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the tale of a lusty ninja
HELLO ppls i am here agen and am close to finishing this series i think i may finish this off today or tomorrow it depends becuse today is the day with the sex scene and it may strech to two posts who knows lol i get excited first yuri and i do love my yuri

lets start this(fades to white then into the image above)

hinata face had turned red she had never been this close to naruto before she could see the light reflecting of thouse glistining blue eyes and then their was the slight dampness of his face due to his training and as she continued takining the sight before her she saw thouse fox like whisker marks that him and him alone has, he had bright blond hair that looked as if it had been ruffled and finally there was the warmth of his lips agenst hers, it was intoxicating.

naruto was in compleat shock first of all he did not excpect hinata to trip over and let alone trip over and land on him and even more so to land in such an awkward postion though he had to admit he did like it, alot.

hinata was confused she would of useally fainted being this close to naruto but this time was differnt oh so very different but she felt embaressed and pulled her lips from him and turned her head."im sorry, naruto-kun" said the shy hyuga afraid to look him in the eye but not being able to resist his beutiful face she turned to look into thouse deep blue eyes that seemed to radiate such care but when she turned her head to get just a mere glimpse of his handsome face she got more then she bargended for, for when she turned to face him she was met with another kiss but this time naruto wasnt supprised!?, in fact he was the one kissing her it was no accident, naruto was kissing her.

naruto felt incredibly hot he had never felt this way about anyone all except sakura that is but he knew now that he would have no chance with sakura not when she adored sasuke so even when he showed no affection for her if she prefered rejection then love she could have it. but hinata was a whole differnt story he never looked at her like this before yeah she was attractive but he had allways had eyes for sakura but haveing exchanged a kiss with her he felt something more in that kiss then a simple accident he felt, love, a love that had been burning so brightly and begging to be seen, naruto was just to distracted to see it so he did what he felt was needed to show that he appreciated how much he had ment to her and returned the misplaced kiss.

hinata was still awake was this not a dream she had woken up this morning trained with her father then came to this same tree but now her dreams where becomeing reality, well nearlly all of them. but she was kissing and not just kissing anyone naruto but wait what was happing now her body was acting on its own and she was.. kissing back yes she was kissing naruto and moaning gently through her lips "narrruuto-kun" moaned hinata ever so softly and slightly drawn out as she returned the kiss and began parting her mouth and as she did so she found her mouth being invaded with the ever so precise tounge of naruto.

naruto was really kissing hinata now she had parted her lips a bit and welcomed in his tounge and to his suprise she had started useing her tounge also which he never really saw hinata as someone to make a bold move and even though it wasnt something very big it was alot for the shy hinata. but naruto's hands had a mind of their own and they where eager for a wonder and so they began to gently clench hinatas small yet supple breasts kneeding them in his hands recveving pleaserable tones from hinatas mouth as their tounges continued to wrestle and the more this happend the more confident hinata became.

hinatas tounge suddenly began to really put effort into the making out and had nearlly wrestled naruto's into submission as she began to fidget as the two ninja got hotter and hotter in the making out. naruto continued to kneed hinata's breasts through her clouths ocasionally squezing a nipple or two which hinata seemed to really like so he continued doing it and more freqently getting even more responses of pleasere from the young hyuga girl.

hinata was getting really horny she could feel the dampness between her legs and yet she was no where near to get her relief after all she was still wareing her jacket as was naruto, so instinctivly she violently began removing naruto's jacket which hinted him to remove hers and before they knew it naruto was bare cheast and hinata was in her bra. the feeling of naruto's hands on her breasts was much better when there was less clouthing to get in the way but she knew what she wanted she wanted him she needed him but she was scared she had heared that it hurts at first and she dident want the pain but she did want what came after.

naruto had been kneeding hinatas breasts for quite a while perhaps even too long and he needed to bring his attention to somewhere eles and he knew where and so he began to remove hinatas bra which she gave no resistence at all and after doing so he spoke up."hinata do you really want to do this i can stop if you dont want to" naruto said as serieosly as possible."NO i mean no please continue naruto-kun" replyed hinata almost afraid that the pleasure would end. naruto got the hint and continued his efforts lowering his mouth to hinatas breasts giving them a quick lick almost as if saying goodbye. after he had finished he continued his kissing and caresing as he lowered his head and hands further down hinatas heated body noticing his own erection but wanting to do something elese before dealing with that he had now reached a blockaid it was hinatas jeans which she tryed to wriggle out but to no avail seeing as how they where done up tight but no challenge for naruto as he simply undid the buckle and lowered them to hinatas feet smelling her hornyness as he went.

he could see hinatas white panties and they where preety wet almost compleatly soaked and with one clean swoop he removed then reveling the prize, hinata wriggled around desperate to feel some attention to this spot waiting for naruto to make the move which he did and in nothing short of a second naruto had thrust his head between hinatas legs licking deeply into hinata deeper then thought possible but naruto had some practice over the last couple of weeks.(lol)

hinata quivered and nearlly shouted at this sudden intrusion it felt so good her body was like putty in naruto's hands she found herself pushing on narutos head hopeing to get him deeper inside her but knowing it was impossible."OH NARUTO" she moaned as naruto expertly lapped up the inside of her slit.

wow a lot of writting looks like the story finishes tommorow guys seeya then
i have seen the very darkness of humanity that we destroy are selfs in the end but i have also seen our potential for good and freindship and that is what i hang on too, I am unrelenting and i fight for what i belive in that is my goal.


click here to see my original fiction turn RP
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds

Messages In This Thread
the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-16-2012, 10:39 PM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-17-2012, 09:38 PM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-18-2012, 11:09 PM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-20-2012, 02:05 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-22-2012, 02:29 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-23-2012, 02:47 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-24-2012, 01:52 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 03-08-2012, 02:30 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 03-09-2012, 02:09 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 03-10-2012, 03:00 AM