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LIFE2 (a new RP as in has been modifyed recently by me pls join its my first RP)
OOC: ok its just elves and humans wouldent be laughing together in a bar in this setting just wanted to point that out! ^^

IC:...".uhh...well i soppose i should find something...i came here becuse i wanted an adventure...and i will find one!!" garret says triumphetly as he rise's up from the floor. *stomach rumbles* "uhhhh" he clentchs his stomach. "well i guess food first!" he says as he begins rumidgeing though the bag he brought with him for some food. "aha this will do" he says as he pulls out a strange forgien fruit from his plane of existance. he then begins to walk around while eating this fruit to buesy enjoying it to notice thouse still pierceing glares.

OOC: also eventully everyones charectures need to meet up at some point all drawn towards each other for some strange reason (i allready have it planned) and with luck more people will join this roleplay...
i have seen the very darkness of humanity that we destroy are selfs in the end but i have also seen our potential for good and freindship and that is what i hang on too, I am unrelenting and i fight for what i belive in that is my goal.


click here to see my original fiction turn RP
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RE: LIFE2 (a new RP as in has been modifyed recently by me pls join its my first RP) - by acejt - 06-20-2013, 03:41 AM