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If you want to be a moderator...
We may need some moderators! If you see a category on the forum index that does not have two moderators, we definitely could use one there. The ones with two moderators sometimes could use a replacement moderator as well, so you may sign up for those spaces also.

If you want to be a moderator for the board, just send me a PM. Make sure the subject is "Moderator" or at least a variety of the word. In your message, tell me why you want to be a moderator. Think carefully and be honest.

After you do this, you can expect a PM from me saying whether or not we need you as a moderator. If we do, you can also expect a list of the available categories, and further instructions on your job as moderator. Just PM back with the one you want to moderate.

Here's a bit of what the moderator does. He or she will make sure there is order in his or her category. For instance, no verbal violence and no complaints that have nothing to do with the topic. Also, the moderator makes sure that the topics are at least relevant to the category. He or she won't have to go through each and every topic to make sure everything's hunky dory, but he or she will need to just jump here and there now and then and skim around to make sure the rules are being followed.

And one more thing I'd like to stress, and this goes for everyone. If there are complaints, or arguments and things that you need to get off your chest, please keep them in the Rants section. That's why it's there. We don't need any extra hostility or confrontation outside of the Rants category. Moderators will need to make sure of this.

Looking forward to your PMs!

Messages In This Thread
If you want to be a moderator... - by Lukos - 10-03-2005, 03:01 PM