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the tale of a lusty ninja
right this has been on the back burner for too long and god damn it im going to finish this series even if it kills me, sorry guys i have been needing a well earned rest the story was getting me a bit stressed i wanted to do it some days but had homework to do and knew that i had to do that but at the same time feeling the presure of wanting to provide my readers with storys regulery and then when i felt like doing it and had no homework and was in the middle of typeing i was nearlly caught so i decided to take a long rest untill today which is the day that i start my first yuri and i almost fogot today is my 102 post i was sopposed to celibrate my 100th but i dident so im celebrating this one (confetti falls on thread) yay now lets get it on

p.s i have told someone about what i do and it went well and he said he would take a look at my stuff and so that means i have a fan who i know in person yay.


it was another warm day in the villige of konoho the sun was shineing and the gentle breeze was brushing past the face of one perticuler ninja at the training ground.(you know where this is going)

"HaaaaAA" grunted naruto while he was spareing with one of his clones trying not to laugh due to the fun he had last week and how whenever he looked at his clones he would see them a bit deferently then he used too, but little did young naruto know that directly behind him amongst the trees stood a very shy ninja with short black hair and white eyes wareing a grey snow jacket(in summer but its the charecture not me) she had her hand just in front of her face with that shy expression she allways had especially when she was hideing behind this perticuler tree at this time of the day.

hinata hyuga stood their watching the one she admired so much with a slight blush forming on her face as he trained and trained as he allways did with such determination it was inspireing truely."ohh naruto-kun if only you knew how i felt about you" hinata said with a slight smile as she put both her index fingers together and slid down the true till she was sitting with her back agenst it.

she quickly stood up to admire naruto agen peering just a little bit further then useall to see a bit more of him.

naruto being as oblivios as allways was still spareing and getting a bit tired and decided to take a break."phew" he sighed "i need some ramed soon or im gonna burnout here" naruto wined feeling his empty belly.


hinata was in compleat shock while leaning in closer to see naruto she had sliped and stood on a tree branch which had snapped.(hehehee typical)

now normally hinata being as shy as she was would run away and hope nobody saw her especially naruto but today was differnt she tryed to run but she couldent her legs just wouldent move and as she saw naruto slowly turn his head towards her she though she would explode."oh no he is going to look at me" hinata whispered shyly to herself and as a matter of fact naruto did look at her.

naruto heard that snap and rather then instently turn his head like useal he decided to slowly turn to see what had made this sound thinking that he was training alone, he continued turning untill his gaze met with thouse rare white eyes belonging to thouse only of the hyuga clan.

naruto began thinking he knew only two people with thouse eyes neji and hinata neji being neji would be way to stuck up to even talk to anyone and hinata would be way to shy to even approch anyone apart from thouse in her team and that was with a push.

and so naruto continued his gaze takeing in more details such as the short black hair and snow jacket and the attempt at hideing behind a tree and.... it clicked for naruto he knew who it was "Hinata hay what are you doing over there come on over" naruto shouted waving to her.

hinata was petrified and embaressed but rather then faint she did something very unuseall it was as if her legs were no longer her own she began running towards naruto despite her emense attraction to him.

naruto began to walk towards her to meet her half way untill...


hinata had tripped over a stuck up bit of tree root near naruto and had fallin on top of him and both of thier lips where pushed together and touching.[Image: NaruHina_Naruto_and_Hinata_Shippuden_Wal...x=77&ty=34]

i have seen the very darkness of humanity that we destroy are selfs in the end but i have also seen our potential for good and freindship and that is what i hang on too, I am unrelenting and i fight for what i belive in that is my goal.


click here to see my original fiction turn RP
Veemon's Followers
Creative Minds

Messages In This Thread
the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-16-2012, 10:39 PM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-17-2012, 09:38 PM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-18-2012, 11:09 PM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-20-2012, 02:05 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-22-2012, 02:29 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-23-2012, 02:47 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 02-24-2012, 01:52 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 03-08-2012, 02:30 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 03-09-2012, 02:09 AM
RE: the tale of a lusty ninja - by acejt - 03-10-2012, 03:00 AM