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Digimon Adventure Rewrite, Final Opening
I only did the last arc so far, with a theme song.
In the Darkness, we get images of Hikari, Takeru, Jou, Koushirou, Mimi, Sora, and Yamato fading into the darkness. But when Taichi is seen, the Crest of Courage shines as he opens his eyes and jumps forward. The title appears as we opens to a beautiful meadow. The eight kids run across a meadow with their Digimon, Bokomon & Neemon. A bright flash occurs as the 1st six Chosen Digimon fly into the pillar of light, emerging as Greymon, Garurumon, Birdramon, Ikkakumon, Togemon, &
Kabuterimon. The scene changes to Leomon running into battle with his sword in hand. And Gatomon is shown finishing a flip.

Taichi and Yamato show up their new Digivice-01s while MetalGreymon is flying ahead of them with WereGarurumon holding on MetalGreymon's head before he jumps of to perform a kick. Sora, Mimi, Jou, & Koushirou are being theirselves as Lilymon, MegaKabuterimon and Garudamon soar in the air and Zudomon pummel with hammer in hand. Takeru & Hikari are now side by side, both of their crests releasing beams of energy as Grappleomon slams his fist into the ground, creating a tornado. Above
him, Angewomon is firing a energy arrow into the sky.

The scene changes to Sigma standing on MetalSeadramon's head as the leviathan flies through the sky with Mari following on GrandKuwagamon's back. Then to Hideto who has BlackWargreymon beside him. The scene darkens to Neo being shown smirking as meancing eyes glow behind him. Next, we see Rei radiating a bright light as Agumon & Gabumon warp-digivolving to WarGreymon & MetalGarurumon and performing their attacks. It is followed by shots of Digidestined individually each with their Digimon in his/her most powerful form behind them. And then finally, a wideshot of Taichi as we get a group pose of the DigiDestined with a
image of Neo and the Alias Triad overshadowing them from behind.

Messages In This Thread
Digimon Adventure Rewrite, Final Opening - by fractyl2 - 06-16-2005, 12:43 PM