of them (luckily Gatomon's body hid Slashmon's growing erection.) "Just swallow your pride and say it." he said laughing slightly at Slashmon as he continued his vain attempts to break free of Gatomon's grip.
'Why can't she just get off me!' he screamed in his head as he felt his cock reach it's maximum length 'I'm gonna lose it if she doesn't get off soon.' He quickly decided it would be better to swallow his pride than be forced to swallow his severed cock "Fine I'm sorry and you were right, now would you get off!"
Gatomon moved her face away from his "That didn't sound like an apology to me. What do you think Veemon, how can we get him to apoligize?"
Veemon couldn't help but laugh as he answered her "How about a tickle torture? That'll make him apoligize." He said as he grabbed Slashmon's arms and held him down for Gatomon
"Thanks Veemon." she looked down at Slashmon, "Now then why don't we get started?" she asked with an evil grin as she removed her gloves and placed her hands on his chest.
'This really isn't helping the erection problem!' he thought as he felt her warm hands on his chest. He felt her fingers move as she started tickling his chest causing him to start laughing immediatley "Stop it (HAHAHA) I'm s-s-sorry (HAHAHA).
Gatomon continued tickling him as she moved her tail up his leg "I'm starting to have fun. Let's see where else your ticklish, shall we?" She continued moving her tail up his leg until she accidently made contact with his erect cock.
The second he felt her tail make contact he lost control, "That's it, I can't hold it!" he shouted as he came, covering Gatomon's back in his cum. Gatomon felt it hit her back and immediatley jumped off him in surprise. Veemon saw Gatomon jump off and let go of Slashmon's arms wondering what was wrong. As soon as he was free Slashmon sat up and starting apoligizing. "Please don't kill me, I couldn't help it." he said getting ready for the beating of his life, but to his surprise Gatomon just looked at him and smiled.
"It's okay, I guess I am partially to blame. I was having so much fun that I didn't think about the obvious effect it would have on you." she walked over to him and leaned in closer "Maybe we can play a diffrent game." she looked over at Veemon who, she guessed, had figured out what was going on since his cock was already working out of his pouch, "A game all three of us can enjoy." she said as she pushed Slashmon onto his back and climbed back on top of him.
'Okay there's only one explanation for this,' he thought as he once again looked up at her 'She killed me and I'm in digital heaven.' (another A/N I know digimon don't have heaven this is just another figure of speech.) Gatomon turned around so they were in the 69 position, and lowered her mouth towards his member and began to lick the cum off it. Slashmon moaned loudly as Gatomon ran her rough catlike tongue up and down his sensitive cock 'Well that destroys the dead theory there's no way digital heaven could be this good.'
Gatomon stopped licking and looked back at Slashmon "Aren't you hungry?" she asked in a cute voice and raised her tail up so he could see her cunt.
"Starving." Slashmon said as he opened his mouth and began slowly moving his tongue up and down the outside of her slit before he pushed it in and began lapping at her insides. Gatomon shuddered as the wet tongue came in contact with her insides. It was just like when she did it herself but it was so much better having someone else do for her. Slashmon continued searching around the inside of Gatomon's cunt with his tongue until he found what he was searching for.
"OHHHHH! YESSS THAT'S IT!!" Gatomon screamed as Slashmon flicked at her clitoris with his tongue. Gatomon moaned loudly as she climaxed, she squeezed her legs together tightly almost crushing Slashmon's head by accident. As her first orgasm came Slashmon got a face full of her cum as he swallowed what he could. As Gatomon's orgasm passed she looked back at Slashmon "That was great, for round one." she said. She looked over at Veemon who was jacking off to the show that Slashmon and Gatomon were providing him with. Gatomon reached over and removed his hand from his cock she gave him a seductive look as she leaned in closer to him. "Now who said you could start without us?" she asked as she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his and forced her tongue quickly into his mouth. She slowly pushed him to the ground trying not to break their kiss as she lined up his already erect penis with her opening.
Veemon could feel her wet cunt rubbing against the head of his cock. He thrust upward impaling her on his cock as he broke their kiss with a loud moan. Veemon reached behind her and placed his hands onto her firm butt he pulled her cheeks apart revealing her tiny butthole.
Slashmon saw Veemon holding her open and walked up behind her. Pushing Veemon's hands out of the way as he grabbed onto her hips and thrusted forward burying his cock deep into her ass.
Gatomon grunted slightly in pain at the sudden intrusion. She looked back at Slashmon "Not so hard I'm not to used to that." she said smacking him slightly with her tail.
Slashmon apoligized and began moving his hips forward and back at a slower pace not wanting to hurt Gatomon again.
As Veemon and Slashmon continued pumping into her Gatomon could feel another wave of pleasure wash over her as Veemon reached up and began rubbing her breasts through her fur, Gatomon didn't have very large breasts but they were very sensitive. Gatomon felt her second orgasm come over her as she clenched her legs tightly this time nearly crushing Veemon's ribs as she moaned loudly. Gatomon's cunt clenched tightly around Veemon cock as she came setting off his own orgasm as he shot his cum deep into her cunt. Slashmon began pumping faster as Gatomon's small hole began to accomodate him. His second orgasm hit as he thrust in one more time and held it as he filled her ass to the brim with his cum. Once his orgasm had passed he slid out of Gatomon and sat down on the floor behind her.
"That was great." he said. He looked over at Gatomon and Veemon lying next to eachother breathing heavely "I hate to kill the mood but we better clean up before my partner get's home."
"Yeah you're right." Gatomon said as she sat up. She bent her head down and began cleaning off her cunt while Veemon and Slashmon watched.
"Now why didn't I ever think of that?" Slashmon said as he watched her finish her bath.
"Don't know, but shouldn't we get to cleaning up?" she asked.
"Shouldn't take too long with all of us." Veemon said.

Yet another short while later. (Time has no boundaries on me)

"Well thank god it's friday." Davis said as he entered the apartment "Now we have an entire weekend with no school."
A tall boy with long hair and broad shoulders walked in behind him wearing blue jeans and a old football jersey, "Speak for yourself I got detention tomorrow." he said looking at a pink slip in his hand. "Stupid teacher can't even take a harmless joke." He said taking his shoes off and throwing them into a closet.
"I don't think hosing her down with your supersoaker counts as a harmless joke. Although I doubt anyone was complaining about the results." Davis said laughing.
"She was totally asking for it! wearing a white shirt, on the day of the water war, with a bunch of sixteen year old boys around. What did she think would happen? Anyway who cares about school?" he asked wanting to drop the subject. "You want a soda?" He asked as he headed into the kitchen.
"Sure!" Davis said as he headed over to the couch to watch some TV and saw The three digimon curled up on it. "Hey Shadow come check this out!"
"What is it?" Shadow asked walking out of the kitchen. He looked over at the three digimon sleeping on the couch, "Well it looks like Slashmon made a new friend." He looked over at Gatomon and let out a slight laugh "With his attitude and after everything you told me about Gatomon I figured they would've killed eachother."
"Well it looks like they got the couch. Guess we'll have to watch TV at my place." Davis said as he headed towards the door and out of the apartment.
"TV is TV." Shadow said following him. "We still on for the camping trip tomorrow? I can't wait to meet the rest of the digidestined." He asked
"I think some of the older DDs may be busy." Davis answered "But you'll meet most of them."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Messages In This Thread
Original Characters - by Shadowknight - 01-09-2006, 07:48 PM
[No subject] - by Anonmon - 01-10-2006, 08:15 AM
[No subject] - by Shadowknight - 01-10-2006, 04:24 PM
[No subject] - by Anonmon - 01-11-2006, 02:45 AM
[No subject] - by Wisemon - 01-12-2006, 05:15 AM
[No subject] - by Anonmon - 01-12-2006, 06:59 AM
[No subject] - by Gunter VanCrimson - 01-13-2006, 01:35 AM
[No subject] - by Shadowknight - 01-13-2006, 06:48 PM
[No subject] - by Gunter VanCrimson - 01-14-2006, 09:54 PM
[No subject] - by Shadowknight - 01-15-2006, 03:41 AM
[No subject] - by Herr Mullen - 01-15-2006, 07:58 AM
[No subject] - by Shadowknight - 02-07-2006, 04:42 PM
[No subject] - by Anonmon - 02-08-2006, 05:38 AM
[No subject] - by Herr Mullen - 02-08-2006, 05:42 AM
[No subject] - by Shadowknight - 02-08-2006, 06:59 AM
[No subject] - by Anonmon - 02-08-2006, 11:26 AM
[No subject] - by Lord Patamon - 02-09-2006, 03:41 PM
[No subject] - by Shadowknight - 02-09-2006, 05:11 PM
[No subject] - by Lord Patamon - 02-09-2006, 05:31 PM
[No subject] - by Shadowknight - 02-24-2006, 10:02 AM
[No subject] - by Lord Patamon - 02-24-2006, 03:01 PM