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Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 4 (58)
Yeah. See.

Ep 4 or 58. Featuring Tentacles... I mean Blossomon.

We start with some girl upset over her grades and hoping the ones above her would go away. Cue DMOTW. Now we have Team Xros Heart all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school. Taiki passes to Yuu and pair up choice #1 cheers for the genius. He doesn't catch the ball well and Tagiru gets mad and steals it for a basket. Tagiru won their 31 straight win. Gumdramon is surprised he got it. Ha. Those two argue and chase each other while Yuu is upset over this since Damemon still isn't back yet. And that's Dame Dame. Anyway, the girl from the start finds him then reads how his is like the book in her hand. But before she can take him and rape him both in his mind and in his pants, Taiki shows up to walk with him. And this girl, Miho, disapears.

Now we're in Tagiru's class as he doesn't know an answer but Target Studets 1 and 2 know it. But not Miho. And now the lights go wonky. Target #1 goes up to solve the problem but then gets dried out like squid on a grill. So does Target #2. Everyone but a few are freaking out. Tagiru is not in that group. Miho does the shining glasses thing then leaves the room. Yuu sees this and must be suspicious. And he is as he goes after her. And now two teachers are talking about this. One of these teachers are Taiki's. Now he knows something is wrong. Said teachers are trying to move the kid at the board and Tagiru thinks it's a Digimon. Gumdramon agrees. So he sneaks out to the hall to Time Shift into a bunch of vines. These vines are wrapped around glowing blue version of those two targets. And the vines of course lead out of the class. Yuu's chasing Miho until he hears kids in other classes getting stuck like this. Now he knows she did it. And chases.

Tagiru and Gumdramon chase the vines to find them underground. And here comes Ren. Cut to Yuu having found Miho in the library as she talk a bit crazy and laughs as such. Of course, she did read Yuu like a book so she starts to tell him how he feels. Cut back to, the DigiQuartz as Ren shows off his Toei art collection. ...I mean his Digimon he hunted. He hunts rare Digimon. And the more rare it is, the better he says. And since this one has vines everywhere, he'll let Tagiru have it. He'll even show him where the main body is. With Dracmon. Who then bites the vines. Of course, this makes the Digimon and Miho scream. She then Shifts into the DigiQuartz and Yuu follows.

Now Tagiru finds them and Miho is mad. Now she shows how this is happening, she has Blossomon with her. Or should I say Blossomon has Miho. Ren pops up and Digimon Analyzies that this is a Rare Digimon but it's much too hard for him to get. And now Miho attacks. Eyecatch Ryouma and Psychemon.

Tagiru avoids the attack thanks to Gumdramon And again, but once they try to Super-Evo, they get caught. What can Yuu do with out a Digimon? Have Miho say how he's just like her and start to vine him up. But who's controlling who? Is she controlling the Mon or is the Mon controlling her? It could be just that they're being Symbiotic. Like a Venom/Anti-Venom. While Yuu thinks this won't solve anything, she thinks it will and he's just like her. And she starts to suck something out of him. And of course, much like most any guy, once you start sucking something out of the head, you can get anything out of him. By that of course I mean feelings he didn't want anyone to know he had. Feelings of Jealousy. These are actually more then just feelings. As she now tries to get rid of Tagiru for him because they're the same.

Now a sharp vine. But here comes a Shoutmon Kick! from OmegaShoutmon who kicks them out of the window. Everyone is still tied up though. And it does land on it's... Vines. Of course she's mad since her and Yuu were talking so she then attacks OmegaShoutmon and grabs him too. Now here's the other three. Ren used them as a distraction before he swoops in. Ryouma is happy about that but Airu doesn't think it's cute so she just wants to finish it. But to finish it, they'd have to end up hurting Miho. And Taiki does not like that. But Miho will just suck out everything Yuu has. His jealous heart of course. Yuu doesn't want this and she thought he'd understand her. He does since he is jealous of Tagiru. But he'd never get rid of him. She thinks that's a lie and then sucks more out of him. He tells her the story of the time he and Damemon did a Who's on First routine when they first met. Then he says how he is jealous, he'll have to get through this by himself. Because it's the only thing he can do. She does not believe him but then he starts to glow and what she was sucking out of him starts to make her feel warm. But that makes sense. He did grow a pretty big heart after they got back home.

This warm feeling she got from him reverses what happened to her and she starts to cry and this starts to burn Blossommon. Which cause it to let everyone but her go. Now Yuu has to save her. And everything kicks into high gear. OmegaShoutmon diverts the attacks, which ends up almost hitting the other three and they leave. Now Super Evo Arresterdramon then DigiXros Sagomon. This makes me more frog-like and gives him that staff. And that lets him cut all the vines so he can cut Miho free, have OmegaShoutmon attack it and have Tagiru Hunt Blossomon.

Now back at school, everyone is back to normal and Tagiru still is having trouble with school. Yuu then goes to talk to Miho who can't remember but she really tried on that test. During Basketball, Yuu has 4 girls cheering for him. Including Miho of course. This time Tagiru screws up letting Yuu get the winning shot. Tagiru hurt his nose.

Digimon Intro Corner: Old Man Clockmon intros Blossomon and Taiki Xroses it with Dondokomon to make Dondokossomon. Who hits it's face. Right... Anyway, next ep. Airu wants Cutemon. But she can't have him. Thus, the fight and obviously fan-service-y Super-Evo sequence for Oppossummon.

And yes, I had to make the lines like they sounded. It's almost too obvious not too. It's too obvious to make it any more dirty then I made it though.

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RE: Digimon Xros Wars Young Hunters Episode 4 (58) - by UnknownH - 10-27-2011, 01:36 PM