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Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 22 (76)
Ok. Now things will get good.

We start with a couple driving when the GPS glitches out and a giant gold beetle crashes into their windshield and it makes them crash into the barrier just before running off the road. School, Tagiru and Gumdramon are laying on the roof (really? Someone find someone to answer that) saying how they're board because there's no big hunts recently. Then over in the woods, a bunch of news vans are reporting on "a bioluminescent golden stag beetle." Wow. That's a big word for a kids show. And Stag is the beetle with two horns like Kuwagamon. Before Tagiru does a standard I'm on TV! thing he sees Hideaki and walks over. He wants to catch this bug since it's Japan and bug collecting is popular with kids there. That's why so many costumed superheros are bug related. (grasshopper and beetles) Anyway, Tagiru will pass and collecting bugs. But Hideaki wants the money it'd bring. Then some kid pops up. A bowlcut named Kaneda is there and says Hideaki should leave since this is an important bug related thing not a money thing. And Tagiru the kettle, calls Kaneda "The Bug Guy" and also a weird pot.

Now the bug rushes past letting the crowd trample our two heroes and the bug guy. But the two now know it's a Digimon. So everything's interesting now. After the intro in the DigiQuartz, neither Mon can find the beetle. So they meet back tomorrow being watched by something. Elsewhere, Ren catches his 100th catch of DemiDevimon. Airu says how Ryouma doesn't seem to want to catch a lot. He says he can track data just as easy with them catching. And they're being watched the same way.

At school Kaneda backs Tagiru against the wall to say how he knows what's going on with the "secret way to catch bugs". So he'll stick to him like glue. I doubt Kaneda's even attracted enough to any fangirls but skipping that, Taiki and Yuu walk by and ask what's going on. Tagiru runs over there to tell them what's going on and Kaneda looks upset. Yuu hears how bad the TV is in that area as some kids have said so they all agree that it must be a Digimon. And that's why he doesn't want Bug Guy going with him. So, let's try to discuss what's going on. Or as Tagiru sees it, let's use Taiki and Yuu as a distraction. This angers the bug guy so he runs. Tagiru then gets to Hideaki and he time Shifts the both until they run ran into by Kaneda. Usually you have to be on a motorcycle to be going that fast. Heh. So, now, Bug Guy is stuck in the DigiQuartz with them. After some anger and surprise, he sees the beetle and runs. So that's how he stuffed his net into his backpack... Surprisingly as a 12 year Bug Catcher, he catches said beetle. But it's not one, it's a scouting device used by the DMOTW to scout around. Is he a man or is he a monster. He's a digital monster. Known as MetalifeKuwagamon. And now, reloading and super evoing, we get Dobermon and Arresterdramon. While they fight, Tagiru and Hideaki try to get Kaneda out of there since he's scared stiff. But MetalifeKuwagamon is strong and knocks both of them down. He also grabs the knocked out Kaneda as hostage. Now we get what Jokermon was like when first entered and it's very cute for a kid's drawing.

Taiki and Yuu show up to yell at Taiguru and Hideaki and Team Antagonist pops up to explain how strong he is and how much damage he'll cause to the human world. But Ren and Airu finds Ryouma's sudden want to join the others and how he wants to protect the human world odd. Taiki agrees but Tagiru and Hideaki say how it's their fault so they'll fix it. Yuu goes with them and Airu, instead of going with Yuu, says how their sense of duty is strong.

Kaneda wakes up and freaks out but he's in no danger. MLKuwagamon seems to have the wrong idea about the Hunters. Or at least Tagiru and Hideaki. Then Starmonz pop up and find them. He runs out but then gets attacked and drops Kaneda but Tagiru grabs him. They reach an understanding about their similarities between bugs and Digimon. They get up but the fight's already catchable. But, even after explaining how they catch Digimon, it seems they can't catch him. He's just a shell of his former data. Not a pun this time. He is. He was caught once and fed to an evil being. He escaped but he's still too broke and if sent there again, he's fuse to this being. Also Ryouma listening and there's a big explosion behind them. He starts to tell who everyone evil is but in true trope fashion, that explosion shoots out a beam to kill him just before he says the name. Literally just before. Then a big rock formation with a bunch of Quartz in the middle rises up. Some eyes and a mouth open and it releases a sonic pulse to hurt ears. Taiki, Ren, and Airu show up Super-Evo'd and ask if everyone's ok. Ryouma walks out to say how they need to beat it and Tagiru gets Kaneda away. It shoots out laser ropes to grab everyone but all but Tagiru/Arresterdramon gets away. The Digimon rush to help but they get knocked back.

Then, like a Deus ex Machina, Someone you'd never expect to show up. except that this was two weeks ago and the promos spoiled it. Oh well. It's Adventure 01 Tai and WarGreymon! Plus! It's Masaru and Shine Greymon! Now for some Greymon Mega Level Ass-Kicking! But the monster fires that laser and Arresterdramon blocks it well enough until Previous Goggleboys tell him to keep going and get stronger. And through a flashback, they do and the gold band shows up again on Arresterdramon to evolve him to Superior Mode! Although I don't know about the name but hey, it doesn't look too bad.

And this new power destroys the monster. Tagiru gets a complement from Masaru and he and Tai teleport out before saying who they were. Old Man Clock and Clockmon see this and wonder if it's not time. It may be. In Hong Kong, Nene and Kiriha destroy another monster and Surprise! It's Adventure 01 Mimi and Rika. Rika tells Kiriha that they're more like Helpers then hunters. Everyone wonders what that thing was but Taiki says it may be the big fight soon. And Ryouma stands behind a tree suspiciously.

Intro Corner, MLKuwagamon DigiXross with ChibiKamemon to make him wearing the helmet and shell. Just not very well. Next time, Keramon changes the real world into data then erases it. Now everyone needs to team up.

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RE: Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 22 (76) - by UnknownH - 03-16-2012, 01:27 PM