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Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 23 (77)
Starting this week, Tagiru and Gumdramon are running to school. They run into Old Man Clock.He says he's taking a walk but he was doing something. They try to see what he's doing and then he runs. Roof Ryouga is watching you. At Tagiru's house, we see his parents. They look kind of young. And his mom is where he got that red streak from. Although anything else? No one knows. At least that's what his dad says. Said dad leaves for work but Quartz'es out before leaving. Weird. I know I'm not tire like Tagiru so I did see that. Now more running to school. But it seems there's more DigiQuartz around. Why? Ah! Tsumemon! IT form of Diablomon. They chase it after the opening but when cornered, it evos to Keramon. They think it's a super-evo but I'm pretty sure it's just an evo. Being a bigger Rookie then usual it can grab Gumdramon. But then Ryouma shows up and Astamon shoots it. How does he know? So Keramon then runs. And this is who causes the school to look like this. Keramon is changing the world to DigiQuartz. Not ever Time Shifting will help even though the two areas were in separate times. But wait! The city is full of humans. Where do they go? Not sure. But this could be a problem since Tagiru's dad was Quartz-ing earlier.

Tagiru gets to his house but his mom just yells at him then disapears. Keramon then calls Tagiru and asks if he wants to play. Since this is their WarGames and not Our, he pops up right in fron of Tagiru to attack. That's two references. Anyway, More Running! And more being saved by Astamon. Also, SuperEvo-ing. Both attacks are blocked so let's try DigiXros. Astamon/Triceramon and Arresterdramon and Ogremon. The first just seems to get a Tricera fist and bigger boot claws while the second gets more of an Ogre look and the club. This works until he evos again to Chrysalimon. And then he ran. So, resting on a roof, we see that Ryouma saw both the Tactimon fight and the final fight with Bagramon. How did he see that last one? He fell in a portal. Looks almost like a DigiQuartz portal. So much like Tagiru, Ryouma has an almost obsessive need to beat Taiki. Or at least he makes it sound like that. Tagiru, met Taiki in Middle School and saw how awesome he is. He also thinks Ryouma was an unlikable snob (that's about right) but now, he's ok.

Now speaking of said hero, Taiki and Yuu find them and tell them to come to a meeting. The meeting has both Xros Heart (with Akari and Zenjirou) but also has the other two of Team Antagonist and the following, Hideaki, Kiichi, and three others. ...Wait, who's those three? Anyway, much like previous series, those humans who worked with Digimon once before, didn't disappear. So in short, Chrysalimon is stronger then any other DMOTW and could be related to Quartzmon that they fought last time. And they have a Mole on their team. I don't mean like Drillmogemon or a beauty mark, I mean a traitor. Of course, this makes Team Antagonist the likely suspects. Hideaki thinks so at least. But I figure it isn't Airu since we all know the two things she wants. Cute Digimon, and Yuu's jock. Ren? Who knows. And Ryouma just saved Tagiru so he couldn't be the traitor. Isn't it kind of sad there's not way to show sarcasm in print? Anyway, Tagiru drags Hideaki out into the hall by the ear. And the rest will go after Chrysalimon. Outside, Old Man Clock is scanning something before he gets swamped by (Ko)Zenimons. He says he was picking up trash but our duo know that it's not true so he gets tickled. Clockmon says how inhumane that is and they still can't get any answers. Elsewhere, both teams are gathered somewhere to wait for Chrysalimon, who rises up from the water. It effects a tower and evos to Infermon. So now for Super-Evos. Back to attacking an old man, we see that that tower is where all the humans are stored. And it seems that since the old man has a red light and the tower throws off a green one, it wasn't him. WildGoosemon chase but hey, at least we know where the other humans are. Now, if you remember, Infermon is a tough and quick son of a bitch. as it stops even a Ninja. What do they do since it copies it's self before an attack? Blow it the F up! Tagiru yells in so many words from above as he and the rest fly in for a punch. Now, how do they do this? Double Xros Arresterdramon and Astamon. Which makes Arresterdramon wearing the hair, wings, pimp coat, and pants! of Astamon. Also he has guns.

And yes, the answer is to just keep shooting everything. Which works but I'm pretty sure those two big buildings will get edited out. Now Team Attack! Or maybe just some Quartzmons. Which gives us Diablomon which they combine. Great... So said movie villain grab PimpCoatDramon and starts to absorb him so Tagiru of course runs after him. But before he can get blasted who saves him this time? Another Goggleboy? No, not this time. It's Kiriha, Nene, and Beelzemon. On a Trailmon. Now Time for Great Xros! Xros 7! Tagiru is extremely happy to see this. And of course, this shows how you beat a big enemy. Just get a bigger gun. Ryouma is equally happy. Wait. He's not dead yet? If he goes to Armagemon, I'm out of here. He does not do this as it's just an illusion made by the real villain and End Boss, Quartzmon. Who was just named now.

Digimon Intro corner. Infermon. DigiXros with Pillomon to make a sleeping Infermon. And next ep, The Legendary Six Heroes, Many Myotismons, Many, many Xroses, and a long overdue event with two of the original Xros Heart Members.

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RE: Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 23 (77) - by UnknownH - 03-21-2012, 01:43 PM