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The New World
You seriously waited for me!? XD I was being comically dramatic like I usually am! Also, I meant that even after it started, I hope that there'll be a spot for me when I return! I'm kind of returning now though. So here I go!

Name: Eriden Allgrim

Race: Vamdred. Vamdred are distantly related to vampires, only, rather than being made, Vamdred are born. They live in high-classed societies and are known as “Dark Nobles” to others. They don’t live in single-race communities, but instead choose to live in small, secluded cloisters within the biggest, richest and most influential cities and towns where there are a multitude of races for them to lord over. Their natural longevity and wisdom as well as their unnatural dominance and charm have led them to positions of great power as advisors and tacticians to generals and commanders or kings and emperors. Their agile yet durable bodies and special abilities however make them an asset on the battlefield as generals and leaders, and their magical prowess and insatiable curiosity makes them valued researchers in the field of the mystic.

Socially, Vamdred are regarded by the majority of races who have heard of them with either fear or respect, usually both. In the presence of a Vamdred, other races tend to feel pressure and the uncanny need to humble themselves before them, and as a result, Vamdred are often treated like royalty, or at the very least very important people wherever they appear. It is common for Vamdred to have immense pride in their race, and thus think of other races as bellow them. There are very few races they deem equal to themselves or higher, and they refer to these races as “Highbloods”. All other races are referred to as “Lowbloods”. To further enforce their status, they carry Vamdred "Badges" sporting their family's coat of arms and show them to other cloisters of Vamdred when they are away from their home-kingdom to access special treatment and access to food, lodging and disposable wealth.

Their physical appearance is not unlike their vampire kindred, only they are not as pale or ‘beautiful’ or ‘frightening’ in appearance, their supernatural aspect being more mental than aesthetic. They carry none of the weaknesses of their vampire kindred, nor do they possess most of their strengths. Vamdred possess natural weapons like carnivorous fangs, albeit not as pronounced as a vampire’s, and hard, black talons on their fingers and toes. They are carnivores and cannot digest vegetation, and they do not require water to survive.

Ability-wise, they are naturally and supernaturally agile and their bodies and organs are durable enough to withstand these speeds. They also have a very good sense of balance and inner momentum, as well as enhanced reflexes and perception to cope with the speed. Unfortunately, this makes Vamdred quite impatient as they always perceive the world in slow-motion. Their sense of smell is also remarkable.

All Vamdred are born with an innate magical prowess, and prefer to use magic over brute force, which they find quite vulgar. Despite this, they have also developed their own form of combative arts in order to seek balance among their talents. Their unarmed combat follows a form called “Scathing Shadows”, and focuses on elegant holds, throws and reversals, using the opponent’s own blows and momentum to take them down rather than using hard strikes. When armed, they prefer more ‘elegant’ weapons like swords, daggers and pistols, rather than cumbersome and ‘vulgar’ weapons like spears, axes and bows. Their primary sword-style is called Slayer Phantasm, and it focuses on making use of their speed to slice, slash and thrust at critical areas and bypass chinks in armor, making use of feints that are so fast that their after image is left behind for a split second, where they are rendered invisible to the naked eye. Their shooting form is called “Phantom Vector”, and with it, they shoot their pistols from concealed angles, making it difficult for targets to dodge their bullets.

Vamdred are extremely photosensitive, and their skin tone darkens under the lack of light, even mere shade, while their eyes change completely, from their natural eye colors to red irises and black scleras. Their magical ability weakens as they leave the light, and under complete darkness, they cannot use magic at all. Instead, they are gifted with unbelievable speed, stealth and perfect night vision.

To compensate for their lack of brute strength and ability to forge weapons, they commission swords from various smiths and enchant them themselves. The Vamdred worship the Blood Goddess, Luviara.

Age: 30

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Has no sexual preference. Whoever can pleasure him is an acceptable partner. He is used to being the dominant partner in a relationship.

Description: [spoiler=Eriden][Image: Goth_Dating_Game__Male_Side_by_Dedmerath.jpg][/spoiler] Despite his age, Lord Eriden appears to be in his middle, or at most, late teens. His shoulder length brown hair, though unkempt, is velvety smooth and clean. His nobleman’s attire is battle-worn and he keeps his weapon, an enchanted longsword named “Reclaimer” at his side at all times. He has an athletic physique, not too muscular, as he is an agile fighter rather than a powerful one. His eyes are a deep, but unremarkable brown, and his skin is pale, but like all Vamdred, his skin-tone and eyes change under shade or darkness. The change is instantaneous and quite interesting to behold. He, like all Vamdred, possesses claws and fangs as well.

Measurements: 6'0ft height, unknown weight, penile length is 7 inches erect, 4 inches flaccid, and 2 inches in diameter in girth.

Personality: Eriden was born and raised in Nobility, and acts as such. He carries an air of unnatural authority and charisma, whether walking through the halls of a palace, the slums of a marketplace, or the blood-soaked soil of a battlefield. He has made others subservient to him through a withering glare alone. He’s confident and composed, to the point where complete strangers will assume he is a very important figure and either show him respect and treat him like a special guest, or try to mug him of any valuables he may be carrying and/or kidnap him, with disastrous results for them. Eriden can be overly serious at times, but he’s not without his humor. Dark humor.

He has very strange reactions to certain words thanks to events from his childhood; “Croissant” makes him nauseous, “Archipelago” makes him scream out in a panic, and “Strawberries” arouses him. This seems to have gone beyond simple childhood trauma and crossed the threshold toward an obsessive compulsive disorder. This OCD has been with him since he was a child, and it compels him to keep himself clean and free of dirt. He is so disgusted by dirt that he would rather tear a stained sleeve off rather than wait too long to have it cleaned. The OCD also makes him a very thorough and attentive person, allowing him to analyze people, things or situations deeply and act accordingly.

Biography: Lord Eriden was tasked with hunting down a rogue Vamdred who committed an act of regicide, breaking their ancient laws and spitting on their tradition. He’s traveled a long way from home to track the villain down, leading him past borders and into Orc territory, where his quarry is rumored to be hiding. He wields a sword named “Reclaimer”, which grows stronger after each time it drains the blood from a dead body, making up for Eriden’s lack of brute physical strength with its cutting power, pushing power, and blocking power.

~ ~ ~

Name: Gulbrandr

Race: Son of Fenrir. Sons of Fenrir are bipedal wolf-creatures who are said to have descended from the spilled blood of the god-devouring wolf, Fenrisulfr. They are an ancient and powerful, but very rare race of warriors tasked with the harrowing deed of killing wayward gods and demi-gods who walk the path of destruction. The Sons of Fenrir live in the treacherous and perpetually snowy mountains known as Ulfrheim, a barren wasteland of ice, trees and snow, said to be unlivable except for great magical beasts and these mythical wolves. They all possess amazing eyes known to strike fear in their quarries with a piercing glare, earning them title of "Dragon-Eyed Hunters".

The Sons of Fenrir are a warrior race, and hold strength and fighting skill above all. Young Sons are taught how to fight and kill before they are taught how to talk. They live off the land and have no use for money. They are, curiously, an all-male race, and new Sons are more made than they are born. Sons on quests or Sons who have reached the ripe breeding age leave Ulfrheim and seek females of other races, who they will then bring home. Power, personality and fighting ability are considered more attractive than appearance, social class or wealth. If the females agree to go home with them, and survive the treacherous journey back to the heart of Ulfrheim, they will be bred, and carry the child for five months.

For the child to be born, the female must go through a ritual involving the crystalized blood of the ancient wolf, Fenrisulfr, or the child will die during birth. An infant Son of Fenrir will take his mother’s life in exchange for his, ensuring that he has been born into the world by taking his first life. This ritual and method of birth makes it very difficult for the race to repopulate, but it grants them a number of gifts; they are naturally very strong and fast, born with durable bodies and keen senses, as well as the ability to learn things quickly. They are also born unable to use magic. Instead, their bodies nullify and absorb the ambient mana around them, granting them nearly endless stamina and vitality, allowing them to fight or travel without tiring for days, and for their wounds to heal at an accelerated rate. This also means that they are largely immune to magic, and grow stronger in the presence of gods or demi-gods, making them the perfect god slayers. In exchange for this, Sons of Fenrir have a very low lifespan; about fifty years maximum.

Sons of Fenrir have developed many fighting styles to combat powerful beings, using all forms of weapons from bladed and piercing weapons, to blunt and whipping weapons. Even arrows are used, but never firearms it seems. They are skilled weapon-smiths and use enchanted metal mined from the mystic mountains mixed with their blood to forge their personalized weapons. Their blood is special and allows them to “imprint” on weapons or people and mark them as “theirs”. This ensures that the weapons will always return to them if dropped, and people will never be lost. The fighting style they use against gods and mortals alike is called Götterdämmerung (quite a mouthful), and has been described as “An unspeakable and terrifying symphony of divine massacre and indescribable beauty.” by the few who have witnessed it in action.

The Sons of Fenrir worship Fenrisulfr, the “first wolf” and devourer of gods.

Age: 20

Sex: Explicitly Male

Sexuality: Has no concept of sexuality and is pretty much still a virgin. He is easily manipulated as he is very honest about his feelings.


[spoiler=Gul][Image: 108e08051c5177fbc8041d1fbfafcefa.jpg][/spoiler] Gulbrandr is a tall, muscular, bipedal lupine creature with piercing golden eyes and thick, gray fur. His winter coat is thick and hides most of his muscle definition, and covers his neck and back with thick, fluffy mane of gray fur. His summer coat is thinner, and he loses his mane, exposing his neck and shoulders more, as well as his impressive muscle definition. He dresses in leather straps and clothes as to not hinder his movement, finding armor to be cowardly and cumbersome. He wears both his swords, both unnamed, on his back. He appears to be more animalistic than other animal-like races. He also carries a large leather rucksack for supplies.

Measurements: 7’0ft flat, unknown weight, 7 inches flaccid, 12 inches erect, 4 inch diameter girth.

Personality: Gul is very blunt and honest. He can be naïve and easily fooled as he is quite animalistic in terms of actions and behavior. He is disciplined, loyal to comrades, brave and fearless, but tends to act rash or impulsively. He is very curious as he has never left his homeland, Ulfrheim, and is easily impressed and amused by traditions and innovations from the rest of the world. He is a fierce and frightening force to be reckoned with in battle, but otherwise approachable and docile when out of it. He has a very strict code of honor, like other Sons of Fenrir, and will neither attack anyone on the ground, or from behind. He will refuse to draw his weapons unless he deems his opponents worthy of their blades.

Gul can be aggressive and answers many things with violence as he was brought up on violence and a fight for survival, but he does not get angry very easily as anger is considered a handicap in battle. Having been trained in the art of combat from birth, he is practically illiterate, having only been taught how to count in his later years, how to value money, and how to read maps. He is a virgin, but does not know how to respond to seduction or arousal. Being blunt and honest, he may respond with violence, or even rape if seduced or aroused the wrong way. He absolutely hates it when his tail is pulled, as his tail is an erogenous zone that gets more sensitive closer to the base of it, the tip being the least sensitive. When given permission, he enjoys it being stroked. He does not respond well to touch as he associates all forms of contact with conflict, but if approached correctly, he enjoys being stroked, scratched and petted just like any dog would.

He is not used to cultures and traditions outside of his own, so despite putting a high priority on his missions, he tries to learn about the outside world more, as he finds it fascinating. One could consider him a barbarian if he did not have his code of honor.

Biography: Gulbrandr is an unremarkable Son of Fenrir, just another warrior on a quest to kill a wayward god causing misery and strife; Shura, “The Raging Storm”. His quest has led him from Ulfrheim to wherever he can find news of Shura, armed only with his special swords, as he specializes in bladed weapons. He is collecting powerful weapons he can imprint on to help aid him in battle.

And here are my profiles! I apologize for the length of my profiles- I tend to go overboard that way- but if they're okay, I'll edit my introduction post in, or post one!
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers

Messages In This Thread
The New World - by Hisoka - 09-27-2011, 08:19 AM
RE: The New World - by deathseal1390 - 09-27-2011, 08:30 AM
RE: The New World - by Hisoka - 09-27-2011, 08:54 AM
RE: The New World - by deathseal1390 - 09-27-2011, 09:25 AM
RE: The New World - by Frisk E. Coyote - 09-27-2011, 03:02 PM
RE: The New World - by Jack_Pholph - 09-27-2011, 05:24 PM
RE: The New World - by deathseal1390 - 09-28-2011, 05:46 AM
RE: The New World - by Hisoka - 09-29-2011, 06:34 AM
RE: The New World - by Hisoka - 10-13-2011, 04:06 PM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 10-24-2011, 02:49 AM
RE: The New World - by deathseal1390 - 10-24-2011, 08:03 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 10-26-2011, 09:54 AM
RE: The New World - by Damien - 10-26-2011, 11:31 AM
RE: The New World - by Hisoka - 10-26-2011, 04:28 PM
RE: The New World - by Damien - 10-27-2011, 05:17 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 10-27-2011, 09:18 AM
RE: The New World - by Frisk E. Coyote - 10-29-2011, 08:00 PM
RE: The New World - by Hisoka - 10-30-2011, 12:42 PM
RE: The New World - by Damien - 10-30-2011, 02:42 PM
RE: The New World - by deathseal1390 - 10-31-2011, 09:41 AM
RE: The New World - by Frisk E. Coyote - 11-02-2011, 02:03 PM
RE: The New World - by Frisk E. Coyote - 11-15-2011, 09:37 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 11-15-2011, 09:55 AM
RE: The New World - by Frisk E. Coyote - 11-16-2011, 02:17 AM
RE: The New World - by Damien - 11-16-2011, 07:17 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 11-16-2011, 07:32 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 11-20-2011, 11:29 AM
RE: The New World - by Ferro Cordis - 01-15-2012, 05:01 PM
RE: The New World - by acejt - 01-19-2012, 05:42 AM
RE: The New World - by acejt - 01-20-2012, 01:44 AM